the title says it all.... hahaha. well, anyway in a few mins....i wanna wish LILY A HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!!!!! hahaha. happy birthday in advanced Lily. so anyway, i didnt do anything much today. i chatted with Mel for a while and she had to go cause she had a soccer match. then i chatted with Lily.... i forced her to update her blog. hahaha. we talked and talked. hahaha. nothing better to do. then i chatted with Jem. she has some....problems.... FEEL BETTER JEM!!! so after that i lurked around the twilight forum... turns out there was a thread for Devin(devymel12) and i because of our birthday. hahaha. i never realised. Devin didnt tell me either..... hahaha. when i went there, there was like so many wishes and i never realised. hahaha. oh and my aunts fought over my twilight book. hahaha. they were like "i wanna borrow it!!!" "no me!!" "LYDIA!!!!!!!" "LYDIA!!!!!!!" hahahaha. i just ran away.... oh well.... it's almost midnight. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY!!!! hahaha.
Up, up, and away!
FISH. I FORGOT THE QUIZES I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO. tagged by ABG SYAHID 9 People To Tag: Jeneva Lily Weiyan Sherry Shafique Rochester Nidia Sharon Benedict QUIZ 1 1. Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your name. Love 2. Who are you missing right now? Jeneva but she's coming back REALLY REALLY SOON!!!! 3. Your ex shows up randomly at your house , what do you say? i dont have an ex but i would say "what the hell was i thinking???" 4. How many bedrooms are in your house? umm...5 5. Is there a reason for your profile song ? i dont have a profile song in my blog. BUT i would use ALTNOY. cause it's Archie's latest single :D 6. Do you hate the last girl you were talking to? the last girl i talked to was Lily and Mel. and i DONT hate them. Mel's my twin!!!! why would i hate her? 7. Who was your last text message from ? Lily. hahaha. 8. What time did you wake up this morning ? 6.40am. i was at my cousin's house 9. If someone liked you right now , would you want them to tell you ? sureeeeee.... 10. Did you mean it when you last said "i love you" ? i said that to my sister. OF COURSE I MEAN IT!! hahaha 11. Is it okay if you kiss people when you're single ? i have no idea.... 12. What is wrong with you now ? my nose is so red that i look like the red nosed raindeer 13. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? i will be 24 then. i dunno.... 14. Would you kiss someone to make your ex bf/gf mad ? come on...i'm not THAT evil. 15. Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"? yeah. if they want to be. you might never know if they really mean it. 16.Do you use T9 , word or abc? T9 17.Do you tell your mum everything? nope. but MOST things 18. Who was the last person you cried in front of ? i forgot. hahaha. i rarely cry 19. Have you told anybody you loved them today? other than my family members, nope. 20.Who can you trust ? my closest friends. and my twin :D QUIZ 2 1. Besides Your Lips, Where Is Your Favourite Spot To Get Kissed? cheek? hahaha 2. How Did You Feel When You Woke Up This Morning? so tired....i wanna go back to sleep 3. Who Was The Last Person You Took A Picture Of? my cousins and i 4. Would You Consider Yourself To Be Spoiled? kinda 5. Would You Ever Donate Blood? umm...honestly? only if it's for someone i love. hehehe. 6. Have You Ever Had A Best Friend Who Was Of The Opposite Sex? yeah... 7. Do You Want Someone Dead? nope 8. What Does Your Last Text Message Says? from Lily "A GIRL WITH SANTA'S TUMMY!!! BAHAHAHA!!!" hahaha. inside joke. 9. What Are You Thinking Right Now? TWILIGHT. hahaha. and SLEEP 10. Do You Wish Someone Was With You Right Now? yeah. 11. What Time Did You Go To Sleep Last Night? 11 something cause i went swimming and tennis and i got SO tired 12. Where Did You Buy The Shirt You're Wearing Now? umm....i forgot. it's an old shirt 13. Is Someone On Your Mind Right Now? YEAH!!! ROB AND TAYLOR FROM TWILIGHT. 14. Who Was The Last Person To Text You? LILY!!! The 9 people you just tagged: Jeneva Lily Weiyan Sherry Shafique Rochester Nidia Sharon Benedict 15.Who Is The Number 2 Having A Relationship With? she's single. i think. hahaha. 16. Is 3 A Male Or A Female? Female 17. What Is Number 1 Studying About? in sec 3, pure science, a math, geog and the other normal subjucts 18. When Was The Last Time You Had A Chat With Them? hmm... number 1 was on my birthday which was 6 days ago number 2 was just a few mins ago number 3 was just now and the rest...a long time ago. 19. Is Number 4 Single? i think so? 20.Say Something About Number 2. HUGE FAN OF ARCHIE!!! 21. What Do You Think About Number 3 And 6 Being Together? they dont know each other. hahaha 22.Describe Number 9. uh...smart. hahaha 23. What Will You Do If Number 6 And 7 Fights? umm...i dunno... QUIZ 3 1. What’s your nickname? Lyd. hahaha 2. How old are you? 14 2. How old are you? 22 dec 4. What’s your special skill? i have no idea 5. What’s your horoscope? capricorn 6. Who pass this survey to you? Abg Syahid 7. He’s your….? cousin 8. What you wanna talk to him/her? i just talked to him just now. hahaha. 9. What you think about him/her? if i say anything bad, i'm DEAD 10. When you know him/her? since the day i was born. hahaha 11. How’s his attitude? irritating sometimes but still awesome 12. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? pfft no. 13. If one day , your lover tells you that he/she loves you too , how will you do ? i dunno.... 14. Are you well-being now? yup 15. Why god give you courage ? to face challenges. DUH 16. Who’s the people that you like ? my family, friends and my twin. :D 17. Which color you like most ? BLUE. black and grey too now adays. 18. God give you 4 wishes: 1) good o level results 2) longer holiday 3) longer lives for my family and friends 4) MEET ARCHIE AND TWILIGHT ACTORS.....hehehe AND I AM DONE. and it's 4am. AWW CRAP!!!!
Up, up, and away!
I'M BACK FROM MY COUSIN'S HOUSE!!!! YAY!!! hahaha. IT.WAS.FUN. at first i couldnt go but then my mum changed her mind. so my uncle fetched me at about 6.30 reached there around 7. we didnt do much... when i reached there, we ate dinner... and then both my cousins had taekwondo so the four of us, Naqea, Dhafer,(the two who has taekwondo), Abg Syahid and i walked to one of the flats around the area and we had to wait for their class to end which takes 1 and a half hours or 2 hours. depending on their trainer's mood. it took 1hour 45 mins. hahaha. while waiting for them, Abg Syahid and i played at the playground there.... there was this mini swing that was wet cause it just rained. the both of us were like "so who wants to sacrifice your butt." "my butt stays clean and dry. you're the older one. you're suppose to give in!!" "my butt is not going to get wet." but he did it in the end. hehehe. THANK YOU. we listned to the radio...top 20 on 98.7 i was like ""crush crush crush crush" hahaha then we heard the muttons talking about Katy Perry she wants to name her concert hello katy. we were like "HELLO KATY????" at almost the same time. hahaha. "what the hell? she wants to name her concert after hello kitty. -_-'' " hahahaha. anyway...we went back home and planned the next day. i didnt sleep till 2 am. and we woke up at 6.15am we ate breakfeast. it was oatmeal and tea. Abg Syahid doesnt eat oat meal and he took like 3 super tiny scoops. i laughed like crap cause he was so funny. i keep teasing him to eat but he doesnt like it. hahaha. the my aunt talked to him. "if you dont eat oatmeal then what do you eat??" "roti kahwin"(roti means bread, kahwin means marriage) "roti what??" "it's bread with kaya on one side and butter on the other*takes a piece of bread and spreads only kaya*" "i thought you said you want roti kahwin? then what is this? roti single?" hahaha. my other cousins, my aunt and i made fun of him the whole day. hahaha. we didnt go back to sleep cause we went to the swimming complex to swim. it's like a mini version of wild wild wet. it.was.fun. we played on the sildes. it was so high but so fun at the same time. hehehe. Abg Syahid didnt go on the slides. he was too afraid....HAHAHA while my two cousins played on the slides, Abg Syahid went to sun tan and he dragged me along. ugh. now i have sun burns. THANKS ABG SYAHID, THANKS. we went to Mad Jack to eat next. Abg Syahid ordered peppermint tea and he thought it was the iced one. but turns out, it normal tea. the rest of used laughed so hard at his expression!!! when we went home, we relaxed for about 1 hour. then we went to play tennis!!! IT WAS SO FUN AND AWESOME!!! hahaha. there were a few matches. Abg Syahid played against Dhafer who's only 8 and Abg Syahid won. here are pictures.  then i played against him. i won, hahaha. after that, i played against Dhafer and i won again. and i played against Naqea. i won. i mean they're younger than me so.... it not exactly fair..... hahaha. here's Abg Syahid
 and here i am!!!  we stopped playing at 3.30.... and we went home. Abg Syahid was like "SWIMMING SWIMMING SWIMMING" hahahaha!!! he kept bugging me. "Lydia!!! go change!!! time for swimming!!! LYDIA!!! GO NOW!!! LYDIA!!!! LYDIA LYDIA LYDIA LYDIA!!!!!!!" hahaha. i kept hitting him for that. so in the end, from 4-5, we went swimming....again. my cousins live in this private house so there are a few HUGE swimming pools just for residents. only about 5 people were swimming. the four of us swam and swam till 5 o'clock. then we went to the Jacuzzi!!! Abg Syahid and i RAN there!!! we have been chanting "JACUZZI JACUZZI JACUZZI" since we arrieved ESPECIALLY ABG SYAHID. Abg Syahid was irritating me the whole time by either playing with me hair, splashing water at me or sticking his legs up in the air and "accidentally" kicking me. i swear if i lost control, i would be the one kicking him. from 5-6 we relaxed in the jacuzzi. and from 6-7 we swam again. hahaha. here are pictures!!! i dont have much pictures BUT my aunt will be email-ing me more since we used her camera to take pics. she has that camera photograpers used. it looks like the one Jeneva has. anyway.... at night, we were SO TIRED. we ate dinner and french fries. then THERE WAS A PLATE OF OATMEAL LEFT. we LAUGHED so hard!!! hahaha. Abg Syahid was like "Lydia, it's calling you. 'eat me' " and i told him "it's calling YOU. you didnt eat oatmeal just now" hahaha. we were so tired that after watching tv, we went to sleep. heheheh. we woke up at 6.40 and didnt go back to sleep. Dhafer said "Abg Syahid kept saying SWIMMING SWIMMING SWIMMING when he was asleep." hahaha. i know that's not true. i didnt hear anything at night. so in the morning, we had NOTHING to do. so what did Abg Syahid do? draw on the white board. my aunt called it "world cousins day" since my cousins are from London. *COUGH* Rob's country *COUGH* hahaha. influenced by MEL.  at first he wrote "i am LYDIA fierce." but then he rememberd the clown thingy.
 we watched MTV and suddenly, AN INTERVIEW WITH ROB CAME OUT. I RAN TO THE TV SCREEN. AND THEN KRISTEN!!!! I COULD FEEL ABG SYAHID SIT UP AND HE SAID "LYDIA. MOVE!! I CANT SEE THE TV!!!" AND THEN AFTER A WHILE, ROB CAME OUT AGAIN. I KEPT FREAKING OUT!!!!! hahaha. Abg Syahid was like "COME ON!!! ALICIA KEYS!!! LEONA LEWIS!!!! COME ON!!!!" hahaha. then "if i were a boy" came out. we all started singing to it. Ag Syahid kept singing "if i were a boy...." "dude, YOU ARE A BOY" "then....I AM A BOY....." hahaha. he started changing the lyrics. hahahaha. it's 3.12 am now and i gotta go back to sleep. here's one last pic for now. there's Abg Syahid, Dhafer, Naqea and i!!! 
Up, up, and away!
hahaha. it's been a long time since i blogged. that's cause i was too busy with my cousins and i was reading.... hey i bought 5 books and my mum told my i can only buy the next book in the series if i finish reading those books. she and i made a bet. i told her i would finish reading at least three books before next year. she thought she would win till i told her this morning "hey mum. i finished my 3rd book....so when are wew going to borders again??" hahaha. she was like "WHAT??? YOU FINISHED??? I'M ONLY AT CHAPTER 16 IN THE BOOK I BOUGHT AND YOU FINISHED THREE????" hahaha. i laughed so hard because her facial expressions are so funny... okay.... i found out that my dad would be overseas till next year. ugh. he's been going overseas for years since before i was born. ugh ugh ugh. if only he could just stay put in Singapore.... oh well... anyway, yesterday, christmas day, i went to my cousin's house. i got torchured there. my cousin call me the clown -_____-'' dont ask. i have no idea what makes them laugh. i just say something stupid and they laugh. -____-'' actually i was supposed to go to my grandaunt's house. she's only 40 something and she's my grandmum's youngest sis. she's like the owner of marks and spencer or somehting like that and her house is HUGE. every christmas, we go there... but this year my grandmum said "never mind la..." i missed going there. the last time i went there was 2 years ago. she has this HUGE swiming pool and there's this area where you can dip your legs in. so AWESOME.... but i went to my couisn's house instead. hahaha. they convinced me to sleep at my cousin's home since there's a swimming pool there and my cousin *COUGH* abg Syahid *COUGH* cant wait to go swimming... i begged my mum but she wont let me go. so i talked to my cousin "she wont let me go!!!" "but it wont be fun without the clown!!!" "dude. STOP CALLING ME CLOWN!!" hahaha. they didnt listen... anyway... both my cousins have been calling me since just now morning begging me to come. (SHE SAID YES. SO NOW STOP BUGGING ME!!!) my mum said yes in the end. one of my cousins screamed over the phone. thought i was going to go deaf. hahaha. anyway.... i chatted with my older cousin who's gonna sleep over too. he said "JACUZZI!!!" "CRAP!!! I FORGOT ABOUT THE JACUZZI!!!!" "CALL HER!!! ASKE HER TO BOOK THE JACUZZI!!!" "JACUZZI!!!!" hahaha. we were freaking out. i'm coming back on the 28th so i wont be blogging until then... oh well.
Up, up, and away!
YAY!!! IT'S FINALLY THE 22ND!!!! hahaha. my mum and sis made me stay up till after midnight even when i was DEAD TIRED.... i almost fell asleep when they were doind the count down. hahaha. it went lik this... "5...4...3...2...1!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" "WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT HAPPENED???" "IT'S MIDNIGHT!!!" "AWWW CRAP!!!! i got older!!!" hahaha. OH!! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEN LONG HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVYMEL!!!(twilight forum) hahaha. thanks: Jen, Lily, Mel, Shafiq, Jem, Jasmine, Kaori, Fatin, Abg Syahid, my other family members and all the other people. :) hahaha. i read my cousin's blog and guess what. he wrote "i think she likes that Shafiq guy" dont believe him. he thinks i'm a les -_-'' so he's obviously lying about that to. (and if ANYONE ever brings this up, i will kill you. seriously.) sooo....i went to meet Ras in the morning cause he owes me 20 bucks. he said meet at 10.30 and he rushed and got there at 10.05 -_-'' then I had to rush there... i missed the *BEEP BEEP* bus so i hadto wait till the ot one came. in the end, he only returned me 10 bucks cause he wanted to use the other 10 to buy something *COUGH COUGH*....*whistles and walks away* hahaha anyway.... i went out with my mum and sis. we went to parkway parade cause i REALLY wanna go to borders. my sis complained "you bought 5 books yesterday and you want to buy MORE??" hahaha. i was searching for the next book cause the book i bought was a series kinda book. we went to Perlin's Silver. and my mum bought me two nekleces cause they were dang cheep. we also had like 15 percent off. even cheeper. then i saw my sister eyeing at this heart shaped necklace. i bought it in the end and gave it to her as a birthday gift. hehehe. then, we went to mark's and spencers and othershops.... OH! and Jasmine called me. she said "LYDIA!!" "uh...hi?? yeah why are you..." "I WATCHED TWILIGHT!!!!" "WHAT?? WHERE??" "BUGIS!!" "THAT'S AWESOME!!!" "OH WAIT!! I FORGOT WHY I CALLED YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! AGAIN!!!" hahaha. Jas was so happy that she forgot why she called. hahaha. anyway....i got a few presents!!! hahaha. my aunt, grand aunt and grandparents gave me 200, my cousin gave a necklace from Perlin's silver so i have 3 altogether. hahaha my other cousin gave me a BLUE bag. hehehe. it's BLUE... and another cousin gave me one of those buliding things that i like... umm...parents gave...loads of stuff actually... Jem gave me three buttons. one said "i was the one your mother warned you about". "did you just fart or do you always smell that way" and "watch out for the idiot behind me." hahaha. Jasmine got me a personalised mug and i LOVE IT... Fatin got me a nike water bottle and a guess t shirt.(it looks AWESOME) OH AND MY PARENTS GAVE MY SISTER A CAMERA. A PINK ONE WHEN I SAW THE THING...I WAS LIKE "WTH. SHE'S ONLY IN PRI 4 NEXT YEAR!!!! SHE HAS NO IDEA HOW TO EVEN TURN ON THE CAMERA!!!!" my parents said it's okay... hahaha anyway....i'm chatting with Mel now...we're working on that story thingy... hahaha. later i have religious class and MY YOUNGER COUSINS ARE COMING!! NO!!!! YESTERDAY THEY TRASHED MY ROOM. IT LOOKED LIKE A TORNADO HIT IT!!! THEN I THINK THEY FARTED OR THEIR SOCKS STINK TO MUCH THAT NOW MY ROOM STINKS!!!! oh.my.God... anyway...Mel wisuhed me happy birthday and she said.. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!.....so did you wish for Edward Cullen???" "hahaha what???" "come on...at least wish for Robert Pattinson....." hahaha. Mel, Mel, Mel.... OH i bought this book called "the art of french kissing" and my aunt adn mum thought it was a VERY DIRTY BOOK. i keep telling them that it's about this woman who's life has gone down hill and when she went to Paris, everything changed... but do they listen?? NO....
hahaha. anyway, i gotta go now. i'm gonna cut the cake!!! hahaha
Up, up, and away!
i went to swensens again today for Natasha's birthday. I met up with Kaori, Jasmine, Shafiq, Fatin and Jem.
it was so fun. we went inside the room we booked to order and we all bought either fish and chips or breaded chicken. the only odd one out was Kaori cause she got something else.
hahaha Jasmine was trying to cut her chicken when she said Jas: this knife very crappy you kknow why? cause you cant even cut the chicken properly Jem: that's cause you're holding it the wrong way. hahaha we laughed so loudly...
Jas: i'm a master at fine dining. me: yeah, the master cant even hold the knife properly. hahaha. we made LOADS of jokes and we laughed like mad people. we were the loudest there. me: i think we're going to get banned from swensens too. Jas: yeah. first pizza hut and now swensens. they sent out flyers already "BEWARE OF THESE TEENS. CAUTION: THEY MADE LOADS OF NOISE AND LAUGH TOO LOUDLY." hahaha. then we got chocolate fondue. we actually wanted one but my parents bought two instead. it was sooo nice..... Kaori, Shafiq and i shared one and we mixed all the ice cream together. at first it looked disgusting and then when we tasted it, it was sooo nice!!! hahaha. Jasmine was disgusted though lol. then....it was time for CAKE!!! there were two cakes. at first we sang for my sister and then my dad told everyone to sing for me. -_-'' the cakes were HUGE. BOTH CAKES WERE HUGE. AND IT TASTED AWESOME TOO!!! hahaha i ate the most cake between the 6 of us. hahaha. oh and here are pictures!!!        
hahaha. so many candles on my cake... Natasha'a cake was in the shape of the number nine. mine was just square. hahaha. so after that, we went to wheelock place to go to borders. i bought like 5 books. lol.and i'm still searching for another book. what can i say? i love reading. hahaha. so i went home....and opened my presents.... I LOVE THEM!!! THANKS GUYS!!!! hahaha. i LOVE Jasmine's gift. and my cousin's. my cousins got me a necklace. it's awesome. hahaha. and it's not even my birthday yet. lol. anyway....my plans for tmr... WATCH TWILIGHT WITH LILY!!!!! yay!!! hahaha. i'll blog again at midnight...my birthday!!!
Up, up, and away!
firstly, i wanna wish my sister HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY!!! you maybe irritating but you're still my sister... anyway, yesterday i stayed up till 2. my sister was screaming around the house "10 MORE MINS!!!!" *10 mins later....* "KAKAK!!! GET YOUR BUTT HERE!!!! COUNTDOWN!!!" "-___-'' " "HURRY!!!!" "FINE!!! I'M COMING!!!" "5, 4, 3, 2, 1....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!" hahaha. she was soooo happy. NEXT YEAR TWO DIGIT!!!! HA!! anyway, she was jumping up and down and all around. hahaha. she did all sorts of stuff yesterday. so i used com and went to sleep.... but when i woke up THANKS TO JASMINE who called me at 8 something... my voice was still sore qnd squeak-y in the morning and Fatin wanted me to talk to her grandmum so that she can come to the airport today. so i talked and her grandmum sounded so worried because of something Fatin did.... and after MUCH persuation, Fatin can come!! hahaha. i'm going there in 3 hours time... i'll reach the airport at about 1.45? hahaha actually we booked the place at 3. but my dad said "i know some people would be late, so be there by 2.30" hahaha. it's like he KNOWS..... anyway, i have nothing better to do now... than to blog... i'll post again later about what happened omg...i cant believe tmr is my birthday!!! hahaha. gosh... tmr i have no plans... io thought of watching twilight again. hehehe. but i need to find people.....*cough* KAORI *cough* i dont wanna be stuck at home tmr. ugh. dad's working. i think he's going overseas....again.... he said that he promised to be back by 8 or later... he said "so you wanna watch yes man?" "but i have religious class..." "skip the class!!" "but mum will scream her head off!!!" i cant believe my dad wants me to skip class....the class when my UNCLE IS THE TEACHER...... hahaha. i dont even know what's going to happen tmr....
Up, up, and away!
well....i'm back!!! hahaha. went to Swensens...AGAIN. WTF. it's like my 6th time this week. then tmr going again. my mum and i are getting tired of going there. actually we were supposed to got to sembawang there but it was closed. so my dad went "let's go to swensens" and my mum and i were like "WHAT?!?!?!*looks at each other* WE WENT THERE YESTERDAY!!! AND 5 DAYS BEFORE THAT!!!" but my grandparents were there. now i'm waiting for Mel to come online.... she's randomly went "hey i wanna write a story." and i told her i have something in mind and she said "cool. it can be the Mel and Lydia story!!!" hahaha. i still cant believe she's going to be 18 next year in about 2 months. lol. Mel, Mel, Mel... anyway...in half and hour, it will be my sister's birthday. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATASHA!!!! and in 24 hours and half and hour, it will be MY birthday. lol OH!! and at swensens just now, Natasha spotted my cake and she was like "KAKAK!!! I SEE YOUR CAKE!!! HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY LYDIA MAZLINA!!!! KAKAK!!!!" aww man....she was practically screaming....i have no idea where to hide.... and then she said "WHERE'S MY CAKE?!?!?! oh i know...it's bigger than yours so it will come later *big smile on face*" hahaha. my parents wanted it to be a surprise but i saw the recipt. my cake in a 2kg chocolate cake and my sister's is a 3kg chocolate cake. aww mann....so much for "i-want-a-small-cake-this-year".... anyway...Mel's going online so i gotta go....
Up, up, and away!
okay i'm feeling really bored.... my sister woke me up in the morning cause my aunt wanted to talk to me. my cousin got into Bowen Sec!! CONGRATES!! hahaha. anyway, my cousin got into the 1st class but her mum wants to transfer her to Nan Chau(i THINK that's how you spell it)....stress MUCH. hahaha. anyway, her mum asked me if it's a good idea to transfer her, and other stuff... i dont mind what school she goes to, s long as she's happy cause she's the "sensitive" kinda type. lol. so i didnt do anything but used the com.... but after that i followed my aunt to her friend's wedding....BORING after that, computer again. i chatted with my sis(-_-''. i know. lame since she's in the other room but since it's her birthday tmr i wanted to make her happy.) and i chatted with Abg Syahid. (OI!!! EVEN IF YOU LEFT THE GAME, I STILL WON THE BET!!!) and i chatted with Jem and Carl. Carl's in the Phils too. he's coming back on the 26th. Jem and i told him EVERYTHING. even the people with funny names and they guy with the "mole the size of Singapore." QUOTE FROM JASMINE. hahaha. she's dang funny la. with her stupid jokes. anyway, i chatted with Mel for a while cause she really wanted to tell me something. after that she went offline cause she was going to a dinner+supper thingy. hahaha. we planned to chat again later. she was like "i MUST bring my twilight book cause i know it WILL be boring later." hahaha. Mel, Mel, Mel...tsk tsk tsk.... so that's today. i'm going to my grandparent's house later and we're going out to eat. i'm listening to the twilight soundtrack. to Rob Pattinson's song... he sounds like some country singer. but it's still nice. hahaha. in the first min he played the guitar.... it's soooooo nice...... the singing came ALOT later. hahaha. if i'm not wrong, he also worte something on the piano for the movie. IT'S SO NICE. but the *BEEP BEEP* producers didnt want to use it. ugh. the one they used was SO MUCH WORSE. the one he wrote was NICER. WAY NICER. and now the *BEEP BEEP* Summit wanna replace Taylor Lautner as Jacob with some *BEEP BEEP* guy who cant even act. ugh. Taylor adn his agent are fighting to keep his job as Jacob in the next movie. UGH. the people at the forum are like "Dear Summit. i hate you. you just ruined the 2nd movie. you changed the director too. ugh. i hate you" i cant believe they fired the director. UGH.
Up, up, and away!
weeeelllll, yesterday i was really busy. went to school in the morning and finished at 5. actually i finished at 8 but Mrs Tan asked as to help. so we waited...and waited...and waited for her till 3 turns out, we had to change the classes. 1A is now 1C and 1E is 1H etc. we had to cancel out the teacher's name and the class and re-write everything. sooo many peices of paper..... but Kaori did the most out of all of us. Jasmine and I spilt our half. Kaori did her part alone.... Fatin went to get us drinks and Jem went home early. so the four of us were left...and we decided to go into the AVA to use the piano and Fatin and Jasmine wanted the aircon. Kaori and i used the piano while Jasmine and Fatin did thier own stuff. Kaori's really good!! hahaha anyway, after that, Mrs Tan saw us and we did more work..... ugh. but when i got home, i went straight to sleep. i woke up at 9 and found out i was alone in the house. so i used the com and i chatted with Mel. Mel wants to write her own story and asked me to help. so out of God knows how many hours of chatting, we came up with only two names. -_-'' hahaha. anyway, we were crapping around making super random jokes for like 2 hours until she rememberd the story -_-'' so we came up with "Skylar Roberts" (IT'S SKYLAR HEARTMEN!!! sorry Mel!!! hhaaha)and "Lavender Anna Lovette" or something like that. hahaha it was really random. then we played around coming up with random cheesy lines... hahaha. i went to sleep at 2. and i had school at 7. smart right? only like 4 hours of sleep. -_-'' ugh. anyway, i reached school ON THE DOT. hahaha. so i did duty... AND I SAW MY PRI SCHOOL MALAY TEACHER WHO IS MY SISTER'S CURRENT TEACHER her child is now my junior. and my ex classmate's bro is my junior now too. and this *BEEP BEEP* girl who's sooo...ugh...attitude problem...is now in SPF. ugh. i used to go into the same school bus as her. UGH. SHE HAS AN ATTITUDE PROBLEM.... so after that, Jasmine, Kaori, Fatin, Jem and i saw Ms Tan and we got REALLY RANDOM AND TALKED ABOUT SPONGEBOB!!!! ms Tan said "my favourite is Sandy" and then Jasmine said "i like the guy with the big nose. squidward something... the guy who cant shut his nose...." and then Ms Tan said "i like plankton. he's so small...." and Jasmine was like "i LOVE gary. he can only say one word. MEOW." hahaha Ras came back to SPF and Jasmine was making fun of him all day. Jas went to every single junior we had who learned chinese and Jas was like "eh, how you say 'you're a big idiot'" and i think it was too complecated for her or something like that and she asked something else. hahaha. she was so funny trying to pronounce the words.... anyway, Fatin's grandmum cooked for us and it was DELICIOUS!!! hahaha THANK YOU FATIN!!! so after we ate, i went back home cause i needed to cut my hair. i ended up spending three hours there -_-'' after that, i wanted to go to borders to get a few books but my sister was hungry so my parents took us to swensens....again.... AND I SAW LILY!! hahaha. we were msg each other when we were only afew seats away. we randomly talked about making a knot out of a cherry with your tongue. hahaha and when we got out of swensens, the guy said "see you sunday!!!" (the people who are coming on Sunday, DONT BE LATE.) (and abg Syahid....if you prank me on that day, you watch out i tell you....) i'm chatting with Mel now about twilight stuff. hehehe well i think that's it.
Up, up, and away!
I FINALLY BOUGHT THE SOUNDTRACK!!!! AFTER GOD KNOWS HOW LONG, IT'S FINALLY IN SINGAPORE!!!! i got the 2nd last piece and my friend got the last piece. we were FREAKING OUT like a bunch of crazy people ANYWAYYY... i watched TWILIGHT again!! hahaha. it was so fun and we actually made the movie funny cause Shafiq was thinking DIRTY stuff... but Jem and i finally agreed that the two funniest people in the movie was Bella's parents Charlie Swan and Renee Bella and her mum are so funny "how's Forks?" "it's great, it's awsome" "does a boy have anything to do with it??" "mum..uh umm...yeah..." "GASP is he a jock? is he cute?" "mum, i gotta go" "WHAT?!?! Bella!! we gotta talk boys!!!" "mum, i really gotta go!!" "wait BELLA!! ARE YOU SAFE?? BELLA BELLA!!!" BAHAHAHAHAHAHA WE LAUGHED SO HARD AT THE "ARE YOU SAFE" PART!!! the pure people dont get it like Shikin but the rest of us LAUGHED SO HARD. i heard this girl behind me ask what it ment, and the other girl beside her was like "are you safe? meaning you got wear THAT THING during THAT TIME or not" hahaha
after that i really didnt do anything. dad got someone to install itunes and msn. FINALLY. so i'm talking to Abg Syahid and Mel right now.... oh and Twilight was in the newspaper...hehehe
Up, up, and away!
okay i have about 15 mins to post before i go off. I'M WATCHING TWILIGHT AGAIN!!! WHOOTS!!! and I FOUND THE SOUNDTRACK!!! BUT IT'S SOLD OUT!! WTF!!!! anyway..... yesterday we went to swensens again to eat and to book the room inside. my parents book 30 people. O_O but it's on my sister's birthday since it's on a sunday and mine in on a monday. we ordered cake too. my sister's cake is chocolate and in a shape of the number nine mine is chocolate and....round.... anyway, after that we went to send my cousin home(p.s Lily, stop bugging me and abg Syahid, stop playing pranks on me. MTVAsia. HA.HA.HA.) and his baby cousin was there. so cuteeee!!!!! hahaha i FINALLY chatted with Lily but my IRRITATING cousin went to post "i'm a les" -_-'' dude seriously, get better stuff. i wont type that. and we were fighting over the key board and Lily had no idea what was going on until i told here he was here. ANYWAY..... i joined this twilight contest and the prizes are twilight stuff. Win Twilight Movie Hampers! Prize: - Pioneer DVD recorder (HD-250G) worth $750- 1 Twilight 4 feet x 7 feet Standee + 1 Twilight goodie bag - 10 Twilight goodie bags as consolation (4 sets of character notepads, 1 Twilight mug, 1 set of Twilight poster) i REALLY REALLY wanna win it....not the DVD recorder but the other prize. hahaha looks like i'm going to watch twilight 4 times. i just watched one with my cousin, one now, one with Jen and Lily and maybe again with Sherry. lol. i LOVE twilight. okay now i'm off to WATCH TWILIGHT AGAIN!!!! Labels: TWILIGHT. AGAIN
Up, up, and away!
HERE ARE PICTURES         hahaha guess what!! my cousin lost his slippers!! ahahahaha he left them outside cause my mum said that nobody would steal his shoes amd then... they were gone... so he had to use my dad's shoes. hahaha they were VERY oily. i think my dad used them to go on those ships and that's why they are oily. hahaha okay so today my mum, my sis, my cousin and i went to Tampines Mall and ate at pizza hut. and we went to search for my cousins's new shoes... after doing stuff, we went home.... my cousin used the com for GOD knows how long i cant even use it. so now i FINALLY HAVE THE COM BACK!! we're going out for dinner again later.... oh my mum was trying to say "toilet light" but she said it so fast that she said "twilight" i FREAKED OUT. HEART ATTACK. I THOUGHT DUNNO WHAT TRAILER CAME OUT ON TV OR SOMETHING. everybody was laughing at my twilight moment.... OH OH OH!!! AND TWILIGHT IS IN NEW PAPER TODAY!!!! i saw this man reading new paper and it was on the front page!!! i freaked out and ran to buy the news paper. it's about the chemistry between Kristen and Rob and interviews with Ashley and Jackson. dang...i still have to get life story....i cant find it!!! now my sis, my cousin and i are watching the price is right. yes we are THAT bored... but the show is okay i guess... i saw Archie at TRL just now... freaked out as usual... hahaha 20 hours and 20 mins till 4.10 tmr... come on.... come on... come on.... Labels: ARCHIE, TRL, TWILIGHT
Up, up, and away!
so i FINALLY have a twilight skin and a tag board!! THANK YOU COUSIN!!!! hahaha.
i slept at 3.30 yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and....well you get the idea... weeeeellllll, my cousin and i wanna wait to call Soo on the radio cause the Muttons are so *BEEP BEEP* hard to get... and he's beside me right now watching tv...and reading everything i type..... and my irritating sister is also here....gosh.... i told him, that once i watched twilight, i cant sleep for 2 days....and i seriously cant sleep. TWILIGHT IS CONSTANTLY ON MY MIND.... a movie with HOT guys, GREAT suspense, made my cousin jump randomly because of the suspense.... t's AWSOME...
  -THUDDD- OH!!! my sister just looked at my pictures and she saw this she said "he looks like he needs to pee" "he's laughing!!!" "who pee-s whle laughing???" "NOBODY!!!" "THEN WHAT IS HE DOING?!?!?!" "NOT PEE-ING!!!" "WHAT?!?!?! HE'S HOLING IT IN???" I LAUGHED SO HARD.... hahahaha okay i have nothing better to do right now.... just watching tv with my sis and cousin... COME ON!!!! 17TH!!! I WANNA WATCH TWILIGHT!!! GOSH!!!!
Up, up, and away!
LILY tagged me!!! RULE #1: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. RULE #2: Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continuing this game by sending it to other people.1. Do you have secrets? Pfft, who doesnt?? 2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you? honestly i have no idea.... 3. Do you enjoy going to school? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! IT'S LIVING HELL.... 4. What would you do with a billion dollars? I WOULD FLY TO UTAH AND MEET ARCHIE!!! THEN I'LL GO TO HOLLYWOOD AND MEET THE TWILIGHT ACTORS!!!! and then i'll go shopping :) 5. Will you fall in love with your best friend? Depends....on what kind of guy it is.... 6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? umm...being loved?? 7. List out any of your most favourite artist: David Archuleta and Taylor Swift 8. What is your favourite food? anything western...it's AWSOME.... 9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? anything related to twilight...but for now, watching twilight...LEGALY.... 10. What makes you angry? right now? my OLDER cousin and my sister are teaming up and irritating the crap out of me. 11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time? when i'm 24, i imagine myself....uh...i have no idea. i think with a great job :) 12. Who is currently the most important people to you? My family and my friends 13. What are the most important things in life? i just want to live my life, be happy, do what i wanna do. 14. Single or attached? Single. my parents will SKIN me alive 15. What are your favourite colours? BLUE, BLUE AND BLUE. and now, grey...i have no idea why 16. Would you give all in a relationship? if it's worth it. i mean, it depends...on the other guy....i would ask for advice... 17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? uh.....THE ONE WHO LOOKS LIKE ARCHIE...okay seriously, the one who makes me laugh and keeps me happy. 18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done? hmm...quote my grandfather "it's easier to forgive but it's hard to forget" 19.What do you really want now? TO MEET DAVID ARCHULETA AND THE STARTS OF TWILIGHT....IT WOULD BE HEAVEN!!! 20. Five people that I've tagged: Abg Syahid, Weiyan, Sherry, Shafique and...uh...Atiqah!!! Labels: tagged
Up, up, and away!
OH.MY.GOD. I CANT BELIEVE I FINALLY WATCHED TWILIGHT!!! GOSH!!!! after waiting for a very*BEEP BEEP* long time, i finally watched it!!! OMG. HA! MEL!!! NOW I KNOW WHAT HAPPENDS!!!! i watched with my cousin, well, actually i kinda forced him cause he was NOT interested in the movie AT ALL.... i went to his house at 5 and reached TM at 5.30 and the movie was 6.50 -_-'' so we walked around like a couple of idiots, walking here, walking there.... actually we wanna wait to eat popcorn but i cant take it anymore!!!! so we went to MC to eat.... hehehehe.... THE CINEMA WAS *BEEP BEEP* FULL!!!
AND THEN WE WATCHED IT. OH.MY.GOD. IT.WAS.AWSOME. OH MY GOSH.... WHEN BELLA CAME IN....i tell ya, my cousin cant stop asking about her.... and when EDWARD CAME IN....GOSH!!! THE WHOLE *BEEP BEEP* CINEMA BECAME NOISY!!!! I heard "OMG HE'S SO HOT" and "OMG HERE HE COMES" and "WHO THE HELL IS HE???"(obviously the guys....) and my cousin beside me was like "eh, eh, is this him? is this Edward?? or is it the other guy..." BUT STILLLLLLL... THE.MOVIE.WAS.GREAT. IT'S WORTH WATCHING OVER AND OVER AGAIN even if it's not as AWSOME as the book, it's still worth it... i LOVED the meadow scene...it's so...so...so...WOW. YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO WATCH IT!!! my cousin kept asking me "hey hey, any suspense??" and the BOOM, Edward and Emmett...uh WATCH THE MOVIE!!!! dude, EVEN MY COUSIN SAID IT WAS AWSOME. HE SAID IT WAS GREAT. after that... we went to swensens to eat. hahaha it was great and my cousin, he ordered fish baked rice and they gave him chicken baked rice. so after one hour..... my father : can we get the fish baked rice NOW. Jimmy(the guy taking our orders): what's wrong my dad: we asked for fish baked rice and they gave us..uh...this chicken rice the rest of us at the table : CHICKEN RICE?!?!?! Jimmy: uh...huh...okay....*walks away* me: HOW DID FISH BAKED RICE END UP WITH CHICKEN RICE?!?!?! hahaah. it was FUN. so when we reached home, my cousin and i watched mtv(cause Archie and decode were in there) till 3 am and we slept at 3.30 in the morning, he had to CALL me(cause i locked the door) to wake me up. stupid vibration.... so the first thing we did was watch MTV and THERE WAS EDWARD AND BELLA'S FACE..... I FREAKED OUT OF COURSE!!! hahaha. then we went out and when we came back, MTV again and THERE WAS ROB IN TRL. pfft, i freaked out again la!!!
Up, up, and away!
gosh! it's been such a long time since i posted. well i have been very busy. i went to school and to the hospital EVERYDAY. i tell you, i'm getting SICK AND TIRED of that bloody hospital. anyway, i wanna wish FATIN a very happy 14th birthday. Kaori, Shafiq, Jia En, Shikin and i shared her gift. we bought 2 mugs. one was purple which said "loving every moment that we share" and the other yellow one said "you are the music in me". we thought iw was meaningfull so we bought it. then on her birthday, 12 people, herself, Kaori, Jasmine, Carl, Jem, Zakie, Mahesh, Shikin, Haziq and i went to vivo. IT WAS AWSOME!!! we all splashed water at Fatin, SHE WAS ALL WET!!! AND SO WAS KAORI!! hahahaha. then, we watched wild child. it was so good!! and the guy in it was kinda hot too :) hehehe. so now, Jasmine, Jem, Kaori, Fatin and i have a thing. we would always say "WHO ARE WE!!!" like in the movie. it was so funny. we kept saying it so much that we had no idea where we were going and i suddenly screamed "WHERE ARE WE????" hahaha. turns out, we were OUTSIDE vivo. stupid. hahaha. when we went up the movie theater, we SAW THIS HUGE TWILIGHT POSTER!!!! JASMINE, JEM AND I RAN. WE WERE MAD!! JEM KISSED THE POSTER, JASMINE SCREAMED, I JUMPED. AND KAORI CAUGHT IT ON TAPE!!!!! hahaha and then, the trailer came out!!!! the three of us JUMPED IN OUR SEATS AND THE PEOPLE AROUND US WERE SHUSHING US AND SAID "what the HECK?!?!?!" hahaha gosh. then we went to the shallow pool and we saw this celebrity, i think his name was Hairul Anwar or something like that la. FATIN WENT MAD. and in the end, we took a group photo with him and we wanted to leave until, the camera guy was like "eh come back!! i need to take more pictures." FATIN WENT MAD. hahaha. i almost killed her. cause i hate being infront of the camera. hehehe. and well, we then went to pizza hut. Fatin bought us 4 pizzas, 2 salads, and other stuff. and we had 2 cakes too. the pizza hut people and us sang her a birthday song. and Jasmine smashed cake in her face. hahaha. it was like "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! SMACK!!!" hahahaha. we laughed sooo hard!!!! and jasmine was like "now they will have warning posters about us. too noisy. and beware of cakes." ahahahahhaa. Carl made stupid sick jokes and WE LAUGHED LIKE CRAP!!! except for Shikin cause she doesnt get anything. sorry Shikin. in the end, everybody was screaming "SHUT UP LA CARL!!!" because of his stupid jokes. hahaha. well, we will be having a new council teacher. he rocks. he planned everything already. awsome right?? hahaha. oh and i joined a twilight contest. 50 PEOPLE AND I ARE GOING TO WATCH TWILIGHT IN THE 15TH, IN A PRIVATE MOVIE THEATER IF I WIN!!! *PRAYS!!* GOSH!!! hahaha. i really wanna win. OH AND MY MUM GOT ME THE TWILIGHT MOVIE COMAPINION BOOK!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!! hahha oh i gtg. i'll post more soon :) Labels: contest, must win., TWILIGHT
Up, up, and away!
the title says it all.... hahaha. well, anyway in a few mins....i wanna wish LILY A HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!!!!! hahaha. happy birthday in advanced Lily. so anyway, i didnt do anything much today. i chatted with Mel for a while and she had to go cause she had a soccer match. then i chatted with Lily.... i forced her to update her blog. hahaha. we talked and talked. hahaha. nothing better to do. then i chatted with Jem. she has some....problems.... FEEL BETTER JEM!!! so after that i lurked around the twilight forum... turns out there was a thread for Devin(devymel12) and i because of our birthday. hahaha. i never realised. Devin didnt tell me either..... hahaha. when i went there, there was like so many wishes and i never realised. hahaha. oh and my aunts fought over my twilight book. hahaha. they were like "i wanna borrow it!!!" "no me!!" "LYDIA!!!!!!!" "LYDIA!!!!!!!" hahahaha. i just ran away.... oh well.... it's almost midnight. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY!!!! hahaha.
FISH. I FORGOT THE QUIZES I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO. tagged by ABG SYAHID 9 People To Tag: Jeneva Lily Weiyan Sherry Shafique Rochester Nidia Sharon Benedict QUIZ 1 1. Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your name. Love 2. Who are you missing right now? Jeneva but she's coming back REALLY REALLY SOON!!!! 3. Your ex shows up randomly at your house , what do you say? i dont have an ex but i would say "what the hell was i thinking???" 4. How many bedrooms are in your house? umm...5 5. Is there a reason for your profile song ? i dont have a profile song in my blog. BUT i would use ALTNOY. cause it's Archie's latest single :D 6. Do you hate the last girl you were talking to? the last girl i talked to was Lily and Mel. and i DONT hate them. Mel's my twin!!!! why would i hate her? 7. Who was your last text message from ? Lily. hahaha. 8. What time did you wake up this morning ? 6.40am. i was at my cousin's house 9. If someone liked you right now , would you want them to tell you ? sureeeeee.... 10. Did you mean it when you last said "i love you" ? i said that to my sister. OF COURSE I MEAN IT!! hahaha 11. Is it okay if you kiss people when you're single ? i have no idea.... 12. What is wrong with you now ? my nose is so red that i look like the red nosed raindeer 13. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? i will be 24 then. i dunno.... 14. Would you kiss someone to make your ex bf/gf mad ? come on...i'm not THAT evil. 15. Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"? yeah. if they want to be. you might never know if they really mean it. 16.Do you use T9 , word or abc? T9 17.Do you tell your mum everything? nope. but MOST things 18. Who was the last person you cried in front of ? i forgot. hahaha. i rarely cry 19. Have you told anybody you loved them today? other than my family members, nope. 20.Who can you trust ? my closest friends. and my twin :D QUIZ 2 1. Besides Your Lips, Where Is Your Favourite Spot To Get Kissed? cheek? hahaha 2. How Did You Feel When You Woke Up This Morning? so tired....i wanna go back to sleep 3. Who Was The Last Person You Took A Picture Of? my cousins and i 4. Would You Consider Yourself To Be Spoiled? kinda 5. Would You Ever Donate Blood? umm...honestly? only if it's for someone i love. hehehe. 6. Have You Ever Had A Best Friend Who Was Of The Opposite Sex? yeah... 7. Do You Want Someone Dead? nope 8. What Does Your Last Text Message Says? from Lily "A GIRL WITH SANTA'S TUMMY!!! BAHAHAHA!!!" hahaha. inside joke. 9. What Are You Thinking Right Now? TWILIGHT. hahaha. and SLEEP 10. Do You Wish Someone Was With You Right Now? yeah. 11. What Time Did You Go To Sleep Last Night? 11 something cause i went swimming and tennis and i got SO tired 12. Where Did You Buy The Shirt You're Wearing Now? umm....i forgot. it's an old shirt 13. Is Someone On Your Mind Right Now? YEAH!!! ROB AND TAYLOR FROM TWILIGHT. 14. Who Was The Last Person To Text You? LILY!!! The 9 people you just tagged: Jeneva Lily Weiyan Sherry Shafique Rochester Nidia Sharon Benedict 15.Who Is The Number 2 Having A Relationship With? she's single. i think. hahaha. 16. Is 3 A Male Or A Female? Female 17. What Is Number 1 Studying About? in sec 3, pure science, a math, geog and the other normal subjucts 18. When Was The Last Time You Had A Chat With Them? hmm... number 1 was on my birthday which was 6 days ago number 2 was just a few mins ago number 3 was just now and the rest...a long time ago. 19. Is Number 4 Single? i think so? 20.Say Something About Number 2. HUGE FAN OF ARCHIE!!! 21. What Do You Think About Number 3 And 6 Being Together? they dont know each other. hahaha 22.Describe Number 9. uh...smart. hahaha 23. What Will You Do If Number 6 And 7 Fights? umm...i dunno... QUIZ 3 1. What’s your nickname? Lyd. hahaha 2. How old are you? 14 2. How old are you? 22 dec 4. What’s your special skill? i have no idea 5. What’s your horoscope? capricorn 6. Who pass this survey to you? Abg Syahid 7. He’s your….? cousin 8. What you wanna talk to him/her? i just talked to him just now. hahaha. 9. What you think about him/her? if i say anything bad, i'm DEAD 10. When you know him/her? since the day i was born. hahaha 11. How’s his attitude? irritating sometimes but still awesome 12. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? pfft no. 13. If one day , your lover tells you that he/she loves you too , how will you do ? i dunno.... 14. Are you well-being now? yup 15. Why god give you courage ? to face challenges. DUH 16. Who’s the people that you like ? my family, friends and my twin. :D 17. Which color you like most ? BLUE. black and grey too now adays. 18. God give you 4 wishes: 1) good o level results 2) longer holiday 3) longer lives for my family and friends 4) MEET ARCHIE AND TWILIGHT ACTORS.....hehehe AND I AM DONE. and it's 4am. AWW CRAP!!!!
I'M BACK FROM MY COUSIN'S HOUSE!!!! YAY!!! hahaha. IT.WAS.FUN. at first i couldnt go but then my mum changed her mind. so my uncle fetched me at about 6.30 reached there around 7. we didnt do much... when i reached there, we ate dinner... and then both my cousins had taekwondo so the four of us, Naqea, Dhafer,(the two who has taekwondo), Abg Syahid and i walked to one of the flats around the area and we had to wait for their class to end which takes 1 and a half hours or 2 hours. depending on their trainer's mood. it took 1hour 45 mins. hahaha. while waiting for them, Abg Syahid and i played at the playground there.... there was this mini swing that was wet cause it just rained. the both of us were like "so who wants to sacrifice your butt." "my butt stays clean and dry. you're the older one. you're suppose to give in!!" "my butt is not going to get wet." but he did it in the end. hehehe. THANK YOU. we listned to the radio...top 20 on 98.7 i was like ""crush crush crush crush" hahaha then we heard the muttons talking about Katy Perry she wants to name her concert hello katy. we were like "HELLO KATY????" at almost the same time. hahaha. "what the hell? she wants to name her concert after hello kitty. -_-'' " hahahaha. anyway...we went back home and planned the next day. i didnt sleep till 2 am. and we woke up at 6.15am we ate breakfeast. it was oatmeal and tea. Abg Syahid doesnt eat oat meal and he took like 3 super tiny scoops. i laughed like crap cause he was so funny. i keep teasing him to eat but he doesnt like it. hahaha. the my aunt talked to him. "if you dont eat oatmeal then what do you eat??" "roti kahwin"(roti means bread, kahwin means marriage) "roti what??" "it's bread with kaya on one side and butter on the other*takes a piece of bread and spreads only kaya*" "i thought you said you want roti kahwin? then what is this? roti single?" hahaha. my other cousins, my aunt and i made fun of him the whole day. hahaha. we didnt go back to sleep cause we went to the swimming complex to swim. it's like a mini version of wild wild wet. it.was.fun. we played on the sildes. it was so high but so fun at the same time. hehehe. Abg Syahid didnt go on the slides. he was too afraid....HAHAHA while my two cousins played on the slides, Abg Syahid went to sun tan and he dragged me along. ugh. now i have sun burns. THANKS ABG SYAHID, THANKS. we went to Mad Jack to eat next. Abg Syahid ordered peppermint tea and he thought it was the iced one. but turns out, it normal tea. the rest of used laughed so hard at his expression!!! when we went home, we relaxed for about 1 hour. then we went to play tennis!!! IT WAS SO FUN AND AWESOME!!! hahaha. there were a few matches. Abg Syahid played against Dhafer who's only 8 and Abg Syahid won. here are pictures.  then i played against him. i won, hahaha. after that, i played against Dhafer and i won again. and i played against Naqea. i won. i mean they're younger than me so.... it not exactly fair..... hahaha. here's Abg Syahid
 and here i am!!!  we stopped playing at 3.30.... and we went home. Abg Syahid was like "SWIMMING SWIMMING SWIMMING" hahahaha!!! he kept bugging me. "Lydia!!! go change!!! time for swimming!!! LYDIA!!! GO NOW!!! LYDIA!!!! LYDIA LYDIA LYDIA LYDIA!!!!!!!" hahaha. i kept hitting him for that. so in the end, from 4-5, we went swimming....again. my cousins live in this private house so there are a few HUGE swimming pools just for residents. only about 5 people were swimming. the four of us swam and swam till 5 o'clock. then we went to the Jacuzzi!!! Abg Syahid and i RAN there!!! we have been chanting "JACUZZI JACUZZI JACUZZI" since we arrieved ESPECIALLY ABG SYAHID. Abg Syahid was irritating me the whole time by either playing with me hair, splashing water at me or sticking his legs up in the air and "accidentally" kicking me. i swear if i lost control, i would be the one kicking him. from 5-6 we relaxed in the jacuzzi. and from 6-7 we swam again. hahaha. here are pictures!!! i dont have much pictures BUT my aunt will be email-ing me more since we used her camera to take pics. she has that camera photograpers used. it looks like the one Jeneva has. anyway.... at night, we were SO TIRED. we ate dinner and french fries. then THERE WAS A PLATE OF OATMEAL LEFT. we LAUGHED so hard!!! hahaha. Abg Syahid was like "Lydia, it's calling you. 'eat me' " and i told him "it's calling YOU. you didnt eat oatmeal just now" hahaha. we were so tired that after watching tv, we went to sleep. heheheh. we woke up at 6.40 and didnt go back to sleep. Dhafer said "Abg Syahid kept saying SWIMMING SWIMMING SWIMMING when he was asleep." hahaha. i know that's not true. i didnt hear anything at night. so in the morning, we had NOTHING to do. so what did Abg Syahid do? draw on the white board. my aunt called it "world cousins day" since my cousins are from London. *COUGH* Rob's country *COUGH* hahaha. influenced by MEL.  at first he wrote "i am LYDIA fierce." but then he rememberd the clown thingy.
 we watched MTV and suddenly, AN INTERVIEW WITH ROB CAME OUT. I RAN TO THE TV SCREEN. AND THEN KRISTEN!!!! I COULD FEEL ABG SYAHID SIT UP AND HE SAID "LYDIA. MOVE!! I CANT SEE THE TV!!!" AND THEN AFTER A WHILE, ROB CAME OUT AGAIN. I KEPT FREAKING OUT!!!!! hahaha. Abg Syahid was like "COME ON!!! ALICIA KEYS!!! LEONA LEWIS!!!! COME ON!!!!" hahaha. then "if i were a boy" came out. we all started singing to it. Ag Syahid kept singing "if i were a boy...." "dude, YOU ARE A BOY" "then....I AM A BOY....." hahaha. he started changing the lyrics. hahahaha. it's 3.12 am now and i gotta go back to sleep. here's one last pic for now. there's Abg Syahid, Dhafer, Naqea and i!!! 
hahaha. it's been a long time since i blogged. that's cause i was too busy with my cousins and i was reading.... hey i bought 5 books and my mum told my i can only buy the next book in the series if i finish reading those books. she and i made a bet. i told her i would finish reading at least three books before next year. she thought she would win till i told her this morning "hey mum. i finished my 3rd book....so when are wew going to borders again??" hahaha. she was like "WHAT??? YOU FINISHED??? I'M ONLY AT CHAPTER 16 IN THE BOOK I BOUGHT AND YOU FINISHED THREE????" hahaha. i laughed so hard because her facial expressions are so funny... okay.... i found out that my dad would be overseas till next year. ugh. he's been going overseas for years since before i was born. ugh ugh ugh. if only he could just stay put in Singapore.... oh well... anyway, yesterday, christmas day, i went to my cousin's house. i got torchured there. my cousin call me the clown -_____-'' dont ask. i have no idea what makes them laugh. i just say something stupid and they laugh. -____-'' actually i was supposed to go to my grandaunt's house. she's only 40 something and she's my grandmum's youngest sis. she's like the owner of marks and spencer or somehting like that and her house is HUGE. every christmas, we go there... but this year my grandmum said "never mind la..." i missed going there. the last time i went there was 2 years ago. she has this HUGE swiming pool and there's this area where you can dip your legs in. so AWESOME.... but i went to my couisn's house instead. hahaha. they convinced me to sleep at my cousin's home since there's a swimming pool there and my cousin *COUGH* abg Syahid *COUGH* cant wait to go swimming... i begged my mum but she wont let me go. so i talked to my cousin "she wont let me go!!!" "but it wont be fun without the clown!!!" "dude. STOP CALLING ME CLOWN!!" hahaha. they didnt listen... anyway... both my cousins have been calling me since just now morning begging me to come. (SHE SAID YES. SO NOW STOP BUGGING ME!!!) my mum said yes in the end. one of my cousins screamed over the phone. thought i was going to go deaf. hahaha. anyway.... i chatted with my older cousin who's gonna sleep over too. he said "JACUZZI!!!" "CRAP!!! I FORGOT ABOUT THE JACUZZI!!!!" "CALL HER!!! ASKE HER TO BOOK THE JACUZZI!!!" "JACUZZI!!!!" hahaha. we were freaking out. i'm coming back on the 28th so i wont be blogging until then... oh well.
YAY!!! IT'S FINALLY THE 22ND!!!! hahaha. my mum and sis made me stay up till after midnight even when i was DEAD TIRED.... i almost fell asleep when they were doind the count down. hahaha. it went lik this... "5...4...3...2...1!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" "WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT HAPPENED???" "IT'S MIDNIGHT!!!" "AWWW CRAP!!!! i got older!!!" hahaha. OH!! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEN LONG HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVYMEL!!!(twilight forum) hahaha. thanks: Jen, Lily, Mel, Shafiq, Jem, Jasmine, Kaori, Fatin, Abg Syahid, my other family members and all the other people. :) hahaha. i read my cousin's blog and guess what. he wrote "i think she likes that Shafiq guy" dont believe him. he thinks i'm a les -_-'' so he's obviously lying about that to. (and if ANYONE ever brings this up, i will kill you. seriously.) sooo....i went to meet Ras in the morning cause he owes me 20 bucks. he said meet at 10.30 and he rushed and got there at 10.05 -_-'' then I had to rush there... i missed the *BEEP BEEP* bus so i hadto wait till the ot one came. in the end, he only returned me 10 bucks cause he wanted to use the other 10 to buy something *COUGH COUGH*....*whistles and walks away* hahaha anyway.... i went out with my mum and sis. we went to parkway parade cause i REALLY wanna go to borders. my sis complained "you bought 5 books yesterday and you want to buy MORE??" hahaha. i was searching for the next book cause the book i bought was a series kinda book. we went to Perlin's Silver. and my mum bought me two nekleces cause they were dang cheep. we also had like 15 percent off. even cheeper. then i saw my sister eyeing at this heart shaped necklace. i bought it in the end and gave it to her as a birthday gift. hehehe. then, we went to mark's and spencers and othershops.... OH! and Jasmine called me. she said "LYDIA!!" "uh...hi?? yeah why are you..." "I WATCHED TWILIGHT!!!!" "WHAT?? WHERE??" "BUGIS!!" "THAT'S AWESOME!!!" "OH WAIT!! I FORGOT WHY I CALLED YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! AGAIN!!!" hahaha. Jas was so happy that she forgot why she called. hahaha. anyway....i got a few presents!!! hahaha. my aunt, grand aunt and grandparents gave me 200, my cousin gave a necklace from Perlin's silver so i have 3 altogether. hahaha my other cousin gave me a BLUE bag. hehehe. it's BLUE... and another cousin gave me one of those buliding things that i like... umm...parents gave...loads of stuff actually... Jem gave me three buttons. one said "i was the one your mother warned you about". "did you just fart or do you always smell that way" and "watch out for the idiot behind me." hahaha. Jasmine got me a personalised mug and i LOVE IT... Fatin got me a nike water bottle and a guess t shirt.(it looks AWESOME) OH AND MY PARENTS GAVE MY SISTER A CAMERA. A PINK ONE WHEN I SAW THE THING...I WAS LIKE "WTH. SHE'S ONLY IN PRI 4 NEXT YEAR!!!! SHE HAS NO IDEA HOW TO EVEN TURN ON THE CAMERA!!!!" my parents said it's okay... hahaha anyway....i'm chatting with Mel now...we're working on that story thingy... hahaha. later i have religious class and MY YOUNGER COUSINS ARE COMING!! NO!!!! YESTERDAY THEY TRASHED MY ROOM. IT LOOKED LIKE A TORNADO HIT IT!!! THEN I THINK THEY FARTED OR THEIR SOCKS STINK TO MUCH THAT NOW MY ROOM STINKS!!!! oh.my.God... anyway...Mel wisuhed me happy birthday and she said.. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!.....so did you wish for Edward Cullen???" "hahaha what???" "come on...at least wish for Robert Pattinson....." hahaha. Mel, Mel, Mel.... OH i bought this book called "the art of french kissing" and my aunt adn mum thought it was a VERY DIRTY BOOK. i keep telling them that it's about this woman who's life has gone down hill and when she went to Paris, everything changed... but do they listen?? NO....
hahaha. anyway, i gotta go now. i'm gonna cut the cake!!! hahaha
i went to swensens again today for Natasha's birthday. I met up with Kaori, Jasmine, Shafiq, Fatin and Jem.
it was so fun. we went inside the room we booked to order and we all bought either fish and chips or breaded chicken. the only odd one out was Kaori cause she got something else.
hahaha Jasmine was trying to cut her chicken when she said Jas: this knife very crappy you kknow why? cause you cant even cut the chicken properly Jem: that's cause you're holding it the wrong way. hahaha we laughed so loudly...
Jas: i'm a master at fine dining. me: yeah, the master cant even hold the knife properly. hahaha. we made LOADS of jokes and we laughed like mad people. we were the loudest there. me: i think we're going to get banned from swensens too. Jas: yeah. first pizza hut and now swensens. they sent out flyers already "BEWARE OF THESE TEENS. CAUTION: THEY MADE LOADS OF NOISE AND LAUGH TOO LOUDLY." hahaha. then we got chocolate fondue. we actually wanted one but my parents bought two instead. it was sooo nice..... Kaori, Shafiq and i shared one and we mixed all the ice cream together. at first it looked disgusting and then when we tasted it, it was sooo nice!!! hahaha. Jasmine was disgusted though lol. then....it was time for CAKE!!! there were two cakes. at first we sang for my sister and then my dad told everyone to sing for me. -_-'' the cakes were HUGE. BOTH CAKES WERE HUGE. AND IT TASTED AWESOME TOO!!! hahaha i ate the most cake between the 6 of us. hahaha. oh and here are pictures!!!        
hahaha. so many candles on my cake... Natasha'a cake was in the shape of the number nine. mine was just square. hahaha. so after that, we went to wheelock place to go to borders. i bought like 5 books. lol.and i'm still searching for another book. what can i say? i love reading. hahaha. so i went home....and opened my presents.... I LOVE THEM!!! THANKS GUYS!!!! hahaha. i LOVE Jasmine's gift. and my cousin's. my cousins got me a necklace. it's awesome. hahaha. and it's not even my birthday yet. lol. anyway....my plans for tmr... WATCH TWILIGHT WITH LILY!!!!! yay!!! hahaha. i'll blog again at midnight...my birthday!!!
firstly, i wanna wish my sister HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY!!! you maybe irritating but you're still my sister... anyway, yesterday i stayed up till 2. my sister was screaming around the house "10 MORE MINS!!!!" *10 mins later....* "KAKAK!!! GET YOUR BUTT HERE!!!! COUNTDOWN!!!" "-___-'' " "HURRY!!!!" "FINE!!! I'M COMING!!!" "5, 4, 3, 2, 1....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!" hahaha. she was soooo happy. NEXT YEAR TWO DIGIT!!!! HA!! anyway, she was jumping up and down and all around. hahaha. she did all sorts of stuff yesterday. so i used com and went to sleep.... but when i woke up THANKS TO JASMINE who called me at 8 something... my voice was still sore qnd squeak-y in the morning and Fatin wanted me to talk to her grandmum so that she can come to the airport today. so i talked and her grandmum sounded so worried because of something Fatin did.... and after MUCH persuation, Fatin can come!! hahaha. i'm going there in 3 hours time... i'll reach the airport at about 1.45? hahaha actually we booked the place at 3. but my dad said "i know some people would be late, so be there by 2.30" hahaha. it's like he KNOWS..... anyway, i have nothing better to do now... than to blog... i'll post again later about what happened omg...i cant believe tmr is my birthday!!! hahaha. gosh... tmr i have no plans... io thought of watching twilight again. hehehe. but i need to find people.....*cough* KAORI *cough* i dont wanna be stuck at home tmr. ugh. dad's working. i think he's going overseas....again.... he said that he promised to be back by 8 or later... he said "so you wanna watch yes man?" "but i have religious class..." "skip the class!!" "but mum will scream her head off!!!" i cant believe my dad wants me to skip class....the class when my UNCLE IS THE TEACHER...... hahaha. i dont even know what's going to happen tmr....
well....i'm back!!! hahaha. went to Swensens...AGAIN. WTF. it's like my 6th time this week. then tmr going again. my mum and i are getting tired of going there. actually we were supposed to got to sembawang there but it was closed. so my dad went "let's go to swensens" and my mum and i were like "WHAT?!?!?!*looks at each other* WE WENT THERE YESTERDAY!!! AND 5 DAYS BEFORE THAT!!!" but my grandparents were there. now i'm waiting for Mel to come online.... she's randomly went "hey i wanna write a story." and i told her i have something in mind and she said "cool. it can be the Mel and Lydia story!!!" hahaha. i still cant believe she's going to be 18 next year in about 2 months. lol. Mel, Mel, Mel... anyway...in half and hour, it will be my sister's birthday. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATASHA!!!! and in 24 hours and half and hour, it will be MY birthday. lol OH!! and at swensens just now, Natasha spotted my cake and she was like "KAKAK!!! I SEE YOUR CAKE!!! HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY LYDIA MAZLINA!!!! KAKAK!!!!" aww man....she was practically screaming....i have no idea where to hide.... and then she said "WHERE'S MY CAKE?!?!?! oh i know...it's bigger than yours so it will come later *big smile on face*" hahaha. my parents wanted it to be a surprise but i saw the recipt. my cake in a 2kg chocolate cake and my sister's is a 3kg chocolate cake. aww mann....so much for "i-want-a-small-cake-this-year".... anyway...Mel's going online so i gotta go....
okay i'm feeling really bored.... my sister woke me up in the morning cause my aunt wanted to talk to me. my cousin got into Bowen Sec!! CONGRATES!! hahaha. anyway, my cousin got into the 1st class but her mum wants to transfer her to Nan Chau(i THINK that's how you spell it)....stress MUCH. hahaha. anyway, her mum asked me if it's a good idea to transfer her, and other stuff... i dont mind what school she goes to, s long as she's happy cause she's the "sensitive" kinda type. lol. so i didnt do anything but used the com.... but after that i followed my aunt to her friend's wedding....BORING after that, computer again. i chatted with my sis(-_-''. i know. lame since she's in the other room but since it's her birthday tmr i wanted to make her happy.) and i chatted with Abg Syahid. (OI!!! EVEN IF YOU LEFT THE GAME, I STILL WON THE BET!!!) and i chatted with Jem and Carl. Carl's in the Phils too. he's coming back on the 26th. Jem and i told him EVERYTHING. even the people with funny names and they guy with the "mole the size of Singapore." QUOTE FROM JASMINE. hahaha. she's dang funny la. with her stupid jokes. anyway, i chatted with Mel for a while cause she really wanted to tell me something. after that she went offline cause she was going to a dinner+supper thingy. hahaha. we planned to chat again later. she was like "i MUST bring my twilight book cause i know it WILL be boring later." hahaha. Mel, Mel, Mel...tsk tsk tsk.... so that's today. i'm going to my grandparent's house later and we're going out to eat. i'm listening to the twilight soundtrack. to Rob Pattinson's song... he sounds like some country singer. but it's still nice. hahaha. in the first min he played the guitar.... it's soooooo nice...... the singing came ALOT later. hahaha. if i'm not wrong, he also worte something on the piano for the movie. IT'S SO NICE. but the *BEEP BEEP* producers didnt want to use it. ugh. the one they used was SO MUCH WORSE. the one he wrote was NICER. WAY NICER. and now the *BEEP BEEP* Summit wanna replace Taylor Lautner as Jacob with some *BEEP BEEP* guy who cant even act. ugh. Taylor adn his agent are fighting to keep his job as Jacob in the next movie. UGH. the people at the forum are like "Dear Summit. i hate you. you just ruined the 2nd movie. you changed the director too. ugh. i hate you" i cant believe they fired the director. UGH.
weeeelllll, yesterday i was really busy. went to school in the morning and finished at 5. actually i finished at 8 but Mrs Tan asked as to help. so we waited...and waited...and waited for her till 3 turns out, we had to change the classes. 1A is now 1C and 1E is 1H etc. we had to cancel out the teacher's name and the class and re-write everything. sooo many peices of paper..... but Kaori did the most out of all of us. Jasmine and I spilt our half. Kaori did her part alone.... Fatin went to get us drinks and Jem went home early. so the four of us were left...and we decided to go into the AVA to use the piano and Fatin and Jasmine wanted the aircon. Kaori and i used the piano while Jasmine and Fatin did thier own stuff. Kaori's really good!! hahaha anyway, after that, Mrs Tan saw us and we did more work..... ugh. but when i got home, i went straight to sleep. i woke up at 9 and found out i was alone in the house. so i used the com and i chatted with Mel. Mel wants to write her own story and asked me to help. so out of God knows how many hours of chatting, we came up with only two names. -_-'' hahaha. anyway, we were crapping around making super random jokes for like 2 hours until she rememberd the story -_-'' so we came up with "Skylar Roberts" (IT'S SKYLAR HEARTMEN!!! sorry Mel!!! hhaaha)and "Lavender Anna Lovette" or something like that. hahaha it was really random. then we played around coming up with random cheesy lines... hahaha. i went to sleep at 2. and i had school at 7. smart right? only like 4 hours of sleep. -_-'' ugh. anyway, i reached school ON THE DOT. hahaha. so i did duty... AND I SAW MY PRI SCHOOL MALAY TEACHER WHO IS MY SISTER'S CURRENT TEACHER her child is now my junior. and my ex classmate's bro is my junior now too. and this *BEEP BEEP* girl who's sooo...ugh...attitude problem...is now in SPF. ugh. i used to go into the same school bus as her. UGH. SHE HAS AN ATTITUDE PROBLEM.... so after that, Jasmine, Kaori, Fatin, Jem and i saw Ms Tan and we got REALLY RANDOM AND TALKED ABOUT SPONGEBOB!!!! ms Tan said "my favourite is Sandy" and then Jasmine said "i like the guy with the big nose. squidward something... the guy who cant shut his nose...." and then Ms Tan said "i like plankton. he's so small...." and Jasmine was like "i LOVE gary. he can only say one word. MEOW." hahaha Ras came back to SPF and Jasmine was making fun of him all day. Jas went to every single junior we had who learned chinese and Jas was like "eh, how you say 'you're a big idiot'" and i think it was too complecated for her or something like that and she asked something else. hahaha. she was so funny trying to pronounce the words.... anyway, Fatin's grandmum cooked for us and it was DELICIOUS!!! hahaha THANK YOU FATIN!!! so after we ate, i went back home cause i needed to cut my hair. i ended up spending three hours there -_-'' after that, i wanted to go to borders to get a few books but my sister was hungry so my parents took us to swensens....again.... AND I SAW LILY!! hahaha. we were msg each other when we were only afew seats away. we randomly talked about making a knot out of a cherry with your tongue. hahaha and when we got out of swensens, the guy said "see you sunday!!!" (the people who are coming on Sunday, DONT BE LATE.) (and abg Syahid....if you prank me on that day, you watch out i tell you....) i'm chatting with Mel now about twilight stuff. hehehe well i think that's it.
I FINALLY BOUGHT THE SOUNDTRACK!!!! AFTER GOD KNOWS HOW LONG, IT'S FINALLY IN SINGAPORE!!!! i got the 2nd last piece and my friend got the last piece. we were FREAKING OUT like a bunch of crazy people ANYWAYYY... i watched TWILIGHT again!! hahaha. it was so fun and we actually made the movie funny cause Shafiq was thinking DIRTY stuff... but Jem and i finally agreed that the two funniest people in the movie was Bella's parents Charlie Swan and Renee Bella and her mum are so funny "how's Forks?" "it's great, it's awsome" "does a boy have anything to do with it??" "mum..uh umm...yeah..." "GASP is he a jock? is he cute?" "mum, i gotta go" "WHAT?!?! Bella!! we gotta talk boys!!!" "mum, i really gotta go!!" "wait BELLA!! ARE YOU SAFE?? BELLA BELLA!!!" BAHAHAHAHAHAHA WE LAUGHED SO HARD AT THE "ARE YOU SAFE" PART!!! the pure people dont get it like Shikin but the rest of us LAUGHED SO HARD. i heard this girl behind me ask what it ment, and the other girl beside her was like "are you safe? meaning you got wear THAT THING during THAT TIME or not" hahaha
after that i really didnt do anything. dad got someone to install itunes and msn. FINALLY. so i'm talking to Abg Syahid and Mel right now.... oh and Twilight was in the newspaper...hehehe
okay i have about 15 mins to post before i go off. I'M WATCHING TWILIGHT AGAIN!!! WHOOTS!!! and I FOUND THE SOUNDTRACK!!! BUT IT'S SOLD OUT!! WTF!!!! anyway..... yesterday we went to swensens again to eat and to book the room inside. my parents book 30 people. O_O but it's on my sister's birthday since it's on a sunday and mine in on a monday. we ordered cake too. my sister's cake is chocolate and in a shape of the number nine mine is chocolate and....round.... anyway, after that we went to send my cousin home(p.s Lily, stop bugging me and abg Syahid, stop playing pranks on me. MTVAsia. HA.HA.HA.) and his baby cousin was there. so cuteeee!!!!! hahaha i FINALLY chatted with Lily but my IRRITATING cousin went to post "i'm a les" -_-'' dude seriously, get better stuff. i wont type that. and we were fighting over the key board and Lily had no idea what was going on until i told here he was here. ANYWAY..... i joined this twilight contest and the prizes are twilight stuff. Win Twilight Movie Hampers! Prize: - Pioneer DVD recorder (HD-250G) worth $750- 1 Twilight 4 feet x 7 feet Standee + 1 Twilight goodie bag - 10 Twilight goodie bags as consolation (4 sets of character notepads, 1 Twilight mug, 1 set of Twilight poster) i REALLY REALLY wanna win it....not the DVD recorder but the other prize. hahaha looks like i'm going to watch twilight 4 times. i just watched one with my cousin, one now, one with Jen and Lily and maybe again with Sherry. lol. i LOVE twilight. okay now i'm off to WATCH TWILIGHT AGAIN!!!! Labels: TWILIGHT. AGAIN
HERE ARE PICTURES         hahaha guess what!! my cousin lost his slippers!! ahahahaha he left them outside cause my mum said that nobody would steal his shoes amd then... they were gone... so he had to use my dad's shoes. hahaha they were VERY oily. i think my dad used them to go on those ships and that's why they are oily. hahaha okay so today my mum, my sis, my cousin and i went to Tampines Mall and ate at pizza hut. and we went to search for my cousins's new shoes... after doing stuff, we went home.... my cousin used the com for GOD knows how long i cant even use it. so now i FINALLY HAVE THE COM BACK!! we're going out for dinner again later.... oh my mum was trying to say "toilet light" but she said it so fast that she said "twilight" i FREAKED OUT. HEART ATTACK. I THOUGHT DUNNO WHAT TRAILER CAME OUT ON TV OR SOMETHING. everybody was laughing at my twilight moment.... OH OH OH!!! AND TWILIGHT IS IN NEW PAPER TODAY!!!! i saw this man reading new paper and it was on the front page!!! i freaked out and ran to buy the news paper. it's about the chemistry between Kristen and Rob and interviews with Ashley and Jackson. dang...i still have to get life story....i cant find it!!! now my sis, my cousin and i are watching the price is right. yes we are THAT bored... but the show is okay i guess... i saw Archie at TRL just now... freaked out as usual... hahaha 20 hours and 20 mins till 4.10 tmr... come on.... come on... come on.... Labels: ARCHIE, TRL, TWILIGHT
so i FINALLY have a twilight skin and a tag board!! THANK YOU COUSIN!!!! hahaha.
i slept at 3.30 yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and....well you get the idea... weeeeellllll, my cousin and i wanna wait to call Soo on the radio cause the Muttons are so *BEEP BEEP* hard to get... and he's beside me right now watching tv...and reading everything i type..... and my irritating sister is also here....gosh.... i told him, that once i watched twilight, i cant sleep for 2 days....and i seriously cant sleep. TWILIGHT IS CONSTANTLY ON MY MIND.... a movie with HOT guys, GREAT suspense, made my cousin jump randomly because of the suspense.... t's AWSOME...
  -THUDDD- OH!!! my sister just looked at my pictures and she saw this she said "he looks like he needs to pee" "he's laughing!!!" "who pee-s whle laughing???" "NOBODY!!!" "THEN WHAT IS HE DOING?!?!?!" "NOT PEE-ING!!!" "WHAT?!?!?! HE'S HOLING IT IN???" I LAUGHED SO HARD.... hahahaha okay i have nothing better to do right now.... just watching tv with my sis and cousin... COME ON!!!! 17TH!!! I WANNA WATCH TWILIGHT!!! GOSH!!!!
LILY tagged me!!! RULE #1: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. RULE #2: Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continuing this game by sending it to other people.1. Do you have secrets? Pfft, who doesnt?? 2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you? honestly i have no idea.... 3. Do you enjoy going to school? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! IT'S LIVING HELL.... 4. What would you do with a billion dollars? I WOULD FLY TO UTAH AND MEET ARCHIE!!! THEN I'LL GO TO HOLLYWOOD AND MEET THE TWILIGHT ACTORS!!!! and then i'll go shopping :) 5. Will you fall in love with your best friend? Depends....on what kind of guy it is.... 6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? umm...being loved?? 7. List out any of your most favourite artist: David Archuleta and Taylor Swift 8. What is your favourite food? anything western...it's AWSOME.... 9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? anything related to twilight...but for now, watching twilight...LEGALY.... 10. What makes you angry? right now? my OLDER cousin and my sister are teaming up and irritating the crap out of me. 11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time? when i'm 24, i imagine myself....uh...i have no idea. i think with a great job :) 12. Who is currently the most important people to you? My family and my friends 13. What are the most important things in life? i just want to live my life, be happy, do what i wanna do. 14. Single or attached? Single. my parents will SKIN me alive 15. What are your favourite colours? BLUE, BLUE AND BLUE. and now, grey...i have no idea why 16. Would you give all in a relationship? if it's worth it. i mean, it depends...on the other guy....i would ask for advice... 17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? uh.....THE ONE WHO LOOKS LIKE ARCHIE...okay seriously, the one who makes me laugh and keeps me happy. 18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done? hmm...quote my grandfather "it's easier to forgive but it's hard to forget" 19.What do you really want now? TO MEET DAVID ARCHULETA AND THE STARTS OF TWILIGHT....IT WOULD BE HEAVEN!!! 20. Five people that I've tagged: Abg Syahid, Weiyan, Sherry, Shafique and...uh...Atiqah!!! Labels: tagged
OH.MY.GOD. I CANT BELIEVE I FINALLY WATCHED TWILIGHT!!! GOSH!!!! after waiting for a very*BEEP BEEP* long time, i finally watched it!!! OMG. HA! MEL!!! NOW I KNOW WHAT HAPPENDS!!!! i watched with my cousin, well, actually i kinda forced him cause he was NOT interested in the movie AT ALL.... i went to his house at 5 and reached TM at 5.30 and the movie was 6.50 -_-'' so we walked around like a couple of idiots, walking here, walking there.... actually we wanna wait to eat popcorn but i cant take it anymore!!!! so we went to MC to eat.... hehehehe.... THE CINEMA WAS *BEEP BEEP* FULL!!!
AND THEN WE WATCHED IT. OH.MY.GOD. IT.WAS.AWSOME. OH MY GOSH.... WHEN BELLA CAME IN....i tell ya, my cousin cant stop asking about her.... and when EDWARD CAME IN....GOSH!!! THE WHOLE *BEEP BEEP* CINEMA BECAME NOISY!!!! I heard "OMG HE'S SO HOT" and "OMG HERE HE COMES" and "WHO THE HELL IS HE???"(obviously the guys....) and my cousin beside me was like "eh, eh, is this him? is this Edward?? or is it the other guy..." BUT STILLLLLLL... THE.MOVIE.WAS.GREAT. IT'S WORTH WATCHING OVER AND OVER AGAIN even if it's not as AWSOME as the book, it's still worth it... i LOVED the meadow scene...it's so...so...so...WOW. YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO WATCH IT!!! my cousin kept asking me "hey hey, any suspense??" and the BOOM, Edward and Emmett...uh WATCH THE MOVIE!!!! dude, EVEN MY COUSIN SAID IT WAS AWSOME. HE SAID IT WAS GREAT. after that... we went to swensens to eat. hahaha it was great and my cousin, he ordered fish baked rice and they gave him chicken baked rice. so after one hour..... my father : can we get the fish baked rice NOW. Jimmy(the guy taking our orders): what's wrong my dad: we asked for fish baked rice and they gave us..uh...this chicken rice the rest of us at the table : CHICKEN RICE?!?!?! Jimmy: uh...huh...okay....*walks away* me: HOW DID FISH BAKED RICE END UP WITH CHICKEN RICE?!?!?! hahaah. it was FUN. so when we reached home, my cousin and i watched mtv(cause Archie and decode were in there) till 3 am and we slept at 3.30 in the morning, he had to CALL me(cause i locked the door) to wake me up. stupid vibration.... so the first thing we did was watch MTV and THERE WAS EDWARD AND BELLA'S FACE..... I FREAKED OUT OF COURSE!!! hahaha. then we went out and when we came back, MTV again and THERE WAS ROB IN TRL. pfft, i freaked out again la!!!
gosh! it's been such a long time since i posted. well i have been very busy. i went to school and to the hospital EVERYDAY. i tell you, i'm getting SICK AND TIRED of that bloody hospital. anyway, i wanna wish FATIN a very happy 14th birthday. Kaori, Shafiq, Jia En, Shikin and i shared her gift. we bought 2 mugs. one was purple which said "loving every moment that we share" and the other yellow one said "you are the music in me". we thought iw was meaningfull so we bought it. then on her birthday, 12 people, herself, Kaori, Jasmine, Carl, Jem, Zakie, Mahesh, Shikin, Haziq and i went to vivo. IT WAS AWSOME!!! we all splashed water at Fatin, SHE WAS ALL WET!!! AND SO WAS KAORI!! hahahaha. then, we watched wild child. it was so good!! and the guy in it was kinda hot too :) hehehe. so now, Jasmine, Jem, Kaori, Fatin and i have a thing. we would always say "WHO ARE WE!!!" like in the movie. it was so funny. we kept saying it so much that we had no idea where we were going and i suddenly screamed "WHERE ARE WE????" hahaha. turns out, we were OUTSIDE vivo. stupid. hahaha. when we went up the movie theater, we SAW THIS HUGE TWILIGHT POSTER!!!! JASMINE, JEM AND I RAN. WE WERE MAD!! JEM KISSED THE POSTER, JASMINE SCREAMED, I JUMPED. AND KAORI CAUGHT IT ON TAPE!!!!! hahaha and then, the trailer came out!!!! the three of us JUMPED IN OUR SEATS AND THE PEOPLE AROUND US WERE SHUSHING US AND SAID "what the HECK?!?!?!" hahaha gosh. then we went to the shallow pool and we saw this celebrity, i think his name was Hairul Anwar or something like that la. FATIN WENT MAD. and in the end, we took a group photo with him and we wanted to leave until, the camera guy was like "eh come back!! i need to take more pictures." FATIN WENT MAD. hahaha. i almost killed her. cause i hate being infront of the camera. hehehe. and well, we then went to pizza hut. Fatin bought us 4 pizzas, 2 salads, and other stuff. and we had 2 cakes too. the pizza hut people and us sang her a birthday song. and Jasmine smashed cake in her face. hahaha. it was like "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! SMACK!!!" hahahaha. we laughed sooo hard!!!! and jasmine was like "now they will have warning posters about us. too noisy. and beware of cakes." ahahahahhaa. Carl made stupid sick jokes and WE LAUGHED LIKE CRAP!!! except for Shikin cause she doesnt get anything. sorry Shikin. in the end, everybody was screaming "SHUT UP LA CARL!!!" because of his stupid jokes. hahaha. well, we will be having a new council teacher. he rocks. he planned everything already. awsome right?? hahaha. oh and i joined a twilight contest. 50 PEOPLE AND I ARE GOING TO WATCH TWILIGHT IN THE 15TH, IN A PRIVATE MOVIE THEATER IF I WIN!!! *PRAYS!!* GOSH!!! hahaha. i really wanna win. OH AND MY MUM GOT ME THE TWILIGHT MOVIE COMAPINION BOOK!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!! hahha oh i gtg. i'll post more soon :) Labels: contest, must win., TWILIGHT
revive the past
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
June 2010
October 2010
November 2010
my name's LYDIA
i'm 14 going on 15
i LOVE my .Student Councillors
and the AWESOME poeple in E&B and AF
if you DONT like my blog,
then LEAVE
Shooting Stars
make the IMPOSSIBLE...possible
- Go to L.A (end of next year!! whoots!!!)
- Meet the one and only DAVID JAMES ARCHULETA 07/04/09
- Meet the TWILIGHT stars
-Meet Mel and Khal in Malaysia!! :D
-see JENEVA again:DD
- Send JENEVA'S stuff ASAP!!
- the twilight saga hard cover my birthday present BOX SET AND COLLECTORS EDITION OF THE TWILIGHT BOOK
- Taylor Swift CD. she's AWESOME thanks mum!:)
- Twilight DVD!I HAVE TWO!! a 3rd one soon! THANKS MEL!
- Shadow Kiss book
- BOTH The Rob books!!
- BOTH of the Twilight books movie cover!!
- Twilight Soundtrack!! i have 2! one DELUX edition!!
- Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
- Twilight Director's notebook
- Twilight posters
- Send Mel and Khal's stuff ASAP!
- get MORE guitar picks. ANYONE CAN HELP ME GET??
- Get Khal's guitar picks ASAP!
- get mine and Jen's Archie's Christmas album!!!
- the Host book
- Blood Promise book.
- Breaking Dawn Special Edition!!
- Watch Vampire Diaries on Youtube!
- New Moon book Movie cover!!!
- WORKING earphones with MIC for SKYPE!!>
- New Moon book Movie cover! the small one. :)
- Twilight the score soundtrack!
- New Moon: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
- The Twilight Journals!!
- New Moon posters!! <3
- New Moon soundtrack
- New Moon Soundtrack Delux edition
- New Moon Soundtrack the score
- New Moon Calander! the one from borders!!
- Twilight Calander! the one from borders!!
- New Moon's collector's edition!! it's like $51 ah wtf.Jocelyn! THANK YOU :D
- Shadowland book
- Spirit Bound book. OUT IN MAY...2010 -_-''
"Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me."
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