HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAORI MIRANDA YOSHIKAWA!WHEEEE!! FINALLY GET TO UPGRADE IPOD. MY OLD 1.1.1 VERSION IS NO MORE!! hahahahaha. can play GAMES. lollll. sooooo HAPPY. hahahahaha. ohhh today school was okay. hahaha. A-Math : i dont understand a single thing. sigh, i'll just wait for tuition. hahaha History: it's okay i guess. haha. i finished the work super fast. muahahaha. Hitler's life was actually really interesting and paranoid. hahaha. kill here, kill there. kill everywhere. Malay: it was okay. did work. that's it. OH Fatin watched New Moon trailers on my ipod. then Liyana was like "eh what's this?" and went to flip the thing. Fatin screamed "OI!! IT'S THE GOOD PART SO WHAT FOR YOU FLIP!!" ahahahahahaha. Liyana was like "HUH? REALLY AH?!?! OKAY OKAY SORRY SORRY" then she went to watch also. hahaha. Chemistry: Xin Yi and Wue Ying ditched. haha. then Mdm Anisa was like "has anyone seen them? Lydia, were they in Chinese class??" the whole class went "SHE DOESNT TAKE CHINESE!!" ahahahahhaa. then they burst into laughter. every teacher thinks i take chinese. hahahahha. FINALLY FINISHED MOLE CALCULATION!! went on to ionic equations. I DONT GET IT. headache ahhhh do the thing. hahaha. gosh what else happened....hmmm i remember i laughed alot but i forgot the joke. hahahaha. lame. anyway, upgrading ipod. SO LONG.... sheesh. muahahaha. anyway, going off now. ever since i decided not to find every meaning in my life,i've been fine.i've got a plan,i'm going to find out how boring i am.it's going to be fine,it's going to be fun.
Up, up, and away!
YESTERDAY!! felt SUPERRRR sleepy cause last night watched vampire diaries on ipod. AWESOME. and this morning, Jem, Farah and I were freaking out over the New Moon trailer. Fatin was dissing some of the people. hahahaha. the three of us went MAD. hahahahaha. here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0bT71ZLxNk&feature=player_profilepageHD ah kau. hahahah. English, BORING 4 periods of A math, BORING malay, can tahan ah. hahaha. talked to Liyanna. we were making stupid jokes and didnt do malay. then a few mins before bell rang, we remembered we had work to complete. we were like "SHIT LET ME COPY! *copy copy copy* OKAY DONE" in about 10 mins. hahahhahaha. TODAY! ms Tan gave a long and boy, i mean LONG speech about attendance and puctuality and good results and appearance and bla bla bla. our butts were cramping there. JEEZ. anyway, Physics, Mr Ngio said all those who fail Mid Year exam need to go see him after school...which was like 3/4 of the whole class. hahahaa. Social Studies, learned about some skill for essay. haha. then she was talking about a reliable source. Nidia was like "WAN YIN IS _____" i didnt hear what she said but it sounded like horny or something. hahahahaha. Mrs Gomez was like "what was that??' Nidia: "oh, nothing...." Mrs Gomez: "really, what?" Nidia: "OKAY I GOT IT. Wan Yin is COOL" *whole class starts laughing* THEN Mrs Gomez changed the reliable source to "Kiran is dashing and hot-stuff" and the whole class just burst into laughter. hahahahahahhaa. we were like "NOOOOO" hahahahhaha, then Nidia screamed "THAT'S GAVIN AHH!!" hahahahaha then the source became... "Gavin is dashing and hot-stuff" and this statement is said by a stranger from another class, a desperate lover and his mum. the whoe class couldnt stop laughing and we kept dissing it. hahahahahaha. we were all screaming "GAVIN! SUAY AH. DESPERATE." hahahahahaha. then Mrs Gomez added the word "SMART" there. the whole class went "NOOOOOOO." hahahahahahaha. then we had to get into groups to do source essay thingy. i got Wan Yin, Daryl, Benedict and SANDEEP. hey, it was between Sandeep and Wen Hao. the 4 of us went "*looks at each other* SANDEEP" hahahaha. no one wants blur king Wen Hao. hahaha. after that had 3 periods of E-Math. did work. hahaha. after that, English. Miss Seah went to change Kiran's seat with SANDEEP. WAHHHH, PERFUME VERY STRONG AH. hahahahahha. i could smell but not that much cause blocked nose. XD Nidia, Sharon and Amirra were covering their noses cause REALLY cannot tahan. hahahahaha. it's THAT strong man. hahahahahahhaha. Chemistry, sat with Wan Yin and Yi Jie and Daryl. then finish work fast, muhahahah. then after school, met Mr Ngio then he said "TUITION IS THE POWER 5-LETTER WORD. eh no wait that's TUTOR. *starts counting* T-U-I-T-I-O-N IT'S THE SEVEN LETTER WORD. POWERRRR" hjahahahahha. had COUNCIL meeting. lectureeeeee cause PEOPLE NOT DOING DUTY, DO YOUR DUTY SERIOUSLY. after that, went to big bookshop with Kaori, Fatin and Veronice, then went to interchange with Veronice and and and TMR KAORI'S BIRTHDAYYYY!!!!hahahahahahahaha. SABO!!!! hahhahahahahahahaaha. WE HAVAE EGGS AND WATER AND FLOUR. MUAHAHAHAHA!! hahahahhahahahah. okay need to go finish A math homework :S see ya people. it's you and me and all other people
Up, up, and away!
I FINISHED FILING A MATH AND E MATH FILES!! hahahahhaa. okay well, they're supposed to be filed last week but i was too lazy. and i fell sick. hahahha. well anyway, today woke up late. :S hahahaha. then when i reached school, i FORGOT i was supposed to pull flag. 10 mins late, i rushed to get the flag and hook. turns out, i was just in time. luckyyyyyy. hahahhaha. then temperature taking. ms Tan was like "all those with 37.0 and above please remain standing.....sorry i mean all those with 36.5 and above please remain standing....no wait, 37.5 and above, please remain standing" iver the PA system and we were like O_O hahahahha. PHYSICS, FREE PERIOD!! hahahahha. Mr Ngio absent. so i had one hour to complete chemistry and english compo. you wanna know what's the topic for english essay?? TEMPTATION. what the hell could i write with temptation. so i heck care write expository. Wan Yin wrote personal recount and she's gonna get HELL. cause she wrote about a husband and wife and cheating and condoms and all those stuff. well, technically every single thing we're NOT supposed to have in an essay. school doesnt allow any story with boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife etc. Wan Yin's gonna get SHIT. hahahahahha. OHHHH P.E played soccer. Mr Goh was on the other team. my team: 2 other team: NIL. hahahahahahha!!! Mr Goh was helping the other team and i was defending. then, we did some whatever thingy and i ended up going round and round trying to tackle for the ball:S it was like zig zag. hahaha. BUT THEY NEVER SCORE. MUAHHHAHA, okay enough evil. hahaha. Malay, no teacher. i cant take malay. it's not in english. and i have no idea how i'm actually going to PASS malay this time round. ugh. stupid language thingy. why cant we take french or spanish or something. it's a HECK of a lot easier. anyway, Chem and Eng lessons were a bore. A math did that graph TOA CAH SOH thingy. SHIT. I JUST REALIZED. TMR FIRST TWO PERIODS IS ENGLISH. SHIT SHIT SHIT. i hate english. well, i love the subject, it's the person TEACHING the subject. well, there goes my morning. haha. OHHHH AND AND AND NEW MOON 3RD TRAILER IS FCUKING OUT AND IT'S FREAKING AWESOME. OH MY GOD. IT'S SOOOOO GOOD!! WATCH IT! or i kill you SO WATCH!! hahahhahaahha. 6 people asked me to watch with them :S so i'm watching 6 times. hahahahahhahahaha. awesomeeeeeee. hahaha. okay going to load some vids into my ipod. see ya people. and i'm loving angels instead
Up, up, and away!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT NINA!! hahahahhaha she's....uh...she's hmm eh what's your age ah?? i forgot. hahahaha. i think 20 plus there. anyway, she's living in Australia and it's 11:14 PM there right now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! hahahahhaha. she's awesome. she used to play pranks on my uncle.hahahhahaha she also took my uncle's marriage tape. OH MY GOD I LAUGHED SO HARD. cause her voice was in the back ground AND IT WAS HILARIOUS!! *Bride coming in* Aunt Nina: alamak, mum's hair too big ah. cant see the bride. *Bride and Groom leaving* Uncle: why does it stink? Aunt Nina: oh my god i just farted. PROOOT. there it goes again. excuse me. . . . . . . Aunt Nina: alamak...terkentut again ah. (farted again ah) hahahahhahaha. FUNNY MAN!!! She turned a really touching moment when everyone starts crying to a moment when it's totally hilarious and i'm laughing my BUTT off. hahahhahahaha. there's me but i cant remember. but i laughed so hard at the fart part. hahahahhahahaha. ohhh my mum called her and now she know's i'm a twilight freak (yeah, thanks mum) and she offered to send the NEW MOON DVD HERE. i was like OH MY GOD. hhahahhaha. she was like "well, i did miss loads of birthdays cause i couldnt make it to Singapore..." i was screaming "YESSS!!! YOU CAN MISS ALL THE FREAKING BIRTHDAYS YOU WANT!!" hahhahhahahaa. okay imma update on pictures now. :P Ben on the electric chair at the science center!! hahahahah   Jen's Farewell Party:  Sherry: what the hell is in my shoe?? Yi Ren: it looks like....ew.. Kaori: WTF are they doing??? hahahahaha i'm joking
 Kaori and Sherry  Wan Yin going barefoot to a little Japanese boy     THE AFTERMATH!! after we ate. hahahahahahha. the bottom one is a little blur though   SHERRY!!  okay i know the pic's blur but it's Ben filling the plastic bag with water cause...well, we ran out of water balloons. hahahha  and this is Nidia hiding behind a bush while waiting for Jen. muahahaa. and this is also the place where she placed the water balloons on the floor and BOOM, they burst. hahahahahha
 and this here is Ben trying gto adjust Nid's camera  Nid, Ele and Amirra are doing....okay i have no idea what they're doing. hahaha  filling water balloons.... okay i update more tmr. tired ah. hahahah :D
Up, up, and away!
YAY!! I JUST WATCHED VAMPIRE DIARIES AND OH MY GOD IT'S AWESOME GAHHH CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE. IT'S SO AWESOME WHEEEEE!!!! HHAHAHAHAHA. EVERY FRIDAY WATCH. OKAY. SET. hahahhahahaha i'm just too hyper. :P okay gonna go STUDY. *dun dun dunnnnn* hahahaha. i'm not colour blind, i know the world is black and white
Up, up, and away!
okay quick post. cause...i'm bored. nyeheheh. fever's gone down, going to the airport to eat and my sister is currently doing God know's what and it's FREAKIN ME OUT. she's weird. really. school is starting soon AND I HAVENT STARTED ON HOMEWORK SHIT CRAP DAMN IT FCUK WHATEVERCURSEWORDTHATCOMESTOMIND hey, it's better than people LONG ago when they cursed with words like golly! or gosh! or whatever words there are. i mean COME ON! imagine cursing with GOLLY!! "i didnt do homework. Golly!" or replace Fcuk with Golly "GOLLY YOU!!" hahahahah that sounds stupid. anyway, i have loads of pictures to load. which i shall do later on because i have nothing better to do. well, i have homework but the key word it BETTER and homework is just...blegh. anywayyyyyyyy WHEEEEEE. okay random heh ANY freakin WAY, WATCH THE PROPOSAL. IT'S FUNNY SHIT. "hand off ass." "touch my ass one more time and i will cut your balls when you sleep" hahahhahahahahaha. okay gtg now. about 10 plus i load all the pics. hehehehhe "Recipe for hallucinations - adrenaline plus danger plus stupidity...or something close to that anyway..."SEE THE AWESOMENESS OF NEW MOON?!?
Up, up, and away!
helloooooooooo *insert names here* today i'm supposed to go to the library to study. but thennnnnnn I FELL SICK. oh JOY. -_-'' Aint it awesome? ugh. so i told the person who i was supposed to go with that i couldnt go. person: see lahh drink coffee some more. hehehhe. well, yeah i drank like two freaking cups of coffee plus milo and watched Twilight. HELLOOOOO HYPER. hahahahha. well, today my temp went up to 38.something deg. i slept alot today. i slept frommmm 2am-4am 4.30am-12pm 2pm-6something. yes i was THAT tired. my body hurts. ughhh. i got this stupid fever from my SISTER JOY. cause she was sick. then i have to take care of her. now I'M sick. hahahaha. funny if you really think about it. oh well, at least tmr tuition cancelled. and the library thing has been postponed to next holiday. and camp is gonna be after term 4. and i have another camp after term 4 too. what a joy isnt it. hahaha i just realized i used the word joy loads of times in this post. joy joy joy joy joy joy joy. see??? loads of times. hahhaha. yeah i'm feeling really bored now. mum asked me to go lie down. but i cant. cause i dont feel like it. i mean, come on, i slept for HOURS. dude, i'm gonna get sick of that bed SOMETIME. oh well, i have to go pee. :P hahahhahaha. bye bye humans/aliens/vampire/warewolf/whateverthatcomestomind :DDDDD i'll see ya when i see ya. this song's really really nice XDyou make me smile like the sun,fall out of bed,sing like a birdcrazy on a sunday night...you make me dance like a fool,forget how to breatheshine like gold,just the thought of you can drive me wild,you make me smile....
Up, up, and away!
hhahahahaha i quote Mel I didnt trip! I was checking the gravity. It still works. :D
Up, up, and away!
hahahahhaha. yeah 3H just survived 4 freaking hours of physics. in the morning, woke up late :S hahaha. cause yesteerday went to grandmum's house. then babysit my baby cousin. she's soooo cute!! hahaha. she just turned one about a week ago? hahahah. she's starting the habbit of biting things, and i gave her a ball. she tried to bite the ball -.- hahahaha. i was like "EHH DONT BITE!!" and her mouth was open wide, glued to the ball. hahahaha. ANYWAYYYY went to interchange. saw Ben. then we took 69. we thought we were gonna be late. we were like *looks at watch* .....shit.... hahahahha. then we saw Cheng Sheng! then on the bus, we say this familiar guy running..... and it was Van!! hahahahahha so we got to school ON TIME. THANK GOD. and we saw Mr Ngio and his daughter!! hahahahaah. then bumped into Yu Ning... then THE PHYSICS LESSON STARTED.... *DUN DUN DUNNNNN* wahhh BUTT PAIN AHHH!! hahahahaha. butt cramps down there. ohhh Nid, Hayati, Haryani, Amirra and i decided to go jalan raya on the 1st week. wheee!! hahahah :DD i'm also going with student council :D oh yeah, the four of us, (Hayati, Nid, Haryani and myself) were talking about the class BBQ and how "awesome" it would be. dunno ahh the people who plan and set the invitations. i prefer 2E's CLASS bbq. EVERYONE got invited. and it WAS NOT during the fasting month. ALL the food was HALAL. even the GEEKS got INVITED. dunno ahh. never mind ah. still got next time. but then O Level. heck care ah. hahhahaha. tmr tuition!!! oh JOY -.-'' ninnyheads. sheesh. okay gonna go now. i'll see ya when i see ya. "Recipe for hallucinations - adrenaline plus danger plus stupidity...or something close to that anyway..."
Up, up, and away!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAORI MIRANDA YOSHIKAWA!WHEEEE!! FINALLY GET TO UPGRADE IPOD. MY OLD 1.1.1 VERSION IS NO MORE!! hahahahaha. can play GAMES. lollll. sooooo HAPPY. hahahahaha. ohhh today school was okay. hahaha. A-Math : i dont understand a single thing. sigh, i'll just wait for tuition. hahaha History: it's okay i guess. haha. i finished the work super fast. muahahaha. Hitler's life was actually really interesting and paranoid. hahaha. kill here, kill there. kill everywhere. Malay: it was okay. did work. that's it. OH Fatin watched New Moon trailers on my ipod. then Liyana was like "eh what's this?" and went to flip the thing. Fatin screamed "OI!! IT'S THE GOOD PART SO WHAT FOR YOU FLIP!!" ahahahahahaha. Liyana was like "HUH? REALLY AH?!?! OKAY OKAY SORRY SORRY" then she went to watch also. hahaha. Chemistry: Xin Yi and Wue Ying ditched. haha. then Mdm Anisa was like "has anyone seen them? Lydia, were they in Chinese class??" the whole class went "SHE DOESNT TAKE CHINESE!!" ahahahahhaa. then they burst into laughter. every teacher thinks i take chinese. hahahahha. FINALLY FINISHED MOLE CALCULATION!! went on to ionic equations. I DONT GET IT. headache ahhhh do the thing. hahaha. gosh what else happened....hmmm i remember i laughed alot but i forgot the joke. hahahaha. lame. anyway, upgrading ipod. SO LONG.... sheesh. muahahaha. anyway, going off now. ever since i decided not to find every meaning in my life,i've been fine.i've got a plan,i'm going to find out how boring i am.it's going to be fine,it's going to be fun.
YESTERDAY!! felt SUPERRRR sleepy cause last night watched vampire diaries on ipod. AWESOME. and this morning, Jem, Farah and I were freaking out over the New Moon trailer. Fatin was dissing some of the people. hahahaha. the three of us went MAD. hahahahaha. here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0bT71ZLxNk&feature=player_profilepageHD ah kau. hahahah. English, BORING 4 periods of A math, BORING malay, can tahan ah. hahaha. talked to Liyanna. we were making stupid jokes and didnt do malay. then a few mins before bell rang, we remembered we had work to complete. we were like "SHIT LET ME COPY! *copy copy copy* OKAY DONE" in about 10 mins. hahahhahaha. TODAY! ms Tan gave a long and boy, i mean LONG speech about attendance and puctuality and good results and appearance and bla bla bla. our butts were cramping there. JEEZ. anyway, Physics, Mr Ngio said all those who fail Mid Year exam need to go see him after school...which was like 3/4 of the whole class. hahahaa. Social Studies, learned about some skill for essay. haha. then she was talking about a reliable source. Nidia was like "WAN YIN IS _____" i didnt hear what she said but it sounded like horny or something. hahahahaha. Mrs Gomez was like "what was that??' Nidia: "oh, nothing...." Mrs Gomez: "really, what?" Nidia: "OKAY I GOT IT. Wan Yin is COOL" *whole class starts laughing* THEN Mrs Gomez changed the reliable source to "Kiran is dashing and hot-stuff" and the whole class just burst into laughter. hahahahahahhaa. we were like "NOOOOO" hahahahhaha, then Nidia screamed "THAT'S GAVIN AHH!!" hahahahaha then the source became... "Gavin is dashing and hot-stuff" and this statement is said by a stranger from another class, a desperate lover and his mum. the whoe class couldnt stop laughing and we kept dissing it. hahahahahaha. we were all screaming "GAVIN! SUAY AH. DESPERATE." hahahahahaha. then Mrs Gomez added the word "SMART" there. the whole class went "NOOOOOOO." hahahahahahaha. then we had to get into groups to do source essay thingy. i got Wan Yin, Daryl, Benedict and SANDEEP. hey, it was between Sandeep and Wen Hao. the 4 of us went "*looks at each other* SANDEEP" hahahaha. no one wants blur king Wen Hao. hahaha. after that had 3 periods of E-Math. did work. hahaha. after that, English. Miss Seah went to change Kiran's seat with SANDEEP. WAHHHH, PERFUME VERY STRONG AH. hahahahahha. i could smell but not that much cause blocked nose. XD Nidia, Sharon and Amirra were covering their noses cause REALLY cannot tahan. hahahahaha. it's THAT strong man. hahahahahahhaha. Chemistry, sat with Wan Yin and Yi Jie and Daryl. then finish work fast, muhahahah. then after school, met Mr Ngio then he said "TUITION IS THE POWER 5-LETTER WORD. eh no wait that's TUTOR. *starts counting* T-U-I-T-I-O-N IT'S THE SEVEN LETTER WORD. POWERRRR" hjahahahahha. had COUNCIL meeting. lectureeeeee cause PEOPLE NOT DOING DUTY, DO YOUR DUTY SERIOUSLY. after that, went to big bookshop with Kaori, Fatin and Veronice, then went to interchange with Veronice and and and TMR KAORI'S BIRTHDAYYYY!!!!hahahahahahahaha. SABO!!!! hahhahahahahahahaaha. WE HAVAE EGGS AND WATER AND FLOUR. MUAHAHAHAHA!! hahahahhahahahah. okay need to go finish A math homework :S see ya people. it's you and me and all other people
I FINISHED FILING A MATH AND E MATH FILES!! hahahahhaa. okay well, they're supposed to be filed last week but i was too lazy. and i fell sick. hahahha. well anyway, today woke up late. :S hahahaha. then when i reached school, i FORGOT i was supposed to pull flag. 10 mins late, i rushed to get the flag and hook. turns out, i was just in time. luckyyyyyy. hahahhaha. then temperature taking. ms Tan was like "all those with 37.0 and above please remain standing.....sorry i mean all those with 36.5 and above please remain standing....no wait, 37.5 and above, please remain standing" iver the PA system and we were like O_O hahahahha. PHYSICS, FREE PERIOD!! hahahahha. Mr Ngio absent. so i had one hour to complete chemistry and english compo. you wanna know what's the topic for english essay?? TEMPTATION. what the hell could i write with temptation. so i heck care write expository. Wan Yin wrote personal recount and she's gonna get HELL. cause she wrote about a husband and wife and cheating and condoms and all those stuff. well, technically every single thing we're NOT supposed to have in an essay. school doesnt allow any story with boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife etc. Wan Yin's gonna get SHIT. hahahahahha. OHHHH P.E played soccer. Mr Goh was on the other team. my team: 2 other team: NIL. hahahahahahha!!! Mr Goh was helping the other team and i was defending. then, we did some whatever thingy and i ended up going round and round trying to tackle for the ball:S it was like zig zag. hahaha. BUT THEY NEVER SCORE. MUAHHHAHA, okay enough evil. hahaha. Malay, no teacher. i cant take malay. it's not in english. and i have no idea how i'm actually going to PASS malay this time round. ugh. stupid language thingy. why cant we take french or spanish or something. it's a HECK of a lot easier. anyway, Chem and Eng lessons were a bore. A math did that graph TOA CAH SOH thingy. SHIT. I JUST REALIZED. TMR FIRST TWO PERIODS IS ENGLISH. SHIT SHIT SHIT. i hate english. well, i love the subject, it's the person TEACHING the subject. well, there goes my morning. haha. OHHHH AND AND AND NEW MOON 3RD TRAILER IS FCUKING OUT AND IT'S FREAKING AWESOME. OH MY GOD. IT'S SOOOOO GOOD!! WATCH IT! or i kill you SO WATCH!! hahahhahaahha. 6 people asked me to watch with them :S so i'm watching 6 times. hahahahahhahahaha. awesomeeeeeee. hahaha. okay going to load some vids into my ipod. see ya people. and i'm loving angels instead
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT NINA!! hahahahhaha she's....uh...she's hmm eh what's your age ah?? i forgot. hahahaha. i think 20 plus there. anyway, she's living in Australia and it's 11:14 PM there right now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! hahahahhaha. she's awesome. she used to play pranks on my uncle.hahahhahaha she also took my uncle's marriage tape. OH MY GOD I LAUGHED SO HARD. cause her voice was in the back ground AND IT WAS HILARIOUS!! *Bride coming in* Aunt Nina: alamak, mum's hair too big ah. cant see the bride. *Bride and Groom leaving* Uncle: why does it stink? Aunt Nina: oh my god i just farted. PROOOT. there it goes again. excuse me. . . . . . . Aunt Nina: alamak...terkentut again ah. (farted again ah) hahahahhahaha. FUNNY MAN!!! She turned a really touching moment when everyone starts crying to a moment when it's totally hilarious and i'm laughing my BUTT off. hahahhahahaha. there's me but i cant remember. but i laughed so hard at the fart part. hahahahhahahaha. ohhh my mum called her and now she know's i'm a twilight freak (yeah, thanks mum) and she offered to send the NEW MOON DVD HERE. i was like OH MY GOD. hhahahhaha. she was like "well, i did miss loads of birthdays cause i couldnt make it to Singapore..." i was screaming "YESSS!!! YOU CAN MISS ALL THE FREAKING BIRTHDAYS YOU WANT!!" hahhahhahahaa. okay imma update on pictures now. :P Ben on the electric chair at the science center!! hahahahah   Jen's Farewell Party:  Sherry: what the hell is in my shoe?? Yi Ren: it looks like....ew.. Kaori: WTF are they doing??? hahahahaha i'm joking
 Kaori and Sherry  Wan Yin going barefoot to a little Japanese boy     THE AFTERMATH!! after we ate. hahahahahahha. the bottom one is a little blur though   SHERRY!!  okay i know the pic's blur but it's Ben filling the plastic bag with water cause...well, we ran out of water balloons. hahahha  and this is Nidia hiding behind a bush while waiting for Jen. muahahaa. and this is also the place where she placed the water balloons on the floor and BOOM, they burst. hahahahahha
 and this here is Ben trying gto adjust Nid's camera  Nid, Ele and Amirra are doing....okay i have no idea what they're doing. hahaha  filling water balloons.... okay i update more tmr. tired ah. hahahah :D
YAY!! I JUST WATCHED VAMPIRE DIARIES AND OH MY GOD IT'S AWESOME GAHHH CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE. IT'S SO AWESOME WHEEEEE!!!! HHAHAHAHAHA. EVERY FRIDAY WATCH. OKAY. SET. hahahhahahaha i'm just too hyper. :P okay gonna go STUDY. *dun dun dunnnnn* hahahaha. i'm not colour blind, i know the world is black and white
okay quick post. cause...i'm bored. nyeheheh. fever's gone down, going to the airport to eat and my sister is currently doing God know's what and it's FREAKIN ME OUT. she's weird. really. school is starting soon AND I HAVENT STARTED ON HOMEWORK SHIT CRAP DAMN IT FCUK WHATEVERCURSEWORDTHATCOMESTOMIND hey, it's better than people LONG ago when they cursed with words like golly! or gosh! or whatever words there are. i mean COME ON! imagine cursing with GOLLY!! "i didnt do homework. Golly!" or replace Fcuk with Golly "GOLLY YOU!!" hahahahah that sounds stupid. anyway, i have loads of pictures to load. which i shall do later on because i have nothing better to do. well, i have homework but the key word it BETTER and homework is just...blegh. anywayyyyyyyy WHEEEEEE. okay random heh ANY freakin WAY, WATCH THE PROPOSAL. IT'S FUNNY SHIT. "hand off ass." "touch my ass one more time and i will cut your balls when you sleep" hahahhahahahahaha. okay gtg now. about 10 plus i load all the pics. hehehehhe "Recipe for hallucinations - adrenaline plus danger plus stupidity...or something close to that anyway..."SEE THE AWESOMENESS OF NEW MOON?!?
helloooooooooo *insert names here* today i'm supposed to go to the library to study. but thennnnnnn I FELL SICK. oh JOY. -_-'' Aint it awesome? ugh. so i told the person who i was supposed to go with that i couldnt go. person: see lahh drink coffee some more. hehehhe. well, yeah i drank like two freaking cups of coffee plus milo and watched Twilight. HELLOOOOO HYPER. hahahahha. well, today my temp went up to 38.something deg. i slept alot today. i slept frommmm 2am-4am 4.30am-12pm 2pm-6something. yes i was THAT tired. my body hurts. ughhh. i got this stupid fever from my SISTER JOY. cause she was sick. then i have to take care of her. now I'M sick. hahahaha. funny if you really think about it. oh well, at least tmr tuition cancelled. and the library thing has been postponed to next holiday. and camp is gonna be after term 4. and i have another camp after term 4 too. what a joy isnt it. hahaha i just realized i used the word joy loads of times in this post. joy joy joy joy joy joy joy. see??? loads of times. hahhaha. yeah i'm feeling really bored now. mum asked me to go lie down. but i cant. cause i dont feel like it. i mean, come on, i slept for HOURS. dude, i'm gonna get sick of that bed SOMETIME. oh well, i have to go pee. :P hahahhahaha. bye bye humans/aliens/vampire/warewolf/whateverthatcomestomind :DDDDD i'll see ya when i see ya. this song's really really nice XDyou make me smile like the sun,fall out of bed,sing like a birdcrazy on a sunday night...you make me dance like a fool,forget how to breatheshine like gold,just the thought of you can drive me wild,you make me smile....
hhahahahaha i quote Mel I didnt trip! I was checking the gravity. It still works. :D
hahahahhaha. yeah 3H just survived 4 freaking hours of physics. in the morning, woke up late :S hahaha. cause yesteerday went to grandmum's house. then babysit my baby cousin. she's soooo cute!! hahaha. she just turned one about a week ago? hahahah. she's starting the habbit of biting things, and i gave her a ball. she tried to bite the ball -.- hahahaha. i was like "EHH DONT BITE!!" and her mouth was open wide, glued to the ball. hahahaha. ANYWAYYYY went to interchange. saw Ben. then we took 69. we thought we were gonna be late. we were like *looks at watch* .....shit.... hahahahha. then we saw Cheng Sheng! then on the bus, we say this familiar guy running..... and it was Van!! hahahahahha so we got to school ON TIME. THANK GOD. and we saw Mr Ngio and his daughter!! hahahahaah. then bumped into Yu Ning... then THE PHYSICS LESSON STARTED.... *DUN DUN DUNNNNN* wahhh BUTT PAIN AHHH!! hahahahaha. butt cramps down there. ohhh Nid, Hayati, Haryani, Amirra and i decided to go jalan raya on the 1st week. wheee!! hahahah :DD i'm also going with student council :D oh yeah, the four of us, (Hayati, Nid, Haryani and myself) were talking about the class BBQ and how "awesome" it would be. dunno ahh the people who plan and set the invitations. i prefer 2E's CLASS bbq. EVERYONE got invited. and it WAS NOT during the fasting month. ALL the food was HALAL. even the GEEKS got INVITED. dunno ahh. never mind ah. still got next time. but then O Level. heck care ah. hahhahaha. tmr tuition!!! oh JOY -.-'' ninnyheads. sheesh. okay gonna go now. i'll see ya when i see ya. "Recipe for hallucinations - adrenaline plus danger plus stupidity...or something close to that anyway..."
revive the past
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
June 2010
October 2010
November 2010
my name's LYDIA
i'm 14 going on 15
i LOVE my .Student Councillors
and the AWESOME poeple in E&B and AF
if you DONT like my blog,
then LEAVE
Shooting Stars
make the IMPOSSIBLE...possible
- Go to L.A (end of next year!! whoots!!!)
- Meet the one and only DAVID JAMES ARCHULETA 07/04/09
- Meet the TWILIGHT stars
-Meet Mel and Khal in Malaysia!! :D
-see JENEVA again:DD
- Send JENEVA'S stuff ASAP!!
- the twilight saga hard cover my birthday present BOX SET AND COLLECTORS EDITION OF THE TWILIGHT BOOK
- Taylor Swift CD. she's AWESOME thanks mum!:)
- Twilight DVD!I HAVE TWO!! a 3rd one soon! THANKS MEL!
- Shadow Kiss book
- BOTH The Rob books!!
- BOTH of the Twilight books movie cover!!
- Twilight Soundtrack!! i have 2! one DELUX edition!!
- Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
- Twilight Director's notebook
- Twilight posters
- Send Mel and Khal's stuff ASAP!
- get MORE guitar picks. ANYONE CAN HELP ME GET??
- Get Khal's guitar picks ASAP!
- get mine and Jen's Archie's Christmas album!!!
- the Host book
- Blood Promise book.
- Breaking Dawn Special Edition!!
- Watch Vampire Diaries on Youtube!
- New Moon book Movie cover!!!
- WORKING earphones with MIC for SKYPE!!>
- New Moon book Movie cover! the small one. :)
- Twilight the score soundtrack!
- New Moon: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion
- The Twilight Journals!!
- New Moon posters!! <3
- New Moon soundtrack
- New Moon Soundtrack Delux edition
- New Moon Soundtrack the score
- New Moon Calander! the one from borders!!
- Twilight Calander! the one from borders!!
- New Moon's collector's edition!! it's like $51 ah wtf.Jocelyn! THANK YOU :D
- Shadowland book
- Spirit Bound book. OUT IN MAY...2010 -_-''
"Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me."
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