hahahahhaa HAPPY TEACHERS DAY! to all the teachers who i hope to God is not reading my blog. hahahaha. TEACHERS DAY! WAS AWESOME! i got MY IC! had to say the stupid pledge before getting the IC. STUUUUUUUUPID! hahahaha. anyway, yeah. I FINALLY GOT MY NEW WATCH!! WHEEE!! hahahahaha. nothing better to do. re-read New Moon. sooo diff from the book. really. i prefer the book. hhahaha. okay will post more tmr. BYE
Up, up, and away!
I FINALLY CALLED MEL hahahhahahahah!!! it was FUNNNN AND IT WAS CLEAR!! HAHAHAHAHA we were talking about the O Levels. hahahahaha. then she had to put down the phone cause she had to do something. OHHHH I GET TO CALL HER AGAIN NOW. hahahahahaha. it's a REALLY REALLY random thing. and guess what. i realized she's 171 cm Khal's 185 and i'm only 167. i feel REALLY REALLY SHORT hahhahahahaha. ohh just now in Chem, Wan Yin and I got really tired of watching Kiran and Bryan trying to touch each other's ass. so we screamed "can you keep your hands off each other's balls???" hahahahahahahhaha!!! OOHHH GOTTA GO NOW. BYE BYE hahahaha i'll see ya when i see ya i would give it all up to bea part of thisa part of you
Up, up, and away!
WHOOOOOOO!!! TODAYYYYYY first day of CCA. hahahahaha. havent been to ANY CCA in a LONGGGG time.
so Kaori, Veronice and I joined ART CLUB. -_-'' i was NEVER the art-sy type. hahahahaha. well, i did go to art classes when i was young but i only worked with colour pencils. hahahahah but then, we needed to paint something ah. and this is my "master piece"
EHHH NOT BAD EH!! hahahahahhahahaha. i thought it would end up like....ew. but thennnn...it turned out relly nice. hahahahahaha not bad for a beginner. hahahaha Veronice's is FREAKING AWESOME AHH!! OHHH MEL'S ONLINE. WHEEEEEEEEE. crapping with Khal, i mean MADDIE, Mel and JOCELYN! hahahahaha. okay gtg now. i'll see ya when i see ya i'm looking for something i dont even know what
Up, up, and away!
I FREAKING FAILED HISTORY. I NEVER FAIL HISTORY. AND I JUST DID. FREAK FREAK FREAK. ARGH!!!! 3/4 OF THE WHOLE COHORT FAILED HISTORY. I MEAN IT'S HISTORY!!! gahhhhhh. never mind, must work harder next time. anywayyyyyy school was a dull. came home, computer, books, piano, sleep. that's mainly it nowadays. but starting from next week, STUDY STUDY STUDY yup time to melt our brains into brain juice. hhahahahaha just chatted with Mel. she went to go meet Khal *AHEM AHEM* HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! okay gotta go. i'll see ya when i see ya bad news never had good timing
Up, up, and away!
10 mins before buka puasa, MY RED PROBLEMS CAME. ALAMAKKKK 10 MINS!! TEN! GAHHHH. so looks like i wont be fasting. hahahahaha. i'm gonna rub it in Mel's face "HA! I GET TO SKIPPPPPP!!!" but crap, i got sore throat. grrrr. hahahahha OHHH AND I FINALLY GOT A2 FOR MY A MATH!!! OMGGGGG hahahahahah. i jumped from E8 to A2 AWESOME RIGHT??? HAHHAHAHAA. SOOOOO HAPPY!!! HAHAHA ohhh!! and mum wanted to get me a new watch, consedering what happened to my old one. hahahhaa. so on saturday, we're going to swatch watch shops. there's this watch i saw which was quite nice, but i'm still surveying. hahahaha. OHHHH AND WE'RE GOING TO BORDERS. OMG CAUSE MY FAV BOOKS ON MY WISHLIST ARE FINALLY RELEASED TODAYi'm freaking happy okay!! hahahhahahaha. well, anyway, i added a list of videos right under my tag board. hahahaha OBVIOUSLY got NEW MOON there. still trying to get links for the TWILIGHT ones. hahahaha. and VAMPIRE DIARIES :D hahahahaha okay gtg. i'll see ya when i see ya stop this train, i want to get off and go home again
Up, up, and away!
OMG I PASSED CHEM AND PHY FOR THE FIRST TIME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. LOLLL and i actually did well for A math and E math FOR ONCE. WHOOOOOO!! hahhahahaha SO HAPPY. but i FREAKING FAILED ENGLISH AND MALAY. Malay expected lah. but ENGLISH?!?!?! 2/3 of the class FAILED. yeah. FAILED. that's cause the bloody passage didnt tally with the answers. dumb right? aiyahh can do better ah... must work harder next term. MUST PASS ENGLISH. WORK MY BUTT OFF FOR ENGLISH. and i freaking FINALLY PASSED SOCIAL STUDIES!! hahahahhahaha. I GOT 75 AHHH!! hahahahahhahahahaha omg so hyper. and it's PUASA HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! BUT I'M HAPPY FOR MY CHEM, PHY, E MATH, A MATH AND SOCIAL STUDIES FOR NOW. HAHAHAHAHAHA. ONLY NEED TO WORK HARDER FOR ENG, MALAY AND HISTORY(have not gotten back yet) whooooo hopefully can do better next term. hahahaha. anywayyyyy today nothing much happened. except results ah. LOL. but other than that, ehhh okay ah. I'M GETTING MY GUITAR PICKS(maybe) AND MY NEW WATCH HOPEFULLY TMR!! and omg if you dont know the story about my watch, tsk tsk tsk. hahahahaha. my watch broke it's second and and it's two straps snapped in less than 24 hours. hahahhahahahahaha. OKAY GONNA GO NOW. hahahaha P.S JOCELYN!you're still not done with my bloggggg!!!! haahhahahahahaha. but i credit you already. when you're dreaming with a broken heart, waking up is the hardest part
Up, up, and away!
OMG I CANT WAIT TILL THIS SHOWS!!! WATCH IT!!! OMG I READ THE BOOK, NOT SO GOOD BUT THE SHOW IS AWESOMEEEEEE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgygFh6oLOwWATCH!!!!!! and yes, it IS about VAMPIRES. hahhahhaha. and all the imortal stuff like warewolfs etc. so yeah. there you go. :D SO AWESOMEEEEE. i cant stop watching it. hahahhahaha. :P it's a TV series!
Up, up, and away!
JEN'S FAULT. This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS. Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you see these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random it is, just type it! Repost it for all of your friends.Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this! 1. Beer: cant drink it 2. Food: EH tengah puasa nak fikir pasal makanan pula. (eh fasting, still want to think about food) 3. Relationships: dont have one, dont really care. 4. My crush: *archie's song enters head* is it really just another crush!! hahahahahaha!! 5. Power Rangers: i know got the red ranger, blue ranger, some dude who's butt is stuck on a chair. eh really ah got one very old episode. 6. Life: sucks, and then you die. i should be so lucky. BREAKING DAWN!! JACOB! hahahahaha 7. The President: Obama 8. Yummy: EH PUASA LAHHH 9. Cars: SHINY SILVER VOLVO. hahahahahahah 10. Movies: Twilight! New Moon COMINGGGGGG 11. Halloween:PEEK A BOO! eh wait. halloween is TRICK OR TREAT!! hahahaha 12. Sex: EH BULAN PUASA!! MUST STAY HOLY!! 13. Religion: God 14. Hate: stuff 15. Fear: fear? 16. Marriage: *wedding bells plays in head along with that tune you play when the bride comes in* DENG DENG DENG DENGGGGG DENG DENG DENG DENGGGGG 17. Blondes: I PREFER BRUNETTES!! HAHAHAHAH EDWARD CULLEN 18. Slippers: SNEAKERS! 19. Shoes: SNEAKERS! 20. Asians: a couple of smart little people. hahahahaha 21. Pass time: computer, tv, reading. the ususal 22. One night stand: I SHALL REMAIN HOLY 23. My cell phone: i wonder what phone plan Rob has. hahahahah he can send like 400 msgs per person in one day. wahhhh i ENJOY ah!! hahahahhahaha 24. Smoke: WANT TO DIE AHH?? 25. Fantasy: uhhhh Fantasy? 26. College: WAHHH STUDY AGAIN AHH?!?! Tampines JC!!!! 27. High School Life: HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. ahahhhahahahaha 28. Pajamas: BANANAS IN PAJAMAS!! *theme song plays in head* BANANAS IN PAJAMAS, ARE COMING DOWN THE STAIRS!!! BANANAS IN PAJAMAS, SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHINGGGGGG 29. Stars: in the night sky 30. Center: of gravity. hahaha 31. Alcohol: thermometer. physics is getting into my head. hahahaha 32. The word love: love 33. Friends: PURE AWESOMENESS 34. Money: ECONOMIC CRISIS AHHH!! hahahahhahaha 35. Heartache: some song i remembered 36. Time: early in the morning. hahahhaa 37. Divorce: marriage 38. Dogs: WOOF WOOF 39. Undies: 4 FOR $10! hahahahahhahah!!!! i saw the huge sign at Century Square the other day 40. Parents: AWESOME 41. Babies: my little cousins who cant stop pulling my hair 42. Ex:ACHOOOO!! Excuse me. hahahahah 43. Song: Singer. hahahaha 44. Color: B-L-U-E 45. Weddings:*wedding bells ring and also that tune you play when the bride comes in* DENG DENG DENG DENGGGGGGG. 46. Pizza: HUT 47. Hangout: nah, i'll stay at home. 48. Rest: SLEEP 49. Goal: GOAL!!! that's what the guys are screaming in my house watching the match. hahahahahahaha 50. Inspiration: Aspiration OKAY I'M DONE. hahahahahaha. i only had like one and a half hours of sleep. slept at 2.30AM woke up at 4.00 cant sleep till now. hahahahahah well, gonna go surf da net. i'll see ya when i see ya. i know, the heart, of life is good
Up, up, and away!
fristly, THANK YOU JOCELYN!! hahahaha. she's helping me edit my blog. but she's not done yet. :P hahahaha. THANKS SO MUCH. I OWE YOU BIG TIME. hahahha i tried doing it myself, but i can only go so far. eh my first time edit blogskin okay!! hahahhaha. she pro ah. anyway, i had an ass-full chat with Khal. since he doesnt have MSN, he used Mel's account. i seriously thought it was Mel. ahahhahaa. he was like "this is MR ASS btw" hahahahahaha. then i started miss-spelling loads of things. and so did he. and i told him "your ass-ness has rubbed of on me." Khal: hey at least i'm a SMART ass. me: -_-'' then oh yeah! Khal: *typo typo typo* Me: ass dont know how to spell. Khal: typo, ever heard of it? Me: spell check, ever heard of it? Khal: MSN doesnt have spell check. HA! Me: *shit*....touche. hahahahaha. there's alot more things that i dont remember. OH YEAH. he sent me this song that's really nice actually. hahaha. he said "it's a song. not some porn website virus you sent me" Me: hey who asked you to open the virus in the first place!!! hahahahahhaa. it was really stupid actually. hahaha. well, went to my grandparent's place for buka puasa. she cooked fish, mi and more which i forgot. my sister was like STARING at the food. then she ACCIDENTALLY ate something. HAHAHAHAHHAA IT WAS HILARIOUS!! but it's okay if you ACCIDENTALLY eat something. as long as you dont do it on purpose. hahaha. she went MAD hahahahahahaha. she freaked. she panicked. then my grandad said "aiyahhh that one okay lah. bonus from God." hahahahhaahhaha. then my aunt, my mum and myself started making jokes about my dad and my sis cause during sahur(in the morning when we're supposed to eat) my dad was SOOOO SLEEPY. he couldnt keep his eyes open. mum: bapak kau dah nak landing. (your father's about to land *in bed, going to sleep*) *dad goes into the room* me: AND TOUCH DOWN!!! hahahahhaahah. then my sister ALMOST FELL FACE FLAT ON THE FOOD. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. she was eating with her eyes closed. hahahahahahahhaaha. funny ahhh. anyway, waiting for Mel to go online again. hahaha. EH EH EH MEL, YOU BECOME MESSENGER AGAIN AH!! hahahahhaha joking joking. :P she's too awesome to send ass-full comments. hahaha. OH one day we had this random conversation about Mel dying. (yes, i know. weird topic) hahahahahahha. me: you will be taking all the awesomeness away Mel: then you and Khal will have to keep up with my awesome-ness me: dude, are you NUTS?? you put me and Khal, you get a war. hahahahaha. they're both awesome lahh. hahahaha. okay gonna surf the net. i'll see ya when i see ya so i'm gonna let out a yell,gonna stand on the roof top, gonna climb to the mountain top,gonna scream and shout.gonna show it on a video, gonna sing it on the radio
Up, up, and away!
HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO humans/vampires/idiots/aliens/whateverspeciesthatcomestomind. hahahaha. firstly, SELAMAT BULAN RAMADAN to all the Muslims out there :D and as my dad used to say "kau puasa, jagan pergi dapur cari makanan, nanti kau TER-makan macam dahulu, habis lah kau. good luck aje." hahaha. direct translation is "if you're fasting, dont go to the kitchen to hunt for food. later, when you ACCIDENTALLY eat it, like the last time, that's it ah. good luck ah." hahaha cause when i was young, i will run to the kitchen to hunt for food, when i got what i wanted, i realized that i was fasting only moments before the thing ended up in my mouth. hahahahaha anyway, currently trying to edit my blogskin colour but i'm failing. ah heck care ah, this colour also can ah. hahahaha. OH yesterday night i chatted with Mel. omg it was hilarious. Mel became the messenger for the both of us. hahahahhaha. she had to deliver out ass-full comments. hahhahaa. but anyways, i cooled down from feeling pissed. i got SO PISSED yesterday. from something ah. then i was STILL pissed yesterday night when i talked to Mel. then she started making me laugh. hahahahaha. i was still pissed, but not so much anymore. :P hahahahaha. abd bow today, i dont feel pissed no more. i'm just gonna forget about it. close one eye yet agian. but anyway, Mel and I were, believe it or not, dissing New Moon. i mean the movie. but seriously! in the trailer Bella was WILLINGLY kissing Jacob and that DID NOT happen in the book. okay maybe it did but it was in eclipse and she was FORCED for God's sake. WHAT ARE THE PRODUCERS DOINGGGGGG???? but none the less, the movie is still going to be awesome. hhahahahaha. i mean, it's TWILIGHT SAGA helloooooooo. hahahahaha. so yeah. i'm gonna go now. i'll see ya when i see ya. our favourite place we used to go,the warm embrace that no one knows
Up, up, and away!
CLICK THE THERE'S AGAIN. A NICER PICTURE WILL APPEAR. REALLY!!! hahahahahah clicked yet? haven't? CLICK NOW. . . . . . . . okay click alreaddy? ahahahahahha. ANYWAYYYYY i'll start with yesterday. yesterday night, FINALLY chatted with Mel! :D she is currently under home lockdown cause too many cases in her school and her dad doesnt allow her to go out of the house. hahahahahahahaha!! OH AND I FINALLY SMSED HER. AHAHHAHAHA i was like "HI!!! wait is this Mel?" she said "LYDIAAAAA!! yes it's Mel, you nittyhead...." hahahahahahhahaha yet i have no idea why she chose nittyhead. hahaha oh well. OH and i adapted Khal's idea of annoying her. Khal typed 3 emails 1) I 2) Love 3) peanutbutterandjelly and i typed three emails 1) I 2) Love 3) chocolate more that peanutbutterandjelly :P and i can BET Mel was like " -_-'' *smacks forehead*" hahhahahahahahaha awesome lahhh. NOW I CAN SMS MEL! :DDDDD hahahahahhahahahahaha it's AWESOME hahaha. well anyway, smsed her in class cause i was seriously falling asleep. then school okay lah... woke up late again. hahahahhahaha. EH I HUMAN RIGHT!! NO WAIT! I'M A VAMPIRE WANTING TO SUCK YOUR BLOODDDDDDDDD see think aout twilight can laugh already. argh i need to get it outta my head. AH I KNOW. sms Mel. hahahahahaha. see what funny nick names she comes up with this time. she's been around her baby sister WAYYYY too much. nittyhead. hahahahahahahahahha. but she's awesome. well other than feeling pissed, i went to collect passport. WAITED FOR ALMOST TWO HOURS. I WAS FREAKING STARVING LAHHHH. hahahahahaa. but then after that, i went to swensens with my parents and sister. well, gotta go now. i'll see ya when i see ya.
Up, up, and away!
WHOOOOOOOTS!! hahahahah yesterday rock climbing. WE REACHED A TOTAL OF 10 263 METERSit's FREAKING tiring. cause SC need to record down the height they climbed. so we have to keep looking up. and also maintain order there. pssh. then we also have to climb. but problem is, we dont hav enough SC to relief us. so we have to do everything ourselves. all 8 of us. Jem was in the lane beside me. we were like "HURRY!!! CLIMB DUDE WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS CLIMB!!" hahahahahahaha. then some teacher took oevr us for like 5 mins. we climbed as much as we could for 5 mins. then back to recording. ugh. tired okay. stand there, facing up from 7.30(flag raising onwards i never sit okay) until the thing ended at like 2. my legs were numb halfway. hahahahaha they kept playing MJ songs. and the belayer beside us were like "aiyahhh he's dead lah!!" hahahahah. then they played SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE. MUSE. TWILIGHT. JEM AND I FREAKED. hahahhahahahhaa. then they played ARCHIE. WE FREAKED AGAIN. hahhahahaha then went to TM with Kaori. others couldnt follow. :( went to buy guitar picks for myself and also for Khal cause i bough for Mel 1 DVD and one Archie CD and didnt get him anything. hahaha very unfair. so got him picks ah. OH AND IF ANYONE IS GOING TO PENINSULA OR HOWEVER YOU SPELL IT, TELL ME. AND IF YOU KNOW WHERE TO GET PICKS AROUND TAMPINES, TELL ME ALSO. THANKS. hahahaha. AND I WATCHED THE SECOND TRAILER OF NEW MOON.F***ING AWESOME.OMG.HAHAHAHAHHA.CANT WAIT FOR MOVIEEEEE!!!!SO VERY AWESOME. WHOOOOO!!
ANYWAY, that's pretty much it. mugging for CT2. die die die. MONDAY - A MATHWEDNESDAY - ENGLISH, HISTORYTHURSDAY - E MATH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRYwell, that's it. see ya people. hehehehehehehe i'm stuck in the middle with you.
Up, up, and away!
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! SCIENCE RESEARCH IS OVER. I REPEAT. SCIENCE RESEARCH IS FINALLY OVER. hahahahhahahaa. FIRST, we were SO nervous. then Ben started saying dunno what crap then we laughed alot so we started to relax. then the called us in. WAHHHHHHH STRESSSSSSS there were two judges. the indian guy was really impressed and he was nice. the other judge who was sitting down bombed us like CRAZY!!!!! LIKE LIKE HE BOMB OUR WEAK SPOT. THEN WE ALL STONE. WE DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO SAY. SO WE JUST EXAGERATE. AND WHEN WE WENT OUT, WE WERE LIKE "SHIT!!!" hahahahahaha but it's over anyway. hahahhaha. so yeah. tmr rock climbing. I CHOP THE GREY WALL hahahhahaha that one DANG easy. i climb till the top twice. AWESOME RIGHT?? HHAHAHAHHAHAHA ANYWAY, YEAH. hahahha GONNA GO EAT. SEE YA PEOPLE. okay, today i quote Archie. hahaha."Theres somebody out there, somebody somewhere to show you the tenderness you need Somebody to hold you when worries control you Id give anything if only you knew it was me ""you might be right,the walls are highbut the sky is higher.the pain is strong,but love is stronger."
Up, up, and away!
three things. 1) THIS IS MY 100TH POST
GIVE ME A WOOT WOOT!! WOOT WOOT!!! HOW MORE AWESOME CAN THIS DAY GET????? hahahahahahhaha. i'm soooooo HAPPYYYYYYYY OMG MEL'S EMAIL FINALLY CAME!! OLD WOMAN DISCOVERED INTERNET AND LEARNED EMAIL!! hahahahahha SEE ANOTHER REASON TO BE HAPPYYYYYY hahahahahaha i stoned for a sec there. because i quote Mel is "being the annoying brat" she is playing pranks. she says she's engaged and getting married next year. I BELIEVED IT. AND I STONED. FOR GOD'S SAKE IT'S POSSIBLE!!!! hahahahahahahhaa EHH EH! MUST NAME ONE CHILD LYDIA SO THAT SHE CAN INHERIT MY ULTIMATE AWESOMENESS. MUAHAHAHAHAHA okay joking. hhahahahahhaha I SHALL PLOT MY REVENGE.....MUAHAHHAHA ANYWAY, ELEVEN AWARDS. OMG I'M FREAKING OUT. MY HEART IS BEATING REALLY REALLY FAST. SO FREAKING HAPPY AND AND AND ARCHIE WAS ALL THE THREE AWARDS HER GOT NOMINATED FOR. HOW AWESOME IS THAT??????? TODAY IS JUST BEYOND AWESOME AND IT'S ONLY 3:18. MORE THINGS CAN HAPPEN!! YAYYYY!! ahahhahahaahhahahah PLEASE BEAR WITH MY HAPPINESS. YESTERDAY WAS AWESOME TOO. WENT TO NENEK CHU'S HOUSE. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NENEK CHU!!! he name is suzane but i've been calling her nenek chu (which is supposed to be nenek su) for so long that i'm stuck with it. hehehehe I'M SO HIGH!!! WOOOOOOTS!! OKAY I GOTTA GO NOW. SEE YA PEOPLE. WHOOOOOOOOOOTS!!!! well would you look at that?miracles really do happen.i got this quote from a movie and i remembered it ever since."remember i told you that when you want something really bad, you just have to be patient and it will come to you? well, truth is, it only works with fireflies. but in real life, if you want somehting really bad, you have to stop waiting, just wake up and start chasing."
Up, up, and away!
HI PEOPLE. HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! a.k.a the PERFECT excuse for parties, holidays and going out. hahahahaha. mum's sick, and dad's overseas. so i have to do all the housework, cook for myself and my sis cause my aunt bought porridge for my mum. in the morning, my sister wanted McDonalds so i ordered her pancakes and my burger. ahahaha. i wanted CHEESEBURGER but it was only breakfeast stuff so i got filet-o-fish. hahaha. so yeah then did all the housework. then i had to put up with my sister's screaming about not wanting to do her homework. gahhh. then i had tuition and told my sister to just stay put and watch TV. thank god she listened. hahaha. so after that,i studied A math and i suddenly got my headaches. took medication and felt FREAKING sleepy. at night, my sister and i got hungry and asked her what she wants, she said maggie. you know the instant noodles? so i cooked for her and myself. a few days before that i cooked speghetti. or however you spell it. who cares about spelling anyway pfft. hahaha. anyway, i told my sister to just do whatever she wants, as long as the house stays in one piece. my mum's been sleeping alot. well, she needs her rest. everytime i try to do something beit study or even WALK the freaky migrane comes. so i'm getting a scan. the doctor said it's safer to get a scan anyway. so yeah. i gonna go to KKH to get one. argh. they better not give me any shots. cause i have this thing. that whenever i get shots, i'll get a fever the very next day. so yeah i gotta go now. dad's finally home too. and i'm getting hungry. muahahhaa see ya people i've waited far too many years to let this pass us by,cause you see, life's a crazy thing.
Up, up, and away!
long time no bblogggg!!! hahahaha. going to KKH next week for scan. :P hahahaa get to miss school. yeah be jealous! hahaha joking. anyway, i'm REALLY bored at home. yesterday came home early cause migranes then go doctor today. then doc says that need to go for scan. so he wrote a letter. next week going for scan argh i'm so bored. i've nothing better to do than study. i've been doing a math like mad. should see my table. rough working everywhere. and i was also studying for SS CT. highlighter marks everywhere. hahahaha. so yeahh.... GAHHH I NEED TO TALK TO MEL AGAIN!! she's off to college. HA! OLD WOMAN!! hahahaha. she says she wants to open a maganize publishing business with her friends. hahaha. she wants me to be her singaporean supplier. hahahaha. i wish lah. down here need to go through SPH and all that. too torublesome. i just told her to give me a free copy every month as long as there's twilight in it. hahahaha well, today nothing much. went to doctor came home. play piano study piano computer now. that's mainly it. yes, it's boring like shit. haha. well, gonna go now. take me back to the old house and to the backyard tree.
Up, up, and away!
hahahahhaa HAPPY TEACHERS DAY! to all the teachers who i hope to God is not reading my blog. hahahaha. TEACHERS DAY! WAS AWESOME! i got MY IC! had to say the stupid pledge before getting the IC. STUUUUUUUUPID! hahahaha. anyway, yeah. I FINALLY GOT MY NEW WATCH!! WHEEE!! hahahahaha. nothing better to do. re-read New Moon. sooo diff from the book. really. i prefer the book. hhahaha. okay will post more tmr. BYE
I FINALLY CALLED MEL hahahhahahahah!!! it was FUNNNN AND IT WAS CLEAR!! HAHAHAHAHA we were talking about the O Levels. hahahahaha. then she had to put down the phone cause she had to do something. OHHHH I GET TO CALL HER AGAIN NOW. hahahahahaha. it's a REALLY REALLY random thing. and guess what. i realized she's 171 cm Khal's 185 and i'm only 167. i feel REALLY REALLY SHORT hahhahahahaha. ohh just now in Chem, Wan Yin and I got really tired of watching Kiran and Bryan trying to touch each other's ass. so we screamed "can you keep your hands off each other's balls???" hahahahahahahhaha!!! OOHHH GOTTA GO NOW. BYE BYE hahahaha i'll see ya when i see ya i would give it all up to bea part of thisa part of you
WHOOOOOOO!!! TODAYYYYYY first day of CCA. hahahahaha. havent been to ANY CCA in a LONGGGG time.
so Kaori, Veronice and I joined ART CLUB. -_-'' i was NEVER the art-sy type. hahahahaha. well, i did go to art classes when i was young but i only worked with colour pencils. hahahahah but then, we needed to paint something ah. and this is my "master piece"
EHHH NOT BAD EH!! hahahahahhahahaha. i thought it would end up like....ew. but thennnn...it turned out relly nice. hahahahahaha not bad for a beginner. hahahaha Veronice's is FREAKING AWESOME AHH!! OHHH MEL'S ONLINE. WHEEEEEEEEE. crapping with Khal, i mean MADDIE, Mel and JOCELYN! hahahahaha. okay gtg now. i'll see ya when i see ya i'm looking for something i dont even know what
I FREAKING FAILED HISTORY. I NEVER FAIL HISTORY. AND I JUST DID. FREAK FREAK FREAK. ARGH!!!! 3/4 OF THE WHOLE COHORT FAILED HISTORY. I MEAN IT'S HISTORY!!! gahhhhhh. never mind, must work harder next time. anywayyyyyy school was a dull. came home, computer, books, piano, sleep. that's mainly it nowadays. but starting from next week, STUDY STUDY STUDY yup time to melt our brains into brain juice. hhahahahaha just chatted with Mel. she went to go meet Khal *AHEM AHEM* HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! okay gotta go. i'll see ya when i see ya bad news never had good timing
10 mins before buka puasa, MY RED PROBLEMS CAME. ALAMAKKKK 10 MINS!! TEN! GAHHHH. so looks like i wont be fasting. hahahahaha. i'm gonna rub it in Mel's face "HA! I GET TO SKIPPPPPP!!!" but crap, i got sore throat. grrrr. hahahahha OHHH AND I FINALLY GOT A2 FOR MY A MATH!!! OMGGGGG hahahahahah. i jumped from E8 to A2 AWESOME RIGHT??? HAHHAHAHAA. SOOOOO HAPPY!!! HAHAHA ohhh!! and mum wanted to get me a new watch, consedering what happened to my old one. hahahhaa. so on saturday, we're going to swatch watch shops. there's this watch i saw which was quite nice, but i'm still surveying. hahahaha. OHHHH AND WE'RE GOING TO BORDERS. OMG CAUSE MY FAV BOOKS ON MY WISHLIST ARE FINALLY RELEASED TODAYi'm freaking happy okay!! hahahhahahaha. well, anyway, i added a list of videos right under my tag board. hahahaha OBVIOUSLY got NEW MOON there. still trying to get links for the TWILIGHT ones. hahahaha. and VAMPIRE DIARIES :D hahahahaha okay gtg. i'll see ya when i see ya stop this train, i want to get off and go home again
OMG I PASSED CHEM AND PHY FOR THE FIRST TIME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. LOLLL and i actually did well for A math and E math FOR ONCE. WHOOOOOO!! hahhahahaha SO HAPPY. but i FREAKING FAILED ENGLISH AND MALAY. Malay expected lah. but ENGLISH?!?!?! 2/3 of the class FAILED. yeah. FAILED. that's cause the bloody passage didnt tally with the answers. dumb right? aiyahh can do better ah... must work harder next term. MUST PASS ENGLISH. WORK MY BUTT OFF FOR ENGLISH. and i freaking FINALLY PASSED SOCIAL STUDIES!! hahahahhahaha. I GOT 75 AHHH!! hahahahahhahahahaha omg so hyper. and it's PUASA HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! BUT I'M HAPPY FOR MY CHEM, PHY, E MATH, A MATH AND SOCIAL STUDIES FOR NOW. HAHAHAHAHAHA. ONLY NEED TO WORK HARDER FOR ENG, MALAY AND HISTORY(have not gotten back yet) whooooo hopefully can do better next term. hahahaha. anywayyyyy today nothing much happened. except results ah. LOL. but other than that, ehhh okay ah. I'M GETTING MY GUITAR PICKS(maybe) AND MY NEW WATCH HOPEFULLY TMR!! and omg if you dont know the story about my watch, tsk tsk tsk. hahahahaha. my watch broke it's second and and it's two straps snapped in less than 24 hours. hahahhahahahahaha. OKAY GONNA GO NOW. hahahaha P.S JOCELYN!you're still not done with my bloggggg!!!! haahhahahahahaha. but i credit you already. when you're dreaming with a broken heart, waking up is the hardest part
OMG I CANT WAIT TILL THIS SHOWS!!! WATCH IT!!! OMG I READ THE BOOK, NOT SO GOOD BUT THE SHOW IS AWESOMEEEEEE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgygFh6oLOwWATCH!!!!!! and yes, it IS about VAMPIRES. hahhahhaha. and all the imortal stuff like warewolfs etc. so yeah. there you go. :D SO AWESOMEEEEE. i cant stop watching it. hahahhahaha. :P it's a TV series!
JEN'S FAULT. This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS. Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you see these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random it is, just type it! Repost it for all of your friends.Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this! 1. Beer: cant drink it 2. Food: EH tengah puasa nak fikir pasal makanan pula. (eh fasting, still want to think about food) 3. Relationships: dont have one, dont really care. 4. My crush: *archie's song enters head* is it really just another crush!! hahahahahaha!! 5. Power Rangers: i know got the red ranger, blue ranger, some dude who's butt is stuck on a chair. eh really ah got one very old episode. 6. Life: sucks, and then you die. i should be so lucky. BREAKING DAWN!! JACOB! hahahahaha 7. The President: Obama 8. Yummy: EH PUASA LAHHH 9. Cars: SHINY SILVER VOLVO. hahahahahahah 10. Movies: Twilight! New Moon COMINGGGGGG 11. Halloween:PEEK A BOO! eh wait. halloween is TRICK OR TREAT!! hahahaha 12. Sex: EH BULAN PUASA!! MUST STAY HOLY!! 13. Religion: God 14. Hate: stuff 15. Fear: fear? 16. Marriage: *wedding bells plays in head along with that tune you play when the bride comes in* DENG DENG DENG DENGGGGG DENG DENG DENG DENGGGGG 17. Blondes: I PREFER BRUNETTES!! HAHAHAHAH EDWARD CULLEN 18. Slippers: SNEAKERS! 19. Shoes: SNEAKERS! 20. Asians: a couple of smart little people. hahahahaha 21. Pass time: computer, tv, reading. the ususal 22. One night stand: I SHALL REMAIN HOLY 23. My cell phone: i wonder what phone plan Rob has. hahahahah he can send like 400 msgs per person in one day. wahhhh i ENJOY ah!! hahahahhahaha 24. Smoke: WANT TO DIE AHH?? 25. Fantasy: uhhhh Fantasy? 26. College: WAHHH STUDY AGAIN AHH?!?! Tampines JC!!!! 27. High School Life: HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. ahahhhahahahaha 28. Pajamas: BANANAS IN PAJAMAS!! *theme song plays in head* BANANAS IN PAJAMAS, ARE COMING DOWN THE STAIRS!!! BANANAS IN PAJAMAS, SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHINGGGGGG 29. Stars: in the night sky 30. Center: of gravity. hahaha 31. Alcohol: thermometer. physics is getting into my head. hahahaha 32. The word love: love 33. Friends: PURE AWESOMENESS 34. Money: ECONOMIC CRISIS AHHH!! hahahahhahaha 35. Heartache: some song i remembered 36. Time: early in the morning. hahahhaa 37. Divorce: marriage 38. Dogs: WOOF WOOF 39. Undies: 4 FOR $10! hahahahahhahah!!!! i saw the huge sign at Century Square the other day 40. Parents: AWESOME 41. Babies: my little cousins who cant stop pulling my hair 42. Ex:ACHOOOO!! Excuse me. hahahahah 43. Song: Singer. hahahaha 44. Color: B-L-U-E 45. Weddings:*wedding bells ring and also that tune you play when the bride comes in* DENG DENG DENG DENGGGGGGG. 46. Pizza: HUT 47. Hangout: nah, i'll stay at home. 48. Rest: SLEEP 49. Goal: GOAL!!! that's what the guys are screaming in my house watching the match. hahahahahahaha 50. Inspiration: Aspiration OKAY I'M DONE. hahahahahaha. i only had like one and a half hours of sleep. slept at 2.30AM woke up at 4.00 cant sleep till now. hahahahahah well, gonna go surf da net. i'll see ya when i see ya. i know, the heart, of life is good
fristly, THANK YOU JOCELYN!! hahahaha. she's helping me edit my blog. but she's not done yet. :P hahahaha. THANKS SO MUCH. I OWE YOU BIG TIME. hahahha i tried doing it myself, but i can only go so far. eh my first time edit blogskin okay!! hahahhaha. she pro ah. anyway, i had an ass-full chat with Khal. since he doesnt have MSN, he used Mel's account. i seriously thought it was Mel. ahahhahaa. he was like "this is MR ASS btw" hahahahahaha. then i started miss-spelling loads of things. and so did he. and i told him "your ass-ness has rubbed of on me." Khal: hey at least i'm a SMART ass. me: -_-'' then oh yeah! Khal: *typo typo typo* Me: ass dont know how to spell. Khal: typo, ever heard of it? Me: spell check, ever heard of it? Khal: MSN doesnt have spell check. HA! Me: *shit*....touche. hahahahaha. there's alot more things that i dont remember. OH YEAH. he sent me this song that's really nice actually. hahaha. he said "it's a song. not some porn website virus you sent me" Me: hey who asked you to open the virus in the first place!!! hahahahahhaa. it was really stupid actually. hahaha. well, went to my grandparent's place for buka puasa. she cooked fish, mi and more which i forgot. my sister was like STARING at the food. then she ACCIDENTALLY ate something. HAHAHAHAHHAA IT WAS HILARIOUS!! but it's okay if you ACCIDENTALLY eat something. as long as you dont do it on purpose. hahaha. she went MAD hahahahahahaha. she freaked. she panicked. then my grandad said "aiyahhh that one okay lah. bonus from God." hahahahhaahhaha. then my aunt, my mum and myself started making jokes about my dad and my sis cause during sahur(in the morning when we're supposed to eat) my dad was SOOOO SLEEPY. he couldnt keep his eyes open. mum: bapak kau dah nak landing. (your father's about to land *in bed, going to sleep*) *dad goes into the room* me: AND TOUCH DOWN!!! hahahahhaahah. then my sister ALMOST FELL FACE FLAT ON THE FOOD. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. she was eating with her eyes closed. hahahahahahahhaaha. funny ahhh. anyway, waiting for Mel to go online again. hahaha. EH EH EH MEL, YOU BECOME MESSENGER AGAIN AH!! hahahahhaha joking joking. :P she's too awesome to send ass-full comments. hahaha. OH one day we had this random conversation about Mel dying. (yes, i know. weird topic) hahahahahahha. me: you will be taking all the awesomeness away Mel: then you and Khal will have to keep up with my awesome-ness me: dude, are you NUTS?? you put me and Khal, you get a war. hahahahaha. they're both awesome lahh. hahahaha. okay gonna surf the net. i'll see ya when i see ya so i'm gonna let out a yell,gonna stand on the roof top, gonna climb to the mountain top,gonna scream and shout.gonna show it on a video, gonna sing it on the radio
HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO humans/vampires/idiots/aliens/whateverspeciesthatcomestomind. hahahaha. firstly, SELAMAT BULAN RAMADAN to all the Muslims out there :D and as my dad used to say "kau puasa, jagan pergi dapur cari makanan, nanti kau TER-makan macam dahulu, habis lah kau. good luck aje." hahaha. direct translation is "if you're fasting, dont go to the kitchen to hunt for food. later, when you ACCIDENTALLY eat it, like the last time, that's it ah. good luck ah." hahaha cause when i was young, i will run to the kitchen to hunt for food, when i got what i wanted, i realized that i was fasting only moments before the thing ended up in my mouth. hahahahaha anyway, currently trying to edit my blogskin colour but i'm failing. ah heck care ah, this colour also can ah. hahahaha. OH yesterday night i chatted with Mel. omg it was hilarious. Mel became the messenger for the both of us. hahahahhaha. she had to deliver out ass-full comments. hahhahaa. but anyways, i cooled down from feeling pissed. i got SO PISSED yesterday. from something ah. then i was STILL pissed yesterday night when i talked to Mel. then she started making me laugh. hahahahaha. i was still pissed, but not so much anymore. :P hahahahaha. abd bow today, i dont feel pissed no more. i'm just gonna forget about it. close one eye yet agian. but anyway, Mel and I were, believe it or not, dissing New Moon. i mean the movie. but seriously! in the trailer Bella was WILLINGLY kissing Jacob and that DID NOT happen in the book. okay maybe it did but it was in eclipse and she was FORCED for God's sake. WHAT ARE THE PRODUCERS DOINGGGGGG???? but none the less, the movie is still going to be awesome. hhahahahaha. i mean, it's TWILIGHT SAGA helloooooooo. hahahahaha. so yeah. i'm gonna go now. i'll see ya when i see ya. our favourite place we used to go,the warm embrace that no one knows
CLICK THE THERE'S AGAIN. A NICER PICTURE WILL APPEAR. REALLY!!! hahahahahah clicked yet? haven't? CLICK NOW. . . . . . . . okay click alreaddy? ahahahahahha. ANYWAYYYYY i'll start with yesterday. yesterday night, FINALLY chatted with Mel! :D she is currently under home lockdown cause too many cases in her school and her dad doesnt allow her to go out of the house. hahahahahahahaha!! OH AND I FINALLY SMSED HER. AHAHHAHAHA i was like "HI!!! wait is this Mel?" she said "LYDIAAAAA!! yes it's Mel, you nittyhead...." hahahahahahhahaha yet i have no idea why she chose nittyhead. hahaha oh well. OH and i adapted Khal's idea of annoying her. Khal typed 3 emails 1) I 2) Love 3) peanutbutterandjelly and i typed three emails 1) I 2) Love 3) chocolate more that peanutbutterandjelly :P and i can BET Mel was like " -_-'' *smacks forehead*" hahhahahahahahaha awesome lahhh. NOW I CAN SMS MEL! :DDDDD hahahahahhahahahahaha it's AWESOME hahaha. well anyway, smsed her in class cause i was seriously falling asleep. then school okay lah... woke up late again. hahahahhahaha. EH I HUMAN RIGHT!! NO WAIT! I'M A VAMPIRE WANTING TO SUCK YOUR BLOODDDDDDDDD see think aout twilight can laugh already. argh i need to get it outta my head. AH I KNOW. sms Mel. hahahahahaha. see what funny nick names she comes up with this time. she's been around her baby sister WAYYYY too much. nittyhead. hahahahahahahahahha. but she's awesome. well other than feeling pissed, i went to collect passport. WAITED FOR ALMOST TWO HOURS. I WAS FREAKING STARVING LAHHHH. hahahahahaa. but then after that, i went to swensens with my parents and sister. well, gotta go now. i'll see ya when i see ya.
WHOOOOOOOTS!! hahahahah yesterday rock climbing. WE REACHED A TOTAL OF 10 263 METERSit's FREAKING tiring. cause SC need to record down the height they climbed. so we have to keep looking up. and also maintain order there. pssh. then we also have to climb. but problem is, we dont hav enough SC to relief us. so we have to do everything ourselves. all 8 of us. Jem was in the lane beside me. we were like "HURRY!!! CLIMB DUDE WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS CLIMB!!" hahahahahahaha. then some teacher took oevr us for like 5 mins. we climbed as much as we could for 5 mins. then back to recording. ugh. tired okay. stand there, facing up from 7.30(flag raising onwards i never sit okay) until the thing ended at like 2. my legs were numb halfway. hahahahaha they kept playing MJ songs. and the belayer beside us were like "aiyahhh he's dead lah!!" hahahahah. then they played SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE. MUSE. TWILIGHT. JEM AND I FREAKED. hahahhahahahhaa. then they played ARCHIE. WE FREAKED AGAIN. hahhahahaha then went to TM with Kaori. others couldnt follow. :( went to buy guitar picks for myself and also for Khal cause i bough for Mel 1 DVD and one Archie CD and didnt get him anything. hahaha very unfair. so got him picks ah. OH AND IF ANYONE IS GOING TO PENINSULA OR HOWEVER YOU SPELL IT, TELL ME. AND IF YOU KNOW WHERE TO GET PICKS AROUND TAMPINES, TELL ME ALSO. THANKS. hahahaha. AND I WATCHED THE SECOND TRAILER OF NEW MOON.F***ING AWESOME.OMG.HAHAHAHAHHA.CANT WAIT FOR MOVIEEEEE!!!!SO VERY AWESOME. WHOOOOO!!
ANYWAY, that's pretty much it. mugging for CT2. die die die. MONDAY - A MATHWEDNESDAY - ENGLISH, HISTORYTHURSDAY - E MATH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRYwell, that's it. see ya people. hehehehehehehe i'm stuck in the middle with you.
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! SCIENCE RESEARCH IS OVER. I REPEAT. SCIENCE RESEARCH IS FINALLY OVER. hahahahhahahaa. FIRST, we were SO nervous. then Ben started saying dunno what crap then we laughed alot so we started to relax. then the called us in. WAHHHHHHH STRESSSSSSS there were two judges. the indian guy was really impressed and he was nice. the other judge who was sitting down bombed us like CRAZY!!!!! LIKE LIKE HE BOMB OUR WEAK SPOT. THEN WE ALL STONE. WE DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO SAY. SO WE JUST EXAGERATE. AND WHEN WE WENT OUT, WE WERE LIKE "SHIT!!!" hahahahahaha but it's over anyway. hahahhaha. so yeah. tmr rock climbing. I CHOP THE GREY WALL hahahhahaha that one DANG easy. i climb till the top twice. AWESOME RIGHT?? HHAHAHAHHAHAHA ANYWAY, YEAH. hahahha GONNA GO EAT. SEE YA PEOPLE. okay, today i quote Archie. hahaha."Theres somebody out there, somebody somewhere to show you the tenderness you need Somebody to hold you when worries control you Id give anything if only you knew it was me ""you might be right,the walls are highbut the sky is higher.the pain is strong,but love is stronger."
three things. 1) THIS IS MY 100TH POST
GIVE ME A WOOT WOOT!! WOOT WOOT!!! HOW MORE AWESOME CAN THIS DAY GET????? hahahahahahhaha. i'm soooooo HAPPYYYYYYYY OMG MEL'S EMAIL FINALLY CAME!! OLD WOMAN DISCOVERED INTERNET AND LEARNED EMAIL!! hahahahahha SEE ANOTHER REASON TO BE HAPPYYYYYY hahahahahaha i stoned for a sec there. because i quote Mel is "being the annoying brat" she is playing pranks. she says she's engaged and getting married next year. I BELIEVED IT. AND I STONED. FOR GOD'S SAKE IT'S POSSIBLE!!!! hahahahahahahhaa EHH EH! MUST NAME ONE CHILD LYDIA SO THAT SHE CAN INHERIT MY ULTIMATE AWESOMENESS. MUAHAHAHAHAHA okay joking. hhahahahahhaha I SHALL PLOT MY REVENGE.....MUAHAHHAHA ANYWAY, ELEVEN AWARDS. OMG I'M FREAKING OUT. MY HEART IS BEATING REALLY REALLY FAST. SO FREAKING HAPPY AND AND AND ARCHIE WAS ALL THE THREE AWARDS HER GOT NOMINATED FOR. HOW AWESOME IS THAT??????? TODAY IS JUST BEYOND AWESOME AND IT'S ONLY 3:18. MORE THINGS CAN HAPPEN!! YAYYYY!! ahahhahahaahhahahah PLEASE BEAR WITH MY HAPPINESS. YESTERDAY WAS AWESOME TOO. WENT TO NENEK CHU'S HOUSE. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NENEK CHU!!! he name is suzane but i've been calling her nenek chu (which is supposed to be nenek su) for so long that i'm stuck with it. hehehehe I'M SO HIGH!!! WOOOOOOTS!! OKAY I GOTTA GO NOW. SEE YA PEOPLE. WHOOOOOOOOOOTS!!!! well would you look at that?miracles really do happen.i got this quote from a movie and i remembered it ever since."remember i told you that when you want something really bad, you just have to be patient and it will come to you? well, truth is, it only works with fireflies. but in real life, if you want somehting really bad, you have to stop waiting, just wake up and start chasing."
HI PEOPLE. HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! a.k.a the PERFECT excuse for parties, holidays and going out. hahahahaha. mum's sick, and dad's overseas. so i have to do all the housework, cook for myself and my sis cause my aunt bought porridge for my mum. in the morning, my sister wanted McDonalds so i ordered her pancakes and my burger. ahahaha. i wanted CHEESEBURGER but it was only breakfeast stuff so i got filet-o-fish. hahaha. so yeah then did all the housework. then i had to put up with my sister's screaming about not wanting to do her homework. gahhh. then i had tuition and told my sister to just stay put and watch TV. thank god she listened. hahaha. so after that,i studied A math and i suddenly got my headaches. took medication and felt FREAKING sleepy. at night, my sister and i got hungry and asked her what she wants, she said maggie. you know the instant noodles? so i cooked for her and myself. a few days before that i cooked speghetti. or however you spell it. who cares about spelling anyway pfft. hahaha. anyway, i told my sister to just do whatever she wants, as long as the house stays in one piece. my mum's been sleeping alot. well, she needs her rest. everytime i try to do something beit study or even WALK the freaky migrane comes. so i'm getting a scan. the doctor said it's safer to get a scan anyway. so yeah. i gonna go to KKH to get one. argh. they better not give me any shots. cause i have this thing. that whenever i get shots, i'll get a fever the very next day. so yeah i gotta go now. dad's finally home too. and i'm getting hungry. muahahhaa see ya people i've waited far too many years to let this pass us by,cause you see, life's a crazy thing.
long time no bblogggg!!! hahahaha. going to KKH next week for scan. :P hahahaa get to miss school. yeah be jealous! hahaha joking. anyway, i'm REALLY bored at home. yesterday came home early cause migranes then go doctor today. then doc says that need to go for scan. so he wrote a letter. next week going for scan argh i'm so bored. i've nothing better to do than study. i've been doing a math like mad. should see my table. rough working everywhere. and i was also studying for SS CT. highlighter marks everywhere. hahahaha. so yeahh.... GAHHH I NEED TO TALK TO MEL AGAIN!! she's off to college. HA! OLD WOMAN!! hahahaha. she says she wants to open a maganize publishing business with her friends. hahaha. she wants me to be her singaporean supplier. hahahaha. i wish lah. down here need to go through SPH and all that. too torublesome. i just told her to give me a free copy every month as long as there's twilight in it. hahahaha well, today nothing much. went to doctor came home. play piano study piano computer now. that's mainly it. yes, it's boring like shit. haha. well, gonna go now. take me back to the old house and to the backyard tree.
revive the past
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
June 2010
October 2010
November 2010
my name's LYDIA
i'm 14 going on 15
i LOVE my .Student Councillors
and the AWESOME poeple in E&B and AF
if you DONT like my blog,
then LEAVE
Shooting Stars
make the IMPOSSIBLE...possible
- Go to L.A (end of next year!! whoots!!!)
- Meet the one and only DAVID JAMES ARCHULETA 07/04/09
- Meet the TWILIGHT stars
-Meet Mel and Khal in Malaysia!! :D
-see JENEVA again:DD
- Send JENEVA'S stuff ASAP!!
- the twilight saga hard cover my birthday present BOX SET AND COLLECTORS EDITION OF THE TWILIGHT BOOK
- Taylor Swift CD. she's AWESOME thanks mum!:)
- Twilight DVD!I HAVE TWO!! a 3rd one soon! THANKS MEL!
- Shadow Kiss book
- BOTH The Rob books!!
- BOTH of the Twilight books movie cover!!
- Twilight Soundtrack!! i have 2! one DELUX edition!!
- Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
- Twilight Director's notebook
- Twilight posters
- Send Mel and Khal's stuff ASAP!
- get MORE guitar picks. ANYONE CAN HELP ME GET??
- Get Khal's guitar picks ASAP!
- get mine and Jen's Archie's Christmas album!!!
- the Host book
- Blood Promise book.
- Breaking Dawn Special Edition!!
- Watch Vampire Diaries on Youtube!
- New Moon book Movie cover!!!
- WORKING earphones with MIC for SKYPE!!>
- New Moon book Movie cover! the small one. :)
- Twilight the score soundtrack!
- New Moon: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
- The Twilight Journals!!
- New Moon posters!! <3
- New Moon soundtrack
- New Moon Soundtrack Delux edition
- New Moon Soundtrack the score
- New Moon Calander! the one from borders!!
- Twilight Calander! the one from borders!!
- New Moon's collector's edition!! it's like $51 ah wtf.Jocelyn! THANK YOU :D
- Shadowland book
- Spirit Bound book. OUT IN MAY...2010 -_-''
"Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me."
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