WHOOO!!! hahaha. have not posted for a few days. super busy. so it's my grandmum's birthday and we went to swensens. hahaha. my sister and i got her this magic bullet thingy. some blender. hahaha. well, after that, we walked around, and went tp my grandmum's house and that's it. lol. yeah today very boring. i would have blogged earlier but my sister was hogging the computer playing sims 2. hahaha. she's like "EH WHY MY FAMILY NO BABY BUT YOUR FAMILY GOT ALOT OFF BBY LIKE RABBIT LIKE THAT?!?!" hahaha. i told her "well, you'll learn that in pri 5. the birds, the bees and the forbidden apple...." hahahaha. i checked my email and....ONE SCENE FROM NEW MOON IS OUT AND OH MY GOD I WAS FREAKING OUT LIKE SHIT. hahahaha!! Mel was talking to me and she was freaking out as well. haha!! she watched it before me and i forgot they're realesing the scene today so she said "LYDIA, HOW CAN YOU NOT WATCH IT??! NO WAIT, HOW COULD YOU FORGET?!?! GAHHHHHH ITS NEW MOON. WATCH IT. NOW. Bella said 'i love you' WATCH IT NOW!!!!" hahahaha. and once i watched it, yeah i freaked. hahaha. well, my cousin's birthday is coming up and so is my mother grandmum's sooo....wahhh alot of birthdays!!! OOH GOOD LUCK ABG SYAHID AND LILY FOR YOUR EXAMS!!! Abg Syahid(my elder, more retarded and idiotic cousin...hah joking) kept saying "WHYYYY does the exam have to fall on my birthday...WHYY WHYY WHYYYYYY?!?!?!" tsk tsk tsk. lucky my birthday is in dec. hahaha. well, emailed Mel. her emails always make me laugh like shit. hahaha. and she forward-ed me one of Khal's emails....yeah some make no sense and some are really...uh...what's the word, touchy. hahaha. NOT THAT DIRTY KINDA TOUCHY. THE TOUCHY THAT MAKES YOU CRY. sheesh dirty minded people. oh i know you were thinking about it. HAH! anyway, yeah. see ya people wake up put a big smile on and the rest i didnt plan - Taylor Swift
Up, up, and away!
WHOOOO!!!! hahaha. today, nothing much happened in school. yeah Ms Ng didnt come today. so we had TWO HOURS of free time. relief teacher came in and a bunch of us talked to her. first one hour, i fell asleep cause yesterday i chatted with Mel till late then i remembered i had to file all my chem stuff in order. so i file file file till 11 plus...while chatting with Mel lah. hahaha Mel said Khal keeps giving her super short emails non-stop. HA! turns out, the exact same time he emailed her was the exact same time i chatted and emailed Mel. hahaha. i would say great minds think alike but this is KHAL we're talking about. hahaha. not so much of a great mind. just a dirty one. anyway, the second hour, we talked to the teacher and some how, the topic changed to THE BIRDS, THE BEES AND THE FORBIDDEN APPLE. hahahaaha yes we were THAT bored. it was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!!! bahahahhaha!!! so yeah. after school went to meet my mum and sis at sis school. sent my sis to dance practice and when i got home, she called. she said "can you come fetch me?" "why? feeling sick?" "nope. dance cancelled." "WHAT?!?!?! THEY TELL YOU NOW WHEN I REACH HOME?!?!?! ugh okok stay there. i'm coming" so i'm at home now. yeahhh. going out later. then tmr...PARENTS MEET. (DUN-DUN-DUNNNNNN) yeah FREAKING OUTTTTTT. gahhhh!!!! so yeah. oh and Fatin: sorry for hitting you just now. no hard feelings yeah? i sorta forgot you didnt like to be hit. so yeah. sorry. and good luck for your floorball!! eh wait, by now it should be over soo....uhhh...hmmm....just GOOD LUCK!! hah. OHOHOHOHOHOH THE NEW MOON PICS ARE OUT AND AND AND.... GAHHHH IT WAS THE SCENE WHEN...WHEN...WHEN.... EDWARD WAS IN ITALY.... ABOUT TO SHOW HIS VAMPIRE SELF TO EVERYONE.... AND ON THAT SCENE.... HE... WAS..... shirtless....OH MY GOD I FREAKED OUT LIKE @#$%!!!!! THEN THEN THEN..... THE THE THE.... SCENE WHEN EDWARD FOUND BELLA AGAIN... THE THE THE.... kiss scene...SOME ONE FELT HYPER!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!!!! so yeah. CURRENTLY FREAKING OUT!!!! see ya people.
Up, up, and away!
WHOOOO!!! hahaha. today classes quite boring lah. OHOHOH MISS NEO IS BACK!!!!!!!! WHOOOO!! SOOOO HAPPY!! hahaha. she came into our A math class too. lol. the whole class missed her so much. then then then during P.E Miss Neo walked past us the the whole class was like "MISS NEO!!!!! HI!!!!!!! HELLO!! MISS NEO!!!!!" then Mr Goh had the what-about-me? face then the class went "nahh....MISS NEOOOOOOO!!!" hahahahaha!!! cikgu gave me two booklets to sell and I LOST ONE FREAKING BOOKLET!! SHIOTHGEBVFVUSAGDF. FiretrUCK!!!! but no worries...i have a PLAN. muahahahhahahaha!!! LOL anyway, had a meeting with the peer leaders. yeah. it went okay. WHOOTS WE KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOUTH DAY NOW!!! AWESOMEEEEEEE. so yeah. practically my June holiday is almost all used up. hah. Arch Angels going for outing but i dunno if i can go cause Jen's not here no more, and Lily has O Level. so i'm all aloneeeeeeeeeeeee. *sniff sniff* tmr watching Angels and Demons with my MUM! yay!! finally watching that show!! hahaha. then my aunt called. she said she bringing me and my sis out on Sun to watch Night at the museum 2. gahhh!!! hahaha. but i shall watch with the SC again soon. whooo!!! hmm...nothing else happened today. so yeah. ADD ON! hahaha i just visited the E&B site and new pictures of Rob are out. hahahaha. Mel is going to FREAK when she sees them. hahahahaha!!! i can just imagine it now! bahaha. okay see ya people
Up, up, and away!
WHOOO!! okayyyy so today, nothing muched happened really. oh yeah, TO THE COUNCILLORS: awesome guys, today you guys reported outside GO at the time given and we had NO COMPLAINTS!! BUT, i quote Mr Goh, "we need compliments" so, just keep up the good work well anyway, TODAY CHEMISTRY DANG FUNN. oh and THANKS BEN! for sharing your crystals!! whoo! hahaha Mrs Johari taught us how to use the pipet or something. not sure of the spelling but anyway, there's this pubber thingy to suck in the acid. so she said "this is suck, this this EJECT...." OMG WAN YIN STARTED LAUGHING LIKE SHITTTT. then Mrs Johari said "then you suck in the acid, stick it inside the pipet but not so hard or it will be difficult to some out..." then I started laughing like SHIT!!!! ahahahaha Yi Jie and Ben were laughing too. hahahahha. then Mrs Johari said "then, you EJECT the acid..." OMG WE LAUGHED TILL WE ALMOST FELL ON THE FLOOR. hahahhaa gahh dirty minded people. hahaha so yeahhhh, hahaha. awesome lahhh. anyway, gotta go. hungry lahhh. P.S JIA ZHENG , we SMILEEEEE. ahahahahhaha. :D
Up, up, and away!
WHOOOO!!! hahaha RANDOM. anywayyyy today nothing much happened.... what happened ah?? OH YEAH, went to school, bla bla bla... had that chemistry talk. SO BORING. Hariyani and i were <--this--> close to sleeping but we STILL payed attention. heh see so good. ANYWAY after school, went to BK with Fatin to grab a bite before heading off to meeting. so anyway, went to meeting, Jem took over. she was awesome. she can really handle council. hahaha. Zaki, Fatin and i sat at the back watching the others....."we'll always be watcing...MUAHAHAHAHA" so some people came REALLY "EARLY" but they have their reasons so...yeah. Kelvin and Rakin had fight...i helped them and now they're okay. so no hard feeling eh guys? council, we all SMILE....we kena hit by a car, we also SMILE..... hahh anyway, Fatin and i took over. so yeah. Fatin was kinda firce. i told her "eh,relax cause even I'M afraid of you." so i hope the next meeting will be better. yeah. so KAORI, get well soon and guess what... MEL FOUND INTERNET. bahhahahahha!! SHE'S ALIVEEEEEEEEEEEE and i hope she no longer sounds like a frog or a certin SOMEONE *AHEM AHEM* will have a hard timeeee.. *AHEM* coughing ah...hahah. GOTTA GO NOW. see ya people. did you know that i told you so has a brother Jacob? his name is "SHUT THE HELL UP" - Bella in Breaking Dawn hah! the quotes are hilarious
Up, up, and away!
AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREAK OUT!! hahahaha. anyway, today went to fort canning to do drama. FUN LAHHH. hahaha Shafique and Syaraf did thier hilarious stupid jokes. then we went to music room to rest. TIRED OKAY?!?! then we talked about the WEIRD people in school like AHEM AHEM. hahaha and also about Zack. that idiot from sec 1 and 2 and now repeat sec 2. tsk tsk tsk. anyway, i very tired now sooo yeah. see ya people
Up, up, and away!
HEY PEOPLE!! hah. anyway, today didnt do much. went to school, Mrs Johari and Ms Ng talked to me about my results. they said i have "great potential" and i can "easily" get an A. but they left out the "I'M TOO STRESSED" part. sigh...i'm <--this--> close to quitting student council. i mean, IT'S SO STRESSFULL!! WITH FREAKING YOUTH MONTH AND AND AND JUNIOR PROBLEM AND AND AND RI FORUM AND ALAMAKKKKKK. sigh...calm Lydia, CALM..... anyway, after school, went for drama. tmr we acting. so scared. haha. so tmr i get to skip lesson from 8.00 to 1.00pm. YAY! hahaha. everyone was being crappy lahhh. Cikgu was like "okay okay SERIOUS"......... *someone makes some stupid crappy joke* "OKAY SERIOUSNESS GONE.....AGAIN"hahahaha freaking funny and FUN lah. then i went to student council meeting. we talked about loads of stuff. then my parents keep calling me. every 10 mins, i'll be asking Mr Goh if i could go outside for a while to pick up a call. hahahaha when the meetings were over, my parents picked me up. went to swensens to eat. now got back home....do the proposal cause i need to give it to mr Goh by TODAY ITSELF. gahhhh. anyway, no worries. trying to cope. OH AND I GOTTA GET A FREAKING CCA OR I CANT CONTINUE IN COUNCIL. that is all. see ya people
Up, up, and away!
okay i'm FINALLY home. lol. i was at the cemetery from 8.00am to 5.00pm woke up at 6am, fetch my aunt who lives FAR FAR FAR away, the go cemetery. the digging took about 1 and a half hours, and we got to the bones... i saw my real grandmum for the FIRST time...even if it was the remaining bones. 28 years HELLOOOOO. bones are gonna decompose. . . . . . SKIP. i DONT wanna talk about it. not yet at least. . . . . . then reached home at 6.30pm. rest. now using computer . haha today like freaking tiring. most of the day was spent at the cemetery. so yeah. gonna play sims 2. see ya people.
Up, up, and away!
okay just got my results today. they SUCK LIKE SHIT. seriously lahh. when i saw my papers, i was like O.O WHAT HAPPENED?!?! i NEVER get these kinds of marks before. NEVER IN MY LIFE. oh and you know what's so AWESOME. compre, 6 people....PASSED. PASSED YOU KNOW?? PASSED. that one include summary which also sucks like shit. i mean THE WHOLE CLASS IS F***ING FLUNKING IN ENGLISH. E N G L I S H !!!!!!!!! GAHHHH!!!!!!! STUPID RESULTS. I'M SOOO PISSED!! omggggg okay okay CALM....CALM DOWN LYDIA, CALM DOWN.... i have officially gone mad. ANYWAY.... after that, we had Malay. Cikgu never come. and the other students went for photo taking. so for the first half an hour, it was Wan Yin, myself and a few other guys from diff classes. they turned off the lights. and Wan Yin turned them on again. AFTER 10 MINS THEN THEY REALISE THAT THE LIGHT WAS ON AGAIN. wahhh talk about SLOW reaction time. stuuuupid. then they went for photo taking and our class only consis of Wan Yin and me and.....yeah that's it. hahaha. it was only the both of us. we did nothing what so ever. the relief teacher also did nothing was so ever. LOL. anyway, school, bla bla bla. PHOTO TAKING!! first we took a formal shot, then INFORMAL!! hahahahhaha. last year SC, the people at the back jumped on the people in the front and all the exco including me, WERE SQUASHED. who's smart idea for us to sit infront??? ah ah ah??? haha anyway, Yan Jun was behind me and she feel on me and i almost fell off the bench. haha the picture looked stupid but fun. it shows that SC are a bunch of nutsy fun people. hahaha. anyway, then we broke into groups and i was with Sharon, Haryati, Haryani, Nidia, Wan Yin and MRS JOHARI! hahah we had to choose which teacher we wanted and DUHH we chose Mrs Johari. hahaha. she's more fun. then Wan Yin told her stupid yet HILARIOUS riddles that make you smack your forehead. hahahaha. Mrs Johari was like "where do you get all these lame jokes???" hahahaha!!! then we had asembly. crapped around with JASMINE!! hahaha. she's funny like shit. then after school, i had that drama thingy for Malay. PERFORMANCE THIS THURS AND FRI!!! gahhh!! hahaha we acted like retarded idots. no wait, I look like a retarded idiot. hahaha. then Shafique and Syaraffuddin was being crappy as usual, haha. i just fooled around. Wan Yin, Yi Jie, Fatin, Afendi and the others were being all serious. hahaha. then went home, COMPUTER, LECTURE FROM MUM then then then....religious class.. and yeah. hahaha feel like playing sims 2 again. boring ah. lol anyway, i gotta go now. see ya people. MEL....FIND INTERNET CONNECTION. SERIOUSLY, I'M DYING WITHOUT YOU AND KHAL. SERIOUSLY.
Up, up, and away!
GAHHHH TMR GETTING RESULTS!! the horrible results...gahhh i can only score in English, E math and...yeah. the rest all DIE. Chemistry: i would be lucky even if i PASSED. Physics: nope, no hope. at all. seriously. Malay: -_-'' malay. are you serious? how many times have i actually gotten above 55 for malay? A Math: maybe can pass la. MAYBE. History: hmmm.....50-50 Social Studies: hahahahaha haha haha ha ha. -_-''. nope. no hope. none. nada. then here comes STUDNET COUNCIL. dont get me wrong, i LOVE my SC but it's soooo stressfull!! GAHHH!!! i quote: all of us EXCO are the parents of those irritating little kids. hah. make us sound so old. but still, i FLOVE SC. hahaha. today, didnt do anything much. didnt go to teens alive class cause i sorta overslept. heh. by two hours. oi it starts at 8 on a SUNDAY morning. i'm supposed to be asleep. hah. anyway. today, computer, tv, computer, tv. that's it. haha. cant chat with Mel cause she cant find internet connection there. haha i wonder how Khal might feel. he has to be DYING now. hahaha. well, the BOTH of us are dying. gahhhh. i just cant wait till she comes back. haha. which is in about....*does mental calculation* in FIVE weeks. FIVE WEEKS. FIVE!!!!when she comes back, i'm gonna stay up all night to talk to her. it is in JUNE anyway. hahaha. she's gonna get me the THREE DISC SPECIAL EDITION OF THE TWILIGHT DVD!! whoooo!!! hahahaha see why i love her? hahaha. i got her Archie's CD and the Singapore edition of the twilight DVD and some tube thingys (one for her and another for Khal). LOL. i feel like changing my blog skin...AGAIN. hah. well, i gotta go now. see ya people. Don't even know what we're fighting for Why does love always feel like a battlefield I guess you better go and get your armor
Up, up, and away!
okay so this post is for my dearest friend, the awesome MELACKE. she's flying off today. ): i'm going to miss her like SHIT. she's going to Libya(i think that's the spelling) anyway, she said she'll try to find internet connection. i HAVE to talk to her, come on!! hahaa. anyway, she's so awesome lahh.. and also i quote "very strong" not in the macho way but in the mentally kinda way like when she was sick, she still stayed strong. p.s thanks Khal for looking after her. i was having exams when she was sick. grr cant go Malaysia. anyway, have a safe trip dude!! take care!! and dont make the people run cause you sound like a, i quote "a toad" hahaha. joking. anyway Mel, take carem good luck, come back soon and TWILIGHT IS AWESOME. hahaha sorry, random. so yeah. i guess that's it. so tired. woke up at 8am today. went for tuition at 12 and went out after that and just came home. currently talking to Mel... talking about how the both of us hate makeup. hahahaha random see why she's rocks? she's like me!! hahaha okay she went offline. going to airport. GAHHH I MISS HER ALREADY. BYE MEL!! TRY TO EMAIL ME OKAY?? SEE YA!!
Up, up, and away!
actually my parents banned me from using the computer but they're out. anywayyy....
everyone got wet. and i mean WET. hahaha.
i was SOAKED!! yeah thanks guys. Amelia threw a water bomb and a bucket ful of water at me. hahaha.
then it started raining...gahhh. i ran in the rain. heck care lahh. wet already anyway. hahaha.
anyway from the begining....
i had tuition in the morning...wahh head pain.
then i went to meet Kaori at school then we went to her place. when i saw Kaori's room, i was like 0.0 okayyyy... hahaha. never mind, my room also messy anyway. hahaha. she did her card then went to Jacinda's place. we took a LONG bus ride there. when we reached, we went up and watched ELLEN!! whoo i LOVE Ellen. hahaha. she's so HILARIOUS.
anyway, we went down and Ele, Nidia, Amirra, Kaori and I filled up water balloons. NOT FUN. NOT FUN AT ALL. all our fingers hurt and i finally learned how to tie a balloon. hahaha.
then went to the BBQ pit. the 2E people were there. Ian, Ben, Daryl, Yi Ren, Jia Wei, Sharon, Sherry, Zhuan Mei and Yi Jie...uhh i think that's it. haha i'm sorry if i forget anyone. headache ah.
anyway, we waited...and waited...and WAITED for Jen and Wan Yin. everyone was complaining "WHERE ARE THEY..." wait actually, I was complaining. hahaha.
the 2e guys were PLAYING LAPTOP. we got SO ANGRY that we wanted to drop it in the pool. i mean it's a PARTY for God's sake!!
at least Ben tried to do anything BUT playing the com. thanks dude.
anyway..when they came, WE THROWED WATER BOMBS!! we were like "ATTACK!!!" ahahaha
the only people who didnt get wet was ZHUAN MEI and SHERRY!! hahaha
i was SOAKED.
then we eat and eat and eat like no one's business. hahaha
then it RAINED...played with water and splashed people...then we felt FREAKING COLD LAHHHH.
hahaha. Kaori's and Ian's shoes were RUINED. cause theirs are CONVERSE shoes and Kaori's shoes went from BROWN to BLACK. hahahaha. Ian's was that kinda material that CANT get wet and his were SOAKED with water and MUD. hahhaha.
then came Shikin. she was late. when she came, everyone wanted to go back alr. but some still stayed for a while.
iu would have stayed but my mum screaming already. hahaha.
anyway, took the LONGEST BUS RIDE HOME. GOSH!!
anyway now at home lah. hahaha.
thanks Kaori for waiting for the bus with me even if you also rushing. lol.
well, MEL is going off tmr. NOOOO!!!! i'll miss her and Khal. hahaha those two ahh...alamakk *smacks forehead* hahaha. i'll miss the stupid sick jokes they tell and i miss RELATING the sick jokes to THEM. hahaha.
well, have a safe trip Mel!! and Khal, once she gets back. IPOD IS HERS. I WANNA TALK TO HER. hahahaha.
soo yeah. i'll post pictures tmr. awesome party. well, see ya people.
Up, up, and away!
it's been a SUPER long time since i actually blogged. hah.
too busy lahh. (Mental Note: change blog skin. it currently....sucks)
anyway, i just came back from Fatin's place. Kaori and i helped her pack for her NCO camp. then on the way to my place, we crap-ed around by telling her what if she keepts farting when she does push ups.
we were laughing like SHIT. "ONE! prooot TWO! prooot THREE prooot" *person at back faints* "why cant handle the preasue??" "no....GAS.."
anway, Mel's going away in TWO days!!! GAHHH
no talking to her and Khal for a MONTH AND A HALF.
i'll DIE. when she comes back, i wanna chat with her THE WHOLEEEE WAY. p.s Khal, if you stop her halfway, i'll kill you. hah joking....
well, student council outing postponed. WHOOOO. hahaha. to JUNE. YAY!!
cant wait for holidayy omg... hahaha.
anyway, i have a heck of alot of things to write about but too many. haa i cant remember.
Jen's leaving on the 21st. the day she told us she dropped out of school, i cried like shit lahhh. i mean, i've been close to her since sec 1 and it's hard to let go...
anyway, i heard a LAME joke.
what's the only funny thing in the zoo. if a girrafe vomits.
if you dont get it, you SLOW. haha joking.
the vomit has to travel all the way up your neck and the girrafe's neck is SUPER LONG.. so just imagine
girrafe: i'm going to vomit. you have 10 mins starting NOW.
haha lame. i know.
well, so far, my life is only filled with crap, crappy jokes, more crap, and BIG SURPRISE.....CRAP!! oh and SC
whoo SC! haha
Kaori and i going RI. hah. dunno when but we're going. confirm take taxi there again lahh. but it's SUPER FAR. we also dunno which teacher is following us. gahhhh.
anyway, i shall crap around some more and update tmr. see ya people.
Up, up, and away!
WHOOO!!! hahaha. have not posted for a few days. super busy. so it's my grandmum's birthday and we went to swensens. hahaha. my sister and i got her this magic bullet thingy. some blender. hahaha. well, after that, we walked around, and went tp my grandmum's house and that's it. lol. yeah today very boring. i would have blogged earlier but my sister was hogging the computer playing sims 2. hahaha. she's like "EH WHY MY FAMILY NO BABY BUT YOUR FAMILY GOT ALOT OFF BBY LIKE RABBIT LIKE THAT?!?!" hahaha. i told her "well, you'll learn that in pri 5. the birds, the bees and the forbidden apple...." hahahaha. i checked my email and....ONE SCENE FROM NEW MOON IS OUT AND OH MY GOD I WAS FREAKING OUT LIKE SHIT. hahahaha!! Mel was talking to me and she was freaking out as well. haha!! she watched it before me and i forgot they're realesing the scene today so she said "LYDIA, HOW CAN YOU NOT WATCH IT??! NO WAIT, HOW COULD YOU FORGET?!?! GAHHHHHH ITS NEW MOON. WATCH IT. NOW. Bella said 'i love you' WATCH IT NOW!!!!" hahahaha. and once i watched it, yeah i freaked. hahaha. well, my cousin's birthday is coming up and so is my mother grandmum's sooo....wahhh alot of birthdays!!! OOH GOOD LUCK ABG SYAHID AND LILY FOR YOUR EXAMS!!! Abg Syahid(my elder, more retarded and idiotic cousin...hah joking) kept saying "WHYYYY does the exam have to fall on my birthday...WHYY WHYY WHYYYYYY?!?!?!" tsk tsk tsk. lucky my birthday is in dec. hahaha. well, emailed Mel. her emails always make me laugh like shit. hahaha. and she forward-ed me one of Khal's emails....yeah some make no sense and some are really...uh...what's the word, touchy. hahaha. NOT THAT DIRTY KINDA TOUCHY. THE TOUCHY THAT MAKES YOU CRY. sheesh dirty minded people. oh i know you were thinking about it. HAH! anyway, yeah. see ya people wake up put a big smile on and the rest i didnt plan - Taylor Swift
WHOOOO!!!! hahaha. today, nothing much happened in school. yeah Ms Ng didnt come today. so we had TWO HOURS of free time. relief teacher came in and a bunch of us talked to her. first one hour, i fell asleep cause yesterday i chatted with Mel till late then i remembered i had to file all my chem stuff in order. so i file file file till 11 plus...while chatting with Mel lah. hahaha Mel said Khal keeps giving her super short emails non-stop. HA! turns out, the exact same time he emailed her was the exact same time i chatted and emailed Mel. hahaha. i would say great minds think alike but this is KHAL we're talking about. hahaha. not so much of a great mind. just a dirty one. anyway, the second hour, we talked to the teacher and some how, the topic changed to THE BIRDS, THE BEES AND THE FORBIDDEN APPLE. hahahaaha yes we were THAT bored. it was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!!! bahahahhaha!!! so yeah. after school went to meet my mum and sis at sis school. sent my sis to dance practice and when i got home, she called. she said "can you come fetch me?" "why? feeling sick?" "nope. dance cancelled." "WHAT?!?!?! THEY TELL YOU NOW WHEN I REACH HOME?!?!?! ugh okok stay there. i'm coming" so i'm at home now. yeahhh. going out later. then tmr...PARENTS MEET. (DUN-DUN-DUNNNNNN) yeah FREAKING OUTTTTTT. gahhhh!!!! so yeah. oh and Fatin: sorry for hitting you just now. no hard feelings yeah? i sorta forgot you didnt like to be hit. so yeah. sorry. and good luck for your floorball!! eh wait, by now it should be over soo....uhhh...hmmm....just GOOD LUCK!! hah. OHOHOHOHOHOH THE NEW MOON PICS ARE OUT AND AND AND.... GAHHHH IT WAS THE SCENE WHEN...WHEN...WHEN.... EDWARD WAS IN ITALY.... ABOUT TO SHOW HIS VAMPIRE SELF TO EVERYONE.... AND ON THAT SCENE.... HE... WAS..... shirtless....OH MY GOD I FREAKED OUT LIKE @#$%!!!!! THEN THEN THEN..... THE THE THE.... SCENE WHEN EDWARD FOUND BELLA AGAIN... THE THE THE.... kiss scene...SOME ONE FELT HYPER!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!!!! so yeah. CURRENTLY FREAKING OUT!!!! see ya people.
WHOOOO!!! hahaha. today classes quite boring lah. OHOHOH MISS NEO IS BACK!!!!!!!! WHOOOO!! SOOOO HAPPY!! hahaha. she came into our A math class too. lol. the whole class missed her so much. then then then during P.E Miss Neo walked past us the the whole class was like "MISS NEO!!!!! HI!!!!!!! HELLO!! MISS NEO!!!!!" then Mr Goh had the what-about-me? face then the class went "nahh....MISS NEOOOOOOO!!!" hahahahaha!!! cikgu gave me two booklets to sell and I LOST ONE FREAKING BOOKLET!! SHIOTHGEBVFVUSAGDF. FiretrUCK!!!! but no worries...i have a PLAN. muahahahhahahaha!!! LOL anyway, had a meeting with the peer leaders. yeah. it went okay. WHOOTS WE KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOUTH DAY NOW!!! AWESOMEEEEEEE. so yeah. practically my June holiday is almost all used up. hah. Arch Angels going for outing but i dunno if i can go cause Jen's not here no more, and Lily has O Level. so i'm all aloneeeeeeeeeeeee. *sniff sniff* tmr watching Angels and Demons with my MUM! yay!! finally watching that show!! hahaha. then my aunt called. she said she bringing me and my sis out on Sun to watch Night at the museum 2. gahhh!!! hahaha. but i shall watch with the SC again soon. whooo!!! hmm...nothing else happened today. so yeah. ADD ON! hahaha i just visited the E&B site and new pictures of Rob are out. hahahaha. Mel is going to FREAK when she sees them. hahahahaha!!! i can just imagine it now! bahaha. okay see ya people
WHOOO!! okayyyy so today, nothing muched happened really. oh yeah, TO THE COUNCILLORS: awesome guys, today you guys reported outside GO at the time given and we had NO COMPLAINTS!! BUT, i quote Mr Goh, "we need compliments" so, just keep up the good work well anyway, TODAY CHEMISTRY DANG FUNN. oh and THANKS BEN! for sharing your crystals!! whoo! hahaha Mrs Johari taught us how to use the pipet or something. not sure of the spelling but anyway, there's this pubber thingy to suck in the acid. so she said "this is suck, this this EJECT...." OMG WAN YIN STARTED LAUGHING LIKE SHITTTT. then Mrs Johari said "then you suck in the acid, stick it inside the pipet but not so hard or it will be difficult to some out..." then I started laughing like SHIT!!!! ahahahaha Yi Jie and Ben were laughing too. hahahahha. then Mrs Johari said "then, you EJECT the acid..." OMG WE LAUGHED TILL WE ALMOST FELL ON THE FLOOR. hahahhaa gahh dirty minded people. hahaha so yeahhhh, hahaha. awesome lahhh. anyway, gotta go. hungry lahhh. P.S JIA ZHENG , we SMILEEEEE. ahahahahhaha. :D
WHOOOO!!! hahaha RANDOM. anywayyyy today nothing much happened.... what happened ah?? OH YEAH, went to school, bla bla bla... had that chemistry talk. SO BORING. Hariyani and i were <--this--> close to sleeping but we STILL payed attention. heh see so good. ANYWAY after school, went to BK with Fatin to grab a bite before heading off to meeting. so anyway, went to meeting, Jem took over. she was awesome. she can really handle council. hahaha. Zaki, Fatin and i sat at the back watching the others....."we'll always be watcing...MUAHAHAHAHA" so some people came REALLY "EARLY" but they have their reasons so...yeah. Kelvin and Rakin had fight...i helped them and now they're okay. so no hard feeling eh guys? council, we all SMILE....we kena hit by a car, we also SMILE..... hahh anyway, Fatin and i took over. so yeah. Fatin was kinda firce. i told her "eh,relax cause even I'M afraid of you." so i hope the next meeting will be better. yeah. so KAORI, get well soon and guess what... MEL FOUND INTERNET. bahhahahahha!! SHE'S ALIVEEEEEEEEEEEE and i hope she no longer sounds like a frog or a certin SOMEONE *AHEM AHEM* will have a hard timeeee.. *AHEM* coughing ah...hahah. GOTTA GO NOW. see ya people. did you know that i told you so has a brother Jacob? his name is "SHUT THE HELL UP" - Bella in Breaking Dawn hah! the quotes are hilarious
AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREAK OUT!! hahahaha. anyway, today went to fort canning to do drama. FUN LAHHH. hahaha Shafique and Syaraf did thier hilarious stupid jokes. then we went to music room to rest. TIRED OKAY?!?! then we talked about the WEIRD people in school like AHEM AHEM. hahaha and also about Zack. that idiot from sec 1 and 2 and now repeat sec 2. tsk tsk tsk. anyway, i very tired now sooo yeah. see ya people
HEY PEOPLE!! hah. anyway, today didnt do much. went to school, Mrs Johari and Ms Ng talked to me about my results. they said i have "great potential" and i can "easily" get an A. but they left out the "I'M TOO STRESSED" part. sigh...i'm <--this--> close to quitting student council. i mean, IT'S SO STRESSFULL!! WITH FREAKING YOUTH MONTH AND AND AND JUNIOR PROBLEM AND AND AND RI FORUM AND ALAMAKKKKKK. sigh...calm Lydia, CALM..... anyway, after school, went for drama. tmr we acting. so scared. haha. so tmr i get to skip lesson from 8.00 to 1.00pm. YAY! hahaha. everyone was being crappy lahhh. Cikgu was like "okay okay SERIOUS"......... *someone makes some stupid crappy joke* "OKAY SERIOUSNESS GONE.....AGAIN"hahahaha freaking funny and FUN lah. then i went to student council meeting. we talked about loads of stuff. then my parents keep calling me. every 10 mins, i'll be asking Mr Goh if i could go outside for a while to pick up a call. hahahaha when the meetings were over, my parents picked me up. went to swensens to eat. now got back home....do the proposal cause i need to give it to mr Goh by TODAY ITSELF. gahhhh. anyway, no worries. trying to cope. OH AND I GOTTA GET A FREAKING CCA OR I CANT CONTINUE IN COUNCIL. that is all. see ya people
okay i'm FINALLY home. lol. i was at the cemetery from 8.00am to 5.00pm woke up at 6am, fetch my aunt who lives FAR FAR FAR away, the go cemetery. the digging took about 1 and a half hours, and we got to the bones... i saw my real grandmum for the FIRST time...even if it was the remaining bones. 28 years HELLOOOOO. bones are gonna decompose. . . . . . SKIP. i DONT wanna talk about it. not yet at least. . . . . . then reached home at 6.30pm. rest. now using computer . haha today like freaking tiring. most of the day was spent at the cemetery. so yeah. gonna play sims 2. see ya people.
okay just got my results today. they SUCK LIKE SHIT. seriously lahh. when i saw my papers, i was like O.O WHAT HAPPENED?!?! i NEVER get these kinds of marks before. NEVER IN MY LIFE. oh and you know what's so AWESOME. compre, 6 people....PASSED. PASSED YOU KNOW?? PASSED. that one include summary which also sucks like shit. i mean THE WHOLE CLASS IS F***ING FLUNKING IN ENGLISH. E N G L I S H !!!!!!!!! GAHHHH!!!!!!! STUPID RESULTS. I'M SOOO PISSED!! omggggg okay okay CALM....CALM DOWN LYDIA, CALM DOWN.... i have officially gone mad. ANYWAY.... after that, we had Malay. Cikgu never come. and the other students went for photo taking. so for the first half an hour, it was Wan Yin, myself and a few other guys from diff classes. they turned off the lights. and Wan Yin turned them on again. AFTER 10 MINS THEN THEY REALISE THAT THE LIGHT WAS ON AGAIN. wahhh talk about SLOW reaction time. stuuuupid. then they went for photo taking and our class only consis of Wan Yin and me and.....yeah that's it. hahaha. it was only the both of us. we did nothing what so ever. the relief teacher also did nothing was so ever. LOL. anyway, school, bla bla bla. PHOTO TAKING!! first we took a formal shot, then INFORMAL!! hahahahhaha. last year SC, the people at the back jumped on the people in the front and all the exco including me, WERE SQUASHED. who's smart idea for us to sit infront??? ah ah ah??? haha anyway, Yan Jun was behind me and she feel on me and i almost fell off the bench. haha the picture looked stupid but fun. it shows that SC are a bunch of nutsy fun people. hahaha. anyway, then we broke into groups and i was with Sharon, Haryati, Haryani, Nidia, Wan Yin and MRS JOHARI! hahah we had to choose which teacher we wanted and DUHH we chose Mrs Johari. hahaha. she's more fun. then Wan Yin told her stupid yet HILARIOUS riddles that make you smack your forehead. hahahaha. Mrs Johari was like "where do you get all these lame jokes???" hahahaha!!! then we had asembly. crapped around with JASMINE!! hahaha. she's funny like shit. then after school, i had that drama thingy for Malay. PERFORMANCE THIS THURS AND FRI!!! gahhh!! hahaha we acted like retarded idots. no wait, I look like a retarded idiot. hahaha. then Shafique and Syaraffuddin was being crappy as usual, haha. i just fooled around. Wan Yin, Yi Jie, Fatin, Afendi and the others were being all serious. hahaha. then went home, COMPUTER, LECTURE FROM MUM then then then....religious class.. and yeah. hahaha feel like playing sims 2 again. boring ah. lol anyway, i gotta go now. see ya people. MEL....FIND INTERNET CONNECTION. SERIOUSLY, I'M DYING WITHOUT YOU AND KHAL. SERIOUSLY.
GAHHHH TMR GETTING RESULTS!! the horrible results...gahhh i can only score in English, E math and...yeah. the rest all DIE. Chemistry: i would be lucky even if i PASSED. Physics: nope, no hope. at all. seriously. Malay: -_-'' malay. are you serious? how many times have i actually gotten above 55 for malay? A Math: maybe can pass la. MAYBE. History: hmmm.....50-50 Social Studies: hahahahaha haha haha ha ha. -_-''. nope. no hope. none. nada. then here comes STUDNET COUNCIL. dont get me wrong, i LOVE my SC but it's soooo stressfull!! GAHHH!!! i quote: all of us EXCO are the parents of those irritating little kids. hah. make us sound so old. but still, i FLOVE SC. hahaha. today, didnt do anything much. didnt go to teens alive class cause i sorta overslept. heh. by two hours. oi it starts at 8 on a SUNDAY morning. i'm supposed to be asleep. hah. anyway. today, computer, tv, computer, tv. that's it. haha. cant chat with Mel cause she cant find internet connection there. haha i wonder how Khal might feel. he has to be DYING now. hahaha. well, the BOTH of us are dying. gahhhh. i just cant wait till she comes back. haha. which is in about....*does mental calculation* in FIVE weeks. FIVE WEEKS. FIVE!!!!when she comes back, i'm gonna stay up all night to talk to her. it is in JUNE anyway. hahaha. she's gonna get me the THREE DISC SPECIAL EDITION OF THE TWILIGHT DVD!! whoooo!!! hahahaha see why i love her? hahaha. i got her Archie's CD and the Singapore edition of the twilight DVD and some tube thingys (one for her and another for Khal). LOL. i feel like changing my blog skin...AGAIN. hah. well, i gotta go now. see ya people. Don't even know what we're fighting for Why does love always feel like a battlefield I guess you better go and get your armor
okay so this post is for my dearest friend, the awesome MELACKE. she's flying off today. ): i'm going to miss her like SHIT. she's going to Libya(i think that's the spelling) anyway, she said she'll try to find internet connection. i HAVE to talk to her, come on!! hahaa. anyway, she's so awesome lahh.. and also i quote "very strong" not in the macho way but in the mentally kinda way like when she was sick, she still stayed strong. p.s thanks Khal for looking after her. i was having exams when she was sick. grr cant go Malaysia. anyway, have a safe trip dude!! take care!! and dont make the people run cause you sound like a, i quote "a toad" hahaha. joking. anyway Mel, take carem good luck, come back soon and TWILIGHT IS AWESOME. hahaha sorry, random. so yeah. i guess that's it. so tired. woke up at 8am today. went for tuition at 12 and went out after that and just came home. currently talking to Mel... talking about how the both of us hate makeup. hahahaha random see why she's rocks? she's like me!! hahaha okay she went offline. going to airport. GAHHH I MISS HER ALREADY. BYE MEL!! TRY TO EMAIL ME OKAY?? SEE YA!!
actually my parents banned me from using the computer but they're out. anywayyy....
everyone got wet. and i mean WET. hahaha.
i was SOAKED!! yeah thanks guys. Amelia threw a water bomb and a bucket ful of water at me. hahaha.
then it started raining...gahhh. i ran in the rain. heck care lahh. wet already anyway. hahaha.
anyway from the begining....
i had tuition in the morning...wahh head pain.
then i went to meet Kaori at school then we went to her place. when i saw Kaori's room, i was like 0.0 okayyyy... hahaha. never mind, my room also messy anyway. hahaha. she did her card then went to Jacinda's place. we took a LONG bus ride there. when we reached, we went up and watched ELLEN!! whoo i LOVE Ellen. hahaha. she's so HILARIOUS.
anyway, we went down and Ele, Nidia, Amirra, Kaori and I filled up water balloons. NOT FUN. NOT FUN AT ALL. all our fingers hurt and i finally learned how to tie a balloon. hahaha.
then went to the BBQ pit. the 2E people were there. Ian, Ben, Daryl, Yi Ren, Jia Wei, Sharon, Sherry, Zhuan Mei and Yi Jie...uhh i think that's it. haha i'm sorry if i forget anyone. headache ah.
anyway, we waited...and waited...and WAITED for Jen and Wan Yin. everyone was complaining "WHERE ARE THEY..." wait actually, I was complaining. hahaha.
the 2e guys were PLAYING LAPTOP. we got SO ANGRY that we wanted to drop it in the pool. i mean it's a PARTY for God's sake!!
at least Ben tried to do anything BUT playing the com. thanks dude.
anyway..when they came, WE THROWED WATER BOMBS!! we were like "ATTACK!!!" ahahaha
the only people who didnt get wet was ZHUAN MEI and SHERRY!! hahaha
i was SOAKED.
then we eat and eat and eat like no one's business. hahaha
then it RAINED...played with water and splashed people...then we felt FREAKING COLD LAHHHH.
hahaha. Kaori's and Ian's shoes were RUINED. cause theirs are CONVERSE shoes and Kaori's shoes went from BROWN to BLACK. hahahaha. Ian's was that kinda material that CANT get wet and his were SOAKED with water and MUD. hahhaha.
then came Shikin. she was late. when she came, everyone wanted to go back alr. but some still stayed for a while.
iu would have stayed but my mum screaming already. hahaha.
anyway, took the LONGEST BUS RIDE HOME. GOSH!!
anyway now at home lah. hahaha.
thanks Kaori for waiting for the bus with me even if you also rushing. lol.
well, MEL is going off tmr. NOOOO!!!! i'll miss her and Khal. hahaha those two ahh...alamakk *smacks forehead* hahaha. i'll miss the stupid sick jokes they tell and i miss RELATING the sick jokes to THEM. hahaha.
well, have a safe trip Mel!! and Khal, once she gets back. IPOD IS HERS. I WANNA TALK TO HER. hahahaha.
soo yeah. i'll post pictures tmr. awesome party. well, see ya people.
it's been a SUPER long time since i actually blogged. hah.
too busy lahh. (Mental Note: change blog skin. it currently....sucks)
anyway, i just came back from Fatin's place. Kaori and i helped her pack for her NCO camp. then on the way to my place, we crap-ed around by telling her what if she keepts farting when she does push ups.
we were laughing like SHIT. "ONE! prooot TWO! prooot THREE prooot" *person at back faints* "why cant handle the preasue??" "no....GAS.."
anway, Mel's going away in TWO days!!! GAHHH
no talking to her and Khal for a MONTH AND A HALF.
i'll DIE. when she comes back, i wanna chat with her THE WHOLEEEE WAY. p.s Khal, if you stop her halfway, i'll kill you. hah joking....
well, student council outing postponed. WHOOOO. hahaha. to JUNE. YAY!!
cant wait for holidayy omg... hahaha.
anyway, i have a heck of alot of things to write about but too many. haa i cant remember.
Jen's leaving on the 21st. the day she told us she dropped out of school, i cried like shit lahhh. i mean, i've been close to her since sec 1 and it's hard to let go...
anyway, i heard a LAME joke.
what's the only funny thing in the zoo. if a girrafe vomits.
if you dont get it, you SLOW. haha joking.
the vomit has to travel all the way up your neck and the girrafe's neck is SUPER LONG.. so just imagine
girrafe: i'm going to vomit. you have 10 mins starting NOW.
haha lame. i know.
well, so far, my life is only filled with crap, crappy jokes, more crap, and BIG SURPRISE.....CRAP!! oh and SC
whoo SC! haha
Kaori and i going RI. hah. dunno when but we're going. confirm take taxi there again lahh. but it's SUPER FAR. we also dunno which teacher is following us. gahhhh.
anyway, i shall crap around some more and update tmr. see ya people.
revive the past
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
June 2010
October 2010
November 2010
my name's LYDIA
i'm 14 going on 15
i LOVE my .Student Councillors
and the AWESOME poeple in E&B and AF
if you DONT like my blog,
then LEAVE
Shooting Stars
make the IMPOSSIBLE...possible
- Go to L.A (end of next year!! whoots!!!)
- Meet the one and only DAVID JAMES ARCHULETA 07/04/09
- Meet the TWILIGHT stars
-Meet Mel and Khal in Malaysia!! :D
-see JENEVA again:DD
- Send JENEVA'S stuff ASAP!!
- the twilight saga hard cover my birthday present BOX SET AND COLLECTORS EDITION OF THE TWILIGHT BOOK
- Taylor Swift CD. she's AWESOME thanks mum!:)
- Twilight DVD!I HAVE TWO!! a 3rd one soon! THANKS MEL!
- Shadow Kiss book
- BOTH The Rob books!!
- BOTH of the Twilight books movie cover!!
- Twilight Soundtrack!! i have 2! one DELUX edition!!
- Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
- Twilight Director's notebook
- Twilight posters
- Send Mel and Khal's stuff ASAP!
- get MORE guitar picks. ANYONE CAN HELP ME GET??
- Get Khal's guitar picks ASAP!
- get mine and Jen's Archie's Christmas album!!!
- the Host book
- Blood Promise book.
- Breaking Dawn Special Edition!!
- Watch Vampire Diaries on Youtube!
- New Moon book Movie cover!!!
- WORKING earphones with MIC for SKYPE!!>
- New Moon book Movie cover! the small one. :)
- Twilight the score soundtrack!
- New Moon: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
- The Twilight Journals!!
- New Moon posters!! <3
- New Moon soundtrack
- New Moon Soundtrack Delux edition
- New Moon Soundtrack the score
- New Moon Calander! the one from borders!!
- Twilight Calander! the one from borders!!
- New Moon's collector's edition!! it's like $51 ah wtf.Jocelyn! THANK YOU :D
- Shadowland book
- Spirit Bound book. OUT IN MAY...2010 -_-''
"Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me."
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